Improving user experience by reducing exposure of low quality content

high-quality games are doomed. my only word.
it’s just a flood of low quality ai generated games and it seems HORRIBLE. i don’t even find a good game on the charts thingy. don’t use it.

why there are also sprunki and furry and low-quality games. they also seem to add repetitive methods to make their games featured

I’m now getting a fear of low-quality games. Blame this update for introducing even more low-quality games.



Hey, sorry for being impatient, but is anyone actually looking into this issue? Or did the staff just decide that the experiences of people complaining deserve a 100% reduction in exposure?

Please clarify, I am feeling UNHEARD!

I remember the updates trying to “increase” exposure to new games like giving them more chances to jump into the algorithm, allowing users to see new content, plus the sorts like Today’s Pick, Featured, and what not; but then this comes along and ruins everything. Honestly when I read this post for the first time, I was like: “You will see how I will fall into this thing!” Sure I did…

However, the algorithm confused me when it boosted my experience from the low 200s to 900s after such update. I thought, well Roblox is hiding other games and showing mine, (ironic indeed). Stats themselves didn’t change in my experience since new players do struggle in my experience which I am working on to hopefully fix; but the algorithm dropped my experience some days after with this reduction of exposure feature, currently reaching the low 30s sometimes.

:red_circle: Did the users complaining in this post about their Experience receiving low exposure, deserved it? Is the algorithm shadow-banning Experiences with one single low stat? Is the algorithm failing to categorize Experiences for low exposure?


Hello, can we get clarification on when exactly experiences are reclassified to remove the reduced exposure? Or at least some specifics on what exactly we need to change?

My game has been severely impacted by this for about 2-3 weeks now. We’ve changed thumbnails, icon and title to original ones, but the message on the creator dashboard remains there, and the game’s players continue to go down. The game can no longer be found on search.

Contacting Roblox support has been utterly useless and we were told that they cannot help with this.

Universe ID: 6026405541

@starrrydays @DevEngagementTeam


This update title was basically A COVER UP TO SCREW EVERYONE.

Wow great, less free robux games thats 1 point. EVERYTHING ELSE has ruined any non trend without PHENOMIAL stats. Yeah this is just for more brain rot.

Also it should be a simple fix: eliminate games with low visits or 0 players from searchh, but these lazy staff don’t think will add it till at least 2027…


For the record, Ive replaced all thumbnzils with original and very relevant art and even went so far as to change the name of my game from Escape Room Adventures to Escape Chronicles in case Roblox felt it wasnt ‘Escape-roomy’ enough. I finely combed my metadata to accurately reflect my game.

To no avail. In fact, the game dropped further to about 70 players daily, probably because of the title change. And the reduced exposure flag remains.


That is a very harmful “simple fix” that will hurt any new game on the planet as well as small games the algorithm already neglects on purpose. Not the solution at all.

@Roblox Are seriously neglecting developers over many issues at the moment and I am extremely dissapointed and feel like most developers are entirely being ignored.

Also see this critical bug falsely marked as fixed that is plaguing the QUALITY OF GAMES: Blurry / compressed materials on the desktop web-launched client despite adequate hardware availability


Bro it won’t harm anything? All it takes is one sponsor run to get over like 1k visits. They could remove games with under 1k visits from search and 0 active.

But your right, they don’t care. Seems its neglecting this post/ 1000% ignored.

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That is a very ignorant attitude and is very harmful to small developers. Your proposal will ensure any game that has low visits even once is killed. High visits != success, nor does low visits = poor quality. New games, small games, a trough after a seasonal peak of player activity, etc.


Let’s all chill out, the only ignorant attitude here is the OP that isn’t responding to any of our comments, so direct your outrage at the right people lol.


Exactly. You have to think about it: damage roblox just did: games with HUGE SESSION TIMES or great monetization stats = useless and dead on the algorithm. Or stats that are OUTRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE. While they throw preset monopiles on MILLIONS of daily new players accounts home pages that likely have red metrics in horrible benchmarks.

Thats way more damaging than basing it on just 2k visits which is not hard to maintain. Unlike a 20+ minute session time or high monetization that has 0.0.0 effect on the algorithm. One is WAY WORSE


Once again requesting that @starrrydays @DevRelationsTeam @signal_zzz read our comments and stop ignoring us.

There is something wrong with the new change and our games’ reduced exposure remains even after changing thumbnails, icons, names, descriptions to original ones. Our games are dying because of this change.


Hi @PrincipaLord18

Thank you for flagging this issue. I have filed a bug report on your behalf, and the issue should now be resolved. Feel free to tag me if you experience another related issue, and I also recommend submitting a bug report for tracking purposes.

You can find instructions on what you include in your bug report here



Thank you for flagging this issue. I have filed a bug report on your behalf, and the issue should now be resolved. Feel free to tag me directly if you experience another related issue, and I also recommend submitting a bug report for tracking purposes.

