Import meshes into studio with colors?

I was appalled this isn’t a feature yet. Why do all meshes get imported as plain gray? And how would I import a 3d object into studio while preserving the color?

I have .fbx and .obj .mtl of the object
i can use 3ds max or blender

ive been searching for ways to do this for hours, including the devforum, but could not find anything that worked


Please search the forum first, there’s a similar topic:


Please read the forum post before replying.


Now the problem is why those solution(s) did not solve your case of importing. Did you try using a texture instead?

Apply texture first and then paint. Export the object along with the texture and it should do the trick.

I’m not an expert on this field, but as far as I know, you need to bake the textures before exporting.
Hopefully this helps.

OP, this has been covered many times on the dev forums, I’m not sure what key words you used in your search but “texture import” gave me plenty of results. Here are two tried and true methods:


Baking a texture is a method for reducing render times, not “this texture will now upload with my mesh.” Let’s try to keep the terminology consistent with the platforms please :smiley:


Select the model and press Tab on your keyboard, then press P and then click separate by texture. Now press Tab to exit edit mode, Now click one part of the tree, i.e green. Now export as you normally would but go to the lower left corner and click export selected only. Do this for both parts of the tree. When importing to studio it will ask for location data, press yes. Then color the mesh accordingly. If this doesn’t work for you send me the .blend and I can export it for you. (Copy/Pasted from a previous post I made about this)

What you’re recommending isn’t a texture, it’s just separating the mesh by material group. Textures are more than just the material, and this solution doesn’t work if the mesh has to be a single object.

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