Impossible Roblox Captcha

I used all Browsers but nothing. I was an hour trying to log in to my account. I don’t think it’s a problem with Roblox but it may have bug something in Captcha. I hope this error is going to get fixed.

Honestly I’ve only ever had to roll images about 2 or 3 times over the course of this year, and it’s typically no more than 4 images. I find this captcha to be less infuriating than the typical “select all images with grass” captcha, but jeez, doing more than 6 image rolls sounds like an incredible waste of time. Hopefully it gets looked into.

Well roblox can talk to them or make their own. This is really unacceptable.

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This issue is fixed for me since they don’t show me the spinning wheels anymore. Instead of that I get the “pick the picture with the dice with the same icons” CAPTCHA, which are way more human-friendly!

To clarify, I do use a VPN.

Well, yes and no. Roblox is a huge platform. And this is actually (somewhat) helping with our bot problem. It is still happening due to the fact that you can still use cookies. Making their own would be pointless as what is already set in place is secure enough.

FunCaptcha is (somewhat) secure. And there are still people who make software that control their computer. Meaning they can solve the captcha just by writing code to their computer. So choosing others would probably end up in the same problem. For instance, I tried logging in to Roblox with my VPN. The captchas went on and on. When logging on with my local network, I was able to login with minimal captchas. Proving that this is more secure since people do this a lot. In fact, ranking bots in groups do that, but bypass every part by using cookies. That is actually one of (probably the only) way to bypass the captcha.

This (from what I know.) means you kinda have a threat level. Using VPN/S will result in that. It is extremely easy to figure it out. Most VPNs have a custom ISP or hostname making it easier to find if they are using a VPN.

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I know. But I was trying to say that other type of FunCaptcha is showed to me now when logging in (which solves lots of issues).


This is probably due to an untrusted user-agent/browser. Try logging in with Chrome or Safari.

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That’s true. Went to my grandparents house before to use their pc which was connected to the TV. Do not ask me why.

So I logged into Roblox Web page normally, works without Captcha. Then I go download studios, I try logging in, have to complete a Captcha but it is not compatible with the TV. So I went to the Web page to edit from there, still needed Captcha. I tried again, and then I managed to get into studios. The Captcha is quite useless if it is going to be like this.


I found a solution to pass the captcha even in that crucial moment, I simply changed the settings from factory. I was able to login back.

The Roblox Captcha is really annoying, yes I agree. However, I don’t get as many captchas or extremely hard captchas as much as you guys, but they are still annoying otherwise.

The problem with me is that the captcha thingy doesn’t even show up, it’s just blank white. Idk what to do ;-;

Sorry for the late reply, but does that mean this is a problem with Captcha and not a problem with roblox?

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Yes and no. When the tech was being ported to Roblox somewhere down the line screwed up. I don’t know who did it and when. Although, I’m confident Roblox would’ve fixed this sooner if it was there fault. Because of this, I doubt it was Roblox’s fault.

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This is not what happened. I am doing research on funCaptcha. So far what I know is not much. The threat levels are not cross site though.

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WTH man, how is a kid going to solve it? And how the heck is the picture I circled same??? Really bad no one is responding.captcha problem

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Strange :face_with_monocle:, I have from 5 to 8. I live in Russia

It’s not, that’s the point. The correct image is the bottom left corner.

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Uhh… I miss the old sign up page… However, still in these times we get hard captchas, on mobile most of them are hard. With math questions… IT’S WEEKEND!!

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the super annoying part about this is imagine you try to relog in and the password/user wrong. What i mean is u try to log in and then capta JUST to get error and it gets worse every relog process, it would add 1 IMAGES PER LOGIN ATTEMPT UNTIL IT GETS 10. Roblox do have issues with security

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