Incoming Adjustment to 'Pending Sales' Waiting Period

How do you know? Just because you’ve been fine doesn’t mean there aren’t problems with this.

Or, instead of making us suffer such a possibly long wait time, why not try to improve security another way so we DON’T need to have this update?

You know there’s something wrong when the majority of the people replying disagree with this update. PLEASE take our words and suggestions into consideration! Because we don’t agree with this at all.


This decision does not make much sense to me. I think the overall outcome of this new waiting period for pending Robux will be far more negative than positive. Paying developers, running ads, and many more group/game-related tasks that use robux has always been made harder than it should be because of the 3 day pending period. For example, when I launch a group or game, I have to have enough robux saved up for 3 days worth of ads because of the pending period. Extending this will multiply that by seven. I believe a fair alternative would be to secure funds in the group for 3-7 days and not allowing payouts during that period, but allowing robux to be spent on ads or sponsors directly. This way, players will have the option to run ads with the money that they have earned immediately. Players can not pay people out or be questioned for fraud if the only thing they can do is run ads or sponsors. This will also counter scamming and fraud on Roblox using payouts because of the inconvenience it causes by being limited to only certain features. All in all this decision I feel was very poor and I do very well hope it gets reconsidered.


Absolutely not, at least not based on how long you used it. Using DevEx for a long time ~= you are trusted.


I haven’t seen many people complain about this in the past, if at all. And even if what I said wasn’t true, there could be more done to prevent this update from needing to be implemented, or atleast, made less severe.

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As much as I feel like Roblox should try their hardest to abolish fraud and making the platform more “safe and secure”, I really do not see the point in modifying the current hold time taking in the fact that there is only so much you can do to defend against this. Simply extending on the time is not a very good approach to the situation at all and it would make payments for small developers much harder. There should be a better solution instead of editing the current security measures.


I feel like there were so many more options on how to fix this problem. Couldn’t the person that’s comping the other person just buy a limited and trade it off? What is making robux in our group longer to get gonna help out?

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I really disagree with this update. 3 days is already bad enough to get some sort of payment. What if a builder or a scripter is getting a commission and yet they need to wait a week just to get that payment. I really think we should keep it at 3 days or at max 4 days.


I understand that this is for security but a whole week is a lot. I mean for premium payouts you already have to wait a whole 28 days then another 3 days but now that will be another week!


I thought I’d chip in on this thread while everyone else is. Firstly, let us look at new developers…

Developers that are new to the Roblox platform are going to be one of the hardest-hit groups, not the hardest but this change is definitely going to change their experience on the platform and not for the better. These developers who already don’t earn much as it is will be subject to longer waiting times, and the inability to fund their already small communities due to this change. Developers who are starting out on the platform are going to feel like their Robux are being held for no good reason, which is not the kind of experience they should be having.

Now, this update won’t hit seasoned developers or contractors that bad, but it will affect large group owners tremendously. The group owners I’m talking about here have a large enough audience to make a good amount of income but are not large enough to have good contacts with Roblox staff or other notable people. These group owners & developers will find themselves bring in around 10,000 to 30,000 every few days or so and will probably be subject to even longer waiting times due to this new update. This could be detrimental for group owners that fall in this category. They have development teams and contractors to pay and look after, and putting holds on their funds is the opposite of the correct answer, especially when there is also issues now with group owner’s inability to pay out contractors due to waiting times.

Overall, as many others have stated, this feels like a bandaid over a bullet hole. This is far from the right solution in my opinion. Regardless of the effectiveness of this update on the Roblox ‘black market’, this is a temporary solution that will always be worked around by those who are driven enough. Things like scamming, account theft, etc will happen in any online economy.


I am not particularly happy with this change either. DevEx wait times are difficult enough. Considering my Robux tends to trickle in, this will effectively offset my DevEx payment time by a week. This can become problematic for a number of reasons.

I believe the issue could be mostly resolved if there were some sort of way to make a fast-track program for reputable members, for instance, if a transaction occurs from someone who has consistently made non-fraudulent payments in the past going to someone someone who has consistently made non-fraudulent payments, the time should be reduced drastically if not omitted entirely. A great deal of factors can be used to decide this, such as account age, purchase and sale history, and more.

While a fast-track program will undeniably raise issues of its own given the narrow selection range, I can say with some level of confidence that it would be a solution better received by the community because it makes efforts to relieve those in good standing, even if it doesn’t benefit everyone.


I work within groups, and for me to make any sort of badge, I have to put funds into the group and wait three days. if this change does happen id have to wait nearly a week just to make a badge.


To everyone disliking this, I have to say this. Robux has a monetary value because of DevEx. Roblox doesn’t want to give away free money because someone hacked the system. Sure it’s going to be painful, but there are reasons behind it.

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I’m speaking on behalf of those opposed to this change here,

We understand that there is reasoning behind this change, however this change is a temporary solution to a larger issue that can’t be resolved by continuously increasing the wait time.

There are better ways to go about cracking down on scamming, account theft, etc.


I do not agree with this update, this is useless. First off, people need to pay one another. Possibly an update on this, where certain people such as groups with 100k+ group members, etc. get a 0-3 day pending time. 3 days is long enough. People need to pay their devs, artists, etc. and some people do not take shirt payment for commissions, so they have to wait 7 days just to get their robux. A whole week for 2 robux for example? What if you need 10k more robux to DevEx and it’s pending? Too much time. DevEx takes long too. Terrible update, change my mind.
On top of that, some of us has games to invest into, and update in the middle of days, randomly, or each week, which we have to wait for funds to roll in to invest. Some days don’t make as much as the others, so we have to wait days to invest, and have to wait longer sometimes to invest on good days at good times.
Also, imagine Roblox releases a limited in a couple of days and everyone knows about it, you are a few robux off. Your friend wants to donate via shirt, it would take a whole week. To pay them back, you would have to wait a whole nother week after.


DevEx is highly selective and does not include fraudsters. People who commit fraud will not and do not have access to devex. The community is pushing back because this update will hurt more than it will benefit.


Frankly this is simply absurd. It’s going to impact the Roblox development community massively especially those who rely on their group funds to continue their work.


Love this idea, a lot of the time it seems like they completely overlook their trusted creators in favor of what they believe to be a blanket solution, Which is never the case.


Making pending funds from 3 days to up to 7 days not knowing exactly when is unpredictable, funds coming in on random days not knowing when, its unreliable for owners paying staff, it’s not very benificial to smaller designers, already roblox takes 30% of our profit on each asset? This update feels needless compared to all the other problems roblox is facing right now.


I really don’t think this is the best way to combat robux fraud/compromises. Something like an optional pin to sell items and complete trades would have much higher effectiveness and much less expense…