Incoming Adjustment to 'Pending Sales' Waiting Period

This is a bad idea, this will severely damage small developers and even some big ones.


Why longer? Roblox can already reverse transactions within the current 3 day period. I am very against this change as I use shirts etc. to transfer Robux into group funds so that it’s easier to pay artists and developers.

Most fraudulent transactions are reversed within 24 hours of the sale assuming the user sends a support ticket. I have never known a case where the transaction has taken longer than 72 hours to reverse.

Do not do this.

To quote a reply below (I can do this)? This will create more scammers than prevent them.


I agree. People usually demand up-front payment before they get started; and this can delay payments, and increase scammers as people can say it’s pending, when it isn’t, then exile them and run away with the assets.


This is bound to have a lot of bad reception, 3 days was already bad enough. If this was to ever get updated it should’ve been to lower the time instead, smh :confused:


Are you preventing Premium payouts alt-farming?

You should also have trades pend before being sent to the other user.
I have 7 spam trades from the same person.

Edit: All current pending funds should be payed out before this update goes out.
Imagine how someone would feel if they would have to wait 4 more days because of this update.


I am not going to lie, but I really disagree with this adjustments being made to Pending Sales. We would have to wait 3 days just to get our sells to pend, but making that time longer is even worse when it comes to ROBLOX advertisements. You now have to wait a bit more longer to DevEx, to advertise, etc. 3 days was already bad enough with the additional of a 30 percent fee.

My question is does this relate to the changes on how you advertise on Roblox? I heard they lengthen the amount to 28 days of advertising, and I am just wondering if you are increasing longer waiting periods because of that!

This is my full opinion and honesty in this post. I hope you appreciate that! <3


Highly agreed. Roblox seems to be lacking on improvements from a users standpoint and making updates only to the company’s benefit being “money-wise” or “not have to work so much” kind of settings.


If you lower the tax then I’d be fine with this, 30% taken away and a 7 day waiting time for months of work doesn’t seem fair.


I am not a fan of this. As someone who uses Roblox and my commissions as a way to help myself financially on Roblox along side what little I earn from my unemployment, this is terrible. For some people, Devex is literally a matter of whenever a bill gets paid or someone has food on their table and this is devastating news. At least give devs a bigger time period for when it all starts.


Ridiculous, the difference for secruity between a week and half a week will make little to no difference. I thought three days just to receive commission funds was long enough. Stop thinking about the players all the time and focus on the people who make your platform viable.


So as of this time, we have to wait 3 days to get our funds and that’s the same for group funds. But now, starting October 27th, we have to wait 3-7 days for this. This honestly screws up the developer exchange and the ability to use the robux we gain from our games if we have to wait weeks to get our robux. I guess there is more fraud going around but I don’t see this helping fraud anymore than the 3 day wait period. This is just my opinion but I feel its rather accurate.


I understand this may make it easier for you guys but I think 3 days is already enough. Honestly- I don’t believe extending that period of time will really help much. Sure it may help you guys find suspicious activity faster but that just 1 problem that you will solve while many other problems will arise. And you should have asked us first if we agree. Our opinions do matter…


First of all, how will this work? Would a bot be checking the pending sales? If so how would it work, and would it mess up?
Next, I mean no offense but, 3-7 days! If you can’t do this in a whole week, there needs to be another process for this. I also feel that this is a bit concerning, you said there would be privacy, so if there is real people checking these transitions, I don’t think anyone wants people knowing how much money they make, and what if someone leaks that? What would be any prevention of that?

People have developers to pay, if you can’t pay your developers for a whole week! Then your developers will be seriously mad, I would be.

Ok, let’s listen to the good side now, yes, there needed to be a huge security update about this, however this does it mean there should be a bigger time stamp. If you can’t check a transition in 3 days why are we making a update that will make the time for getting your money longer?


I don’t understand why Roblox is implementing collective punishment, so maybe 0.0001% of the roblox population is being fraudulent, so you’re going to punish the entire roblox development community for it??? There has to be another solution to this problem, please revert this change.


Band-Aid solutions… How about actually improving security instead of just creating temporary fixes that really won’t do much?


Is it the more robux you earn, the longer Roblox keeps it?


Regardless of the amount, they hold it pending for 3-7 days.


A whole week to get your Robux from sales to pay people you owe, or use it to pay off anything is just an absurd amount. Instead of increasing the pending time for Robux so Roblox staff have a chance to get to scam reports, maybe work on having more support staff, or a more efficient system so that staff are able to get to scam reports quicker.


I clicked this expecting to hear that you guys finally lowered the time and now i’m leaving in a really bad mood. If there was any update that i genuinely hated through out the years i’ve been deving on this platform it has got to be this one.


Why would you guys do this, I know it’s to stop fraud. But this is worse it used to be 1 day and you guys made it 3 days, that created problems and now your making it 7 days?! I’m sorry but this is horrible for us developers because it takes a while for us to to developer exchange, PLUS the wait it will become way worse. Us developers run roblox without us there would be no games or any way for you to make money, why can’t you listen to us for once? I think this is a bad update and the pending is already good the way it is.