Immersive Ads are rolling out!

I think this is a great idea, most people don’t pay attention to ads or use an ad blocker, when it’s in game you are more likely to notice it. And judging from the photos they look incredible, you’d be like: “Wow, that looks cool.” or “That looks like a sick game, I might go try it out!” I think this is one of the best features that’s been released in a while. But. I think this should be invite only. as this could be abused very quickly, or have the entire ad moderated pretty well to make no room for bypasses, anyways, great work!

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Image ads pay Robux for each viewable impression, which Roblox defines using an internal set of viewability criteria that considers factors such as the size of the ad, the angle between a user and an ad, and any obstruction between the user and the ad.

When we say user are we saying the Player.Character or Player.ReplicationFocus?
what if I have a custom camera that does not follow the character will that still count as the ad being viewed?


It’s an actual robbery how little these ads pay out, not even close to being worthwhile, placed them in my game for a few days just to test how they work. Am removing them immediately.


I don’t see the use of having in game ads when theres ads on the roblox website.

Yeah- ads worsen the user experience and provides very little revenue in return for developers.

We need transparency in terms of revenue sharing.

I can’t believe Roblox thinks developers are going to be okay with blindly accepting that we are getting fair compensation.


I’d assume it means the camera, since it wouldn’t matter the angle of the character.

But I also think the ads can and will be abused because you can earn robux from it and it will be abused in a bad way.


If the data on the example image isn’t made-up data, that would be about $4.50 CPM.

On YouTube, you can expect about $3 CPM.

If the data is real, then this could be a REALLY significant addition to a devs income. On games with younger, poorer players this could end up being 80% of a developers income.

#raisedevex really did come true in the end.

Although, I can’t reveal how the algorithm works I need to warn everyone: DO NOT use portals when a game initially releases or it’ll hurt the initial ranking of the game. No weekend blowups for you if you hurt engagement.

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I would just use them as background props or something if you have a city or town in your game, they’re not completely useless but it is still disappointing how worthless they kinda are tbh.

And just avoid using anything that involves portals, since that doesn’t exactly help with engagement either.

Well, I got disappointed when I noticed that I’m not able to use the Immersive Ads. I’ve sent the Questionnaire. What I’m gonna ask is if every game will have access in 2023 for Immersive Ads.

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Would it be a possibility in the future for these ads to serve things such as groups or user-uploaded content as well?
Perhaps instead of a portal, there could be a button that could prompt a popup for the player where further action can be taken.

What if you get false banned from a person spam joining and teleporting through your game?

Probably won’t be considered since the ads have a cooldown.

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Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for sharing feedback about Immersive Ads payouts! Since we are still in the early stages of rolling out, prices might fluctuate as we work on finding the right balance between available ad units and advertising budgets.

For this first stage, our main focus was making Immersive Ads available to developers, but we are working on increasing ad budgets which should lead to higher payouts for developers.


Any plans on ever making revenue share data public?


Would sponsoring avatar items (UGC) with billboard ads ever be a thing? I think it would be a great way to promote sales for UGC Creators on the platform. (Click to purchase item on AdGui)


My top game currently fluctuates between 350K and 400K Monthly Active Users, however it does not seem to be eligible for these adverts yet?

Could I get a rough estimate on when my game will be eligible for these Immersive Adverts?


dang, we cant have actual video ad’s? that a shame. that was the one chance we had of something being close to video frame. speaking of that, what happened to video frame?

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Is it normal that my Earnings Per Mille have dropped to 0 in the last 3 days?

Also my impresssions have drastically dropped by over 90%.

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We did have video ads. They were present during the 2012 (2013?) era and are now gone, just like everything else good about the platform.