Incoming Adjustment to 'Pending Sales' Waiting Period

Roblox: Increases the pending sales wait time saying their ‘helping security’

Also Roblox: does nothing to stop the influx of virus plugins on the Plugin Library, which can do much worse stuff than just steal Robux.

If you’re claiming increasing the payout time is helping security, please also remove every single plugin from the front page that has an obfuscated script because, it’s clearly malicious, and gives people backdoor access to your game which IMO is more dangerous that scamming someone out of Robux.


I can’t stop replying to this, sorry y’all but 3-7 days? Like seriously. 3 days was already enough, the Captcha systems are horrible, Along with the roblox customer support bot responses? You can’t even get a real human response, This is not helping us.


Essentially whenever it goes to Seven days we will have a four day period where we have zero funds for advertisements, during Halloween. If this is implemented I wish they’d taper it so that it didn’t do as much damage to our advertisement schedules.

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I honestly am going to hate this.

3 days was already such a long wait and now we have to wait even more?! 7 days is WAY too long. This is honestly something that in my opinion should be reverse since it is going to impact more smaller developers.

Roblox should be looking at the account security and fixing 2fa and other things. This isn’t going to really help and it makes it more painful for hardworking small developers. This update is going to do more damage than repair.

Maybe make an adjustment to selling limiteds like adding a pin. You could also change some settings.

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Developers having the ability to begin launching games and groups is already at a gap that is hard to reach. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is the 3-day pending period; making the pending period longer would only weaken the Developer’s ability to launch groups. This is one of the most negative changes I could comprehend on the platform in a while.


Developers who need to change accounts for any reason… I personally wouldn’t want to wait 3 months.

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Its legit insane that they would even SUGGEST the fact to make it 7 days. I really am disappointed. 3 days is already so bad .

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I’m not trying to be rude, but has there ever been so much of a need to implement this? We’ve been fine before.

Shouldn’t you… I don’t know, ask us if we want these updates first? Or atleast ask us for feedback on how to make these changes better so they’re not so overwhelming?


Exactly my problem, we do sponsors every day and we’re gonna have to go without for four days.


I have two questions about this. Will this increase the waiting period for getting premium payouts earnings in your Roblox account/group?
Second it is sometimes necessary for users to have Robux in their groups, say to payout devs. Or more specifically in my case you have to use group funds for badges for group games. Currently the only way to manually get funds into your group is to sell a t-shirt, which does require premium, then you lose 30% of the Robux and you currently have to wait 3 days for the funds to appear in the group when it is Robux the group owner is adding. Could their possible be a feature to manually load funds into a group or to purchase badges for group games with Robux in your account instead of group funds, because we can use Robux in our accounts to upload group audios and to purchase new role sets.

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I understand why this feature was added, but 3 days was already very long, and it made it difficult to pay developers and reinvest in games. Now that it’s up to a week, it’s going to be much more difficult. This will hurt small developers more than anyone else.

7 days is a long time. It was difficult enough to pay people with a 3 day wait time, now having to wait even longer than that? Not a fan.

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We need more information as to what’s defined as risk or fraud. What is put in place so innocent developers are not affected? What if we have to pay out large amounts to our developers will they also be flagged due to high amounts of Robux, more info would be much appreciated.


Please reconsider it, and make it so it will only last that long if the sum of funds is bigger than let’s say (5k), because otherwise it will do more bad than good.

P.S(I am a poor developer so 5k is alot for me, you may as well do 10k.)

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I find it really sad that I thought that this was going to be a positive change, when I clicked this I was thinking the wait would be shortened, as much as I understand that it’s for security reasons, there has to be a better way of dealing with this.


Yes I am a small developer just trying to start a good group. I don’t think many developers will be able to sleep now don’t you think? I clicked thinking y’all lowered the waiting period but now, not only do we have to wait a Week but we also get taken 30% tax, and where did “fraud or abuse” come from? Please… I need to feed my kids.


Honestly tired of these terrible updates, this screws over so many small time creators (eg. Artists, Designers, etc…). Three days was a long enough wait combined with the 30% tax which is already terrible enough, But you guys are increasing the wait time which is completely unnecessary and it won’t stop scams, usd sellers will just find a work around like they always do.

Who does this even help?
like I literally had my account compromised and lost 7M+ and Roblox support completely denied my rollback saying I got my items offsite when I spent years trading/developing.

Also I planned on releasing a game soon, and now I’m going to have to spend 7x more before earning my money back from Sponsors/Ads.

I think i might have to opt-out from this platform


I like how everybody is saying this will hurt small developers, well I am a small developer. I’ve just released a game with my team, and now I have to wait seven days to receive my funds? This is ridiculous. You know, I’ve always defended the Roblox developer community for being pretty active and overall being a good platform to get your start on. But this, this is ruining it. I don’t know who made this decision but it is absolutely ludicrous that we need to wait a whole week on top of the 30% take. This is why people do things through paypal, so we can bypass this mess of a compensation system. My god, listen to these people, nobody likes this. I’m very disappointed in the roblox staff for this decision.


The largest issue with this is reinvesting into your game(s). For example, if you have a first person shooter game that needs multiple players to function, you’ll need to spend a lot of R$ on ads. Now that it takes 3-7 days, reinvesting into your ads will take longer. If your old players come back to your game within that week, and there are very few players, they will leave, since the game would be boring. When you run ads again after you get profits, you’ll only be restarting your player base, not growing it.

This update has more negative impacts than positive impacts.


This is a good change for the big picture I think. Though, hopefully there is some kind of loyalty system in place. If you’ve been using DevEx legitimately for years you should be trusted right?