Improved Visibility of Collaborators in Studio

Visual changes are nice but I think the real thing we need is better permissions management. Adding someone to Team Create gives them too many unnecessary permissions and we can’t even restrict simple stuff. Not important for big studios but it is important for small groups.


I was wondering what the user icons in the top right were for. Thanks Roblox, actually good change for once :+1:


Awesome changes! This was a much-needed overhaul and I’m glad you guys got to it - great work!


Great update.

A much needed and long awaited update, hoping it releases soon.


This is a really neat update, however it doesn’t seem to have fixed a pretty frequent bug where a collaborator doesn’t appear in the Team Create widget nor the new Live Collaborators widget including the upper-right corner.

You can see all the changes they make, but not what they’re selecting, their camera indicator in the viewport and they don’t appear in any of the widgets I mentioned.

They do however appear in the Players service.



Awesome update! Though we’re still waiting for a fix related to collaborators having access to a experience in a group are not able to load animations that created under said group.


This is great and all, however, are there plans to give us the ability to grant a collaborator permission to read/edit scripts? There are scenarios where I commission someone, usually someone I recently met, to code/build something, but I do not want them to READ or EDIT any code in my scripts in my experiences for security reasons (but can still playtest the experience as normal). Will something like this be possible in the future?


Hello, Great Update but i have a question

Why When someone is “Inactive” is no longer visibile in studio (Map)?
I understand that if it is inactive it is not moving however it is always within the map and I would like it to be possible for me to know where it is within the map.

(I Would Suggest to adding a Settings to enable this or disable this)

Also because he is always in the studio (Inside Studio Map)


Are there supposed to be two buttons? both lead to “Manage Collaborators” btw.


Cool update related to studio.


Hi, the newer “Collaborate” button is supposed to replace the blue button.
Restarting your Studio application should resolve this issue.


Is there a new location to turn off collaboration completely? I used to have occasional data loss with team create enabled that completely stopped when I disabled it, and I’m concerned it’ll be returning if I can’t opt out of the new system too. (Note: This was data loss when developing by myself on experiences nobody else ever touched - just having team create enabled at all occasionally resulted in studio failing to save data even though it said saves were successful)


This is really nice, but theres something I want to point out real quick

Haven’t added a collaborator to a project before? You can easily do so by clicking on the Collaborate button in the top-right corner of Studio.

This area of the Studio UI has increasingly gotten really cluttered, it would be nice to see some visual separation. This is what I clipped together in a couple minutes:


Actually I’d like to suggest a new feature for the team create which is teleporting to other users. When we press on the icon of another user, I can immediately tp to them(just like pressing F when selecting an object). This would be very useful for large games.


Any chance we’ll be able to add specific collaborators in a group game without needing to give the entire rank edit permission in the near future?


hi @extrarius the “Disable Team Create” option has moved to the “…” menu at the bottom-right corner of the Live Collaborator view, just as it was in the Team Create widget.
Can you tell me more about when you experienced data loss in TC? (e.g. was it scripts related, were there any errors/messages, etc.) We’ve made significant improvements here - we’d love to know if this is still happening for you.


hi @HeyYo87 You can jump to where your collaborator is by clicking “Join” by hovering over the user in the Live Collaborator view. This is an existing feature, and you can read more about it here .


Hey @Avallachi ,
thanks for pointing that out. It’d be great if you could post a separate bug thread with this issue, so we can have a dedicated thread for the issue. Does the collaborator eventually show up, or would they show up if you or they rejoin the TC session?


May have already answered this, but I can’t find it, do you guys have plans on developing APIs to get this externally like with OpenCloud?

I loved this new form of collaboration, but it stayed in my Studio for a few days and disappeared, I got confused, but anyway it was well designed and you can really enjoy it and know what each team is doing