Immersive Ads are rolling out!

Please Roblox, do not add 2D ads.

2D ads make a huge difference to the overall game experience. A lot of lower quality apps in the App Store have 2D ads in them. Most of the time there are constant 2D ads on the screen, which makes the quality of the gameplay much worse.
If 2D ads are released on Roblox, many game developers will consider adding them to their games to increase their revenue. However, as more and more games become less enjoyable due to this change, players will lose interest in Roblox as a platform. At that point, most Roblox games will be no more fun to play than many games on the App Store.

Roblox’s implementation of 3D advertisements is a great way to advertise in experiences. The ads do not interrupt the gameplay experience and are not forced onto the screen.

Please Roblox, do not add 2D ads.


Fixes for these issues are easily achievable.

  1. They can lock the frame size to less than 30%
  2. They can set limits to 1 ad at a time
  3. They can set a time limit between when you can show ads

Because Roblox is dynamic it has the capability to take 2d ads and put them into a much more positive light. They can get the benefit of having 2d ads without the annoyingness of stopping gameplay at all, something that people will definitely take note of.


Maybe making that 30% a 5%. That would be good.

But I don’t think very many people want those “weird ads”.


We’d have to see, people may not like it because of abuse, but that might help signify that the whole game isn’t being handled by people very well.


I have the immersive ad link in my creator dashboard but upon clicking on it I only see the boxes that should have statistics saying “User does not have permissions on this resource.” What does this mean as from my understanding and it allowing me to add them to my game I should have permission?


Will creators ever be allowed to advertise things outside the Roblox ecosystem? If Roblox were like YouTube, DevEx could have more room to grow


anyone else not seeing their profits and earnings estimations from yesterday?


I am experiencing the same issue


Will this ever be available in UI/2D Space? I’m using a hacky way with viewportframes right now.


There’s a problem where you can’t make the ad bigger after a certain point, which makes it hard for the creator to display ads effectively.



Can we choose what advertisements go on the billboards?


Then it’s not an advertizement.

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ok then. thanks for the helping me with the answer!

I am curious is it actually earning revenue though?

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Immersive ads broke.

They also don’t function in-game.

…and with that, immersive ads were never seen again for eternity.


Any updates on whether this is worth it or not people?


Honestly, as a developer, I can’t see myself using Immersive Image Ads without the ability to set more sizes.

Personally, I wanted to use one as a banner dragged along by a plane, which would benefit from the longer banner ad shape.


@darkmodeonn Question, are there rules against “Incentivizing” ad viewing for players?

We can recall back to Twitch, which used to have a very lovely system - You could opt in to watching an ad for some Bits, which could be used to support streamers.

The rates on these were really good - It was a very successful system. Perhaps it paid too well, since they removed it later, but that is beyond the point - Mobile games often use this concept too, granting rewards for ad viewings.

Would this be against roblox TOS? I can’t see anything mentioning it, but perhaps there are rules somewhere I am unable to find.

I had a funny little idea - In my game Tower Simulator, where a player constructs an ever-growing tower out of bricks, players can place decorations on their tower - How funny, I thought, would it be to allow players to put Billboards that display ads on their tower? I could even grant them a few extra points for having them, just as a little benefit.

This is not currently what’s in my game, of course, merely a fun theory - To me, based on best practices of other profitable companies (Twitch and various mobile game companies), this feels like it should be allowed - Though in the context of Roblox, I can see why it wouldn’t be.

What are your thoughts?


I think i posted somewhere above on this but im gonna say it again i dont know why I would (or any dev for that matter) willingly put a portal to LEAVE they’re game can someone tell me the incentive here??

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Can these ads be generated/edited with localscripts?
For example, I want to make an ad zeppelin hovering on circles around the map, which is smoother when done locally. Would it still count for visibility?

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