Improved Asset Description Features [Creator Marketplace]

Hey Developers!

The Creator Marketplace team is excited to announce a new suite of improvements to asset descriptions! These new features will allow creators to better present the functionality of their assets within the marketplace and help consumers improve their understanding of the options available to them. All features [Roblox links, “More from” section, Additional Images] will be available in both Studio and Web.

- Creator Marketplace [Web]

- Creator Marketplace [Studio]

Roblox Links

With this update, all Roblox links in the asset description will automatically be clickable on the Creator Marketplace web surface. This can include anything from Roblox profiles to Devforum posts.

More from Creator

All detail pages for assets made by ID or Phone Verified Creators will now automatically contain a “More from” section. This will include other assets made by the creator that are publicly available on the Creator Marketplace. This feature will help creators better publicize the expanse of work they have contributed to the marketplace ecosystem.

Note: The “More from” section will be limited to the asset type you are currently viewing. For example, when viewing details for a model, the “More from” section will include other models made by the creator. When viewing details for an image, the “More from” section will include other images from the creator.

Additional Images

All Phone/ID Verified plugin creators will now be able to add up to 5 additional images [in addition to the 1 thumbnail image] to present the functionality of their tool. Creators can upload these images via the asset configuration page in Studio.

When browsing plugins, users will be able to hover on the thumbnail to see additional images available to view. When clicking into the asset details page, users can more closely inspect this added content.

- Creator Marketplace [Web]

- Creator Marketplace [Studio]

- Configuration Page in Studio

Kapture 2023-01-18 at 14.40.40

- Image view with hover

Our team is committed to enabling creator success in the marketplace, and we hope this is a step in that direction. Huge shoutout to the team that made it happen:

@riddlemasta @Friendlyadder @QuantumOrbital @ehopehopehope @colorlessgreenideas @StickOmega1

Thank you!


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Thanks so much for this! This will make it much easier to advertise and explain how my paid products work before asking people to commit to a purchase. Up until now I’ve had to redirect people to youtube videos and devforum links, so this will be really useful!


AMAZING this brings me happiness. More improvements like this please.

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Okay, so what I have understood is that Creator Marketplace receives a tiny update in regards to having the capacity to create products via Studio with further flexibility, and links, and see more creations by the user via the website.

Essentially, this is quite great and an interesting improvement! Although, I still believe that the Creator Marketplace should have more configurations that can help developers 2x:

Amazing changes, but will there ever be a way for verified creators to make their groups verified. I personally publish many of my plugins under my group and because it’s not verified they don’t show up in studio toolbox(without applying filters). It would be amazing if there was an easy way to very groups.

Great job, this makes the plugins much more transparent as a creator will be able to show more of their functionality by images instead of just words in the description. Creators have been relying on forum posts for that for so long. Thank you so much for the improvement. Keep improving.

AMAZING, This Helps so much! These are very cool new features!!

I love this! Moving forward, can we see this also expanded to experiences?

Why do I need to give Roblox my phone number to add extra images to plugins, but I don’t need to for game thumbnails?


This is a great improvement to the Creator Marketplace. I especially like the “More from Creator” feature, it will be very useful to me. Thank you!

I really like this update. Being able to add more then one image is a great idea and will allow us to sell our assets better (when I mean sell I mean let people know more about it).

I do agree with @local_ip that it is a bit annoying that we need to be Phone/ID verified (even though I am verified via both so does not effect me) but I do understand that by theory someone could attempt to create a fake plugin or something but at the same time you can buy phone numbers online (and not massively expensive in some places if I am not mistaken).


Thank goodness! This will make plugins a lot easier to explain functionality for!


looks VERY nice and now we can visually describe how our plugins work
maybe add changes so developers can review the product by stars and how effective the product is

Great update, now we can shower what’s the plugin features for other developer

most plugins have a devforum post about it in #resources:community-resources so this is a good update

Great, but adding “recently uploaded” and the sort menu back for aged-up users would be really helpful as well…

Is there any reason that his is locked for phone/ID verified accounts only?

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Would it be possible to allow changing asset descriptions on the website, rather than through Studio? Bit of a confusing workflow, as I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to do so only to realize adding images is studio-only.

I agree with @PysephDEV in this one, it took me a while to find where to add thumbnails. I’m going to assume that the option to add images from the website is soon to be added.

Also, are there any specifics on size/resolution of the images? If an image is too big, will it be cropped or squashed?

Edit: Nevermind, I managed to find it in a screenshot in the devhub:

(Min. 576x324 px, max. 768x432 px)