Improved Place Open Behavior

Awesome update! Could we implement this behavior in the Roblox client as well? :slight_smile:


Iā€™m glad you guys are looking into smaller problems too. I hope this is the beginning of something incredible.


Opening studio was always annoying, thanks for updating/fixing it!

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Thanks for this definitely a good change.

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Awesome change! Makes it a lot easier to open OBS when I decide to stream a building or coding session, now I wonā€™t be typing my Twitch password into the Studio client.

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Thanks, this is a very nice change.
Sometimes i check my browser while my place was opening, and studio didnā€™t load/open the place. Now this is never going to happen again.

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This is cool. I would love to see this implemented into the normal roblox client aswell, since 90% of the time i just click Play and then switch to some other window such as Discord to let the game load only to have it steal the focus.


Thatā€™s a really good change that I never realized I needed until recently (now lol)

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This is amazing! Itā€™s the little things that make everything better

Side note: Is there a reason why the example videos are not screen capturedā€¦?


That is true I didnā€™t notice that at first. But tbh it isnā€™t a big deal.


I do that all the time lol
Itā€™s because loading places takes a second, and for efficiency I usually go do something else for a minute or two while my place opens ;p


This is a much, much needed updated. It makes server testing quite annoying when youā€™d like to multitask while you wait for the game to be fully set up. Thanks for this!

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Thank you for saving my studio experience!

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Thank you! This is extremely helpful when trying to open multiple windows of Roblox Studio at once and they keep competing with each other for focus.


Iā€™ll have you know those .2 seconds are valuable.


I used to keep switching Roblox Studio out of focus whenever I opened up a place, and it always frustrated me when I had to minimize it to focus into another window, or even click off. Now, I have absolutely no issues! Thank you so much.


Can we have this for the Roblox Game Client as well?


Youā€™d have to support/make the feature request for it (I think this one)

For example, the change in this announcement was based on this feature request here:

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Itā€™s the small things that matter. This may seem like a pointless update to some but itā€™s honestly a really nice thing to have. Constantly dealing with this was rather annoying depending on what else I was doing while opening studio. Thank you!

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Thank you!
Personally, this annoyed me a lot so Iā€™m glad itā€™s changed now.
I wounder if we could have a toggle option for this with studio and the Roblox game player :thinking:

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