You can find instructions on what to include in your bug report here


This doesn’t seem to reduce exposure of low quality content. :upside_down_face: Questionable search algorithm!

I had to blur a few icons because of them being inappropriate :innocent:, and zoomed out by 50% to find our new game, and it was still VERY difficult to find it via search, you can find it in the 5th row & 20th column.


really had to embarrass myself to show how this change is negatively affecting our game


Unfortunately, there ain’t no way this system works, the amount of low-quality content I see up is constant still.

There’s a game where every day people are commenting that they were scammed/not given purchases, that was a re-upload of a game that literally was put into Pending Review due to it’s usage of minecraft textures, and was simply re-uploaded to avoid having to go through the review process, which lead to the scamming of thousands of users out of thousands of real dollars, which despite constant reporting - both before and after this “low quality content” update, has not been dealt with.

Not only that, but the game itself is basically named and set up identically to the game that was placed under content review - If this system doesn’t immediately catch re-uploads of moderated games, even when reported, what can it actually catch? The game in question has HUNDREDS of active players still!

I’ve also noticed shovelware games with poorly AI generated thumbnails and very low quality game content get uploaded, and I get the feeling they aren’t getting reduced in viewership either.
But that’s nothing compared to a developer that’s gone unpunished for scamming it’s audience out of who-knows-how-much robux/money years ago still being up.

This feels like a step in the right direction, but I sincerely doubt this system will be prominent enough to deal with any actual low-quality content so long as Roblox is profiting from it.

While we’re at it, why doesn’t low-quality group wall content come into effect here? Development Groups making thousands of dollars on Roblox HAVE to moderate their wall, as Roblox clearly is not capable of it.

Naturally, the group wall of the game mentioned before is 99% spam - Thousands of offsite directions and bots. They make plenty of money, and should be able to reduce the spam output, but refuse to do so, putting Roblox players in jeopardy.

There is no way to report an unmoderated group wall, it just fills up with spam and scams. And yet the games in the group, remain favored by the algorythm. This must be addressed. Groups with high quantities of undealt with spam on their wall should be visibility limited until it is shown that they are actively moderating their wall, or disable it.

As a developer, I see other developers with horrible practices pass by me every day and I am left to just… deal with it. Does not matter how many rules they appear to have violated, how much money they have extracted from players who will get nothing in return, or how unmoderated and vile their group pages are. Reports are unheard, and systems like this don’t seem to achieve anything.

I love Roblox. And I love developing for it. While I do not want to cause any trouble, and think Roblox has genuinely good intentions most of the time, the moderation system has been a point of critique for a significant amount of time, and an Algorithm-powered Visibility Limiter for “Low Quality” content will never catch the actual problems on Roblox.


This game isn’t “Low quality content” enough to be visibility reduced. I get that. It probably meets a minimum bar, certainly - But the visibility limiter system should consider games from groups with other Moderated, Un-Appealed games in it as being likely bad to feature; As well as groups with poor Group Wall spam ratios.

That, in my honest opinion, will capture more “Low Quality” and “Scam” content than anything Roblox’s current algorithm is doing.

A lot of these are games that were purchased up by large corporate entities.
They shovel enough ad budget in to keep these games operational, and then completely abandon the groups associated to be full of spam & scam links, unmoderated, and then employ shady measures if their poorly managed purchased products end up breaking the rules, like re-uploading without appealing. Did they fix the original rule breaking occurance? Maybe, who knows! But they didn’t go through the correct methods, and despite what is likely hundreds of reports by hundreds of players, if not more, games like this are completely untouched.

If the “Low Quality” content detection cannot deal with this, then it can deal with nothing - that is my current opinion. The groups that produce and allow this are what needs to be carefully watched - So that low-quality brands can’t establish trust-reducing branding.

@DevRelationsTeam What are we - What am I, a developer who calls this platform home - supposed to do about this sort of thing, when all attempts are completely ignored?


Will this remove the arabic fortnite games that use the default battle royale template from 3 years ago?

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Y’all be clickbaiting with this title…

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The “shadow ban” is lifted, I can search up our game easily now, compared to having to scroll very far to find it. Thank you! And I apologize for my past rude behavior regarding the issue.
For those who are still going through this issue, I wish you the best!

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Maybe to reduce the amount of low quality content Roblox should remove the AI coding helper from studio, and possibly ban certain plugins that basically build an entire game for you.

I really do think this would be a good moment for transparency regarding their plans to improve this system and what information they’ve figured out from running this little test run of this system - A lot of people are concerned about things like false positives and I have certainly expressed my fair share of concerns regarding the fact this step feels like a very “half measure” step to roblox’s general moderation problems, so I think we’re all hoping to see what the next “step forward” is for this system/problem going forward to put our concerns in the past. Thank you.