InCommand - versatile, adaptable command execution

I’ll make sure Elttob receives this, thank you!


I’m already aware of this issue and have found what’s causing it - these errors occur when then update checker can’t fetch the latest version.

The entire update system needs a rework - I’ve been working on a better system for a while now, so until that’s implemented hopefully these errors aren’t too intrusive :slightly_smiling_face:


Would this work in this case? Pretend I wanna test this chance system but I’m to lazy to detect when you click on a button. Can I just use this to run the code whenever?

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Yup, that’s the point of this plugin! You can paste your code block into the plugin and run it there at will.

PS. I love your username


Thanks! :slight_smile: Ill buy the plugin right now seems really useful!

Check line 70 of your code for any subtraction operation, because that error message states that the error is in your code.

For reference:

As you can see, that type of error shows up when you run faulty code.

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No update. Plus, you’d know if it updated since Roblox requires you to update your plugins manually.

My guess is that you’re operating on something in workspace like a NumberValue that no longer exists. Since you aren’t sharing your code, I have no way to help you.

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Resolved in DMs. As expected, it was faulty code, not a plugin bug.


Thought you may want to know, someone copied the plugin.

Link removed so that it doesn’t get spread.


Thanks for the report - we’ve forwarded this on to Roblox to deal with.

In future, it’s probably better to send in DMs so the link doesn’t get spread :slightly_smiling_face:


Of course. I will edit out the link.

So, InCommand cleared all of my command save data. :confused:
Looking at this thread, it looks like I’m not the only one, either.

This has happened a few times for me, but I could never verify if unrelated plugins were doing something weird with plugin data so I didn’t report it. But it’s just happened again and I think I found the smoking gun.

It seems that it’s tied to it erroring on trying to update. If it helps, I encountered this bug after I resumed my computer on sleep with Studio open. I’m on Windows 10. I really liked this plugin because it allowed you to steadily work towards game workflows that would be impractical to put into a bunch of tiny plugins. Needless to say, a lot of that benefit is canceled out if it occassionally throws up and tears all your commands away with it…


Thank you for releasing this. I wish I knew about this earlier.

Just a minor workflow thing, it would be nice to be able to rotate the single window version, such as a horizontal version of the single window (rather than just vertical).

Would just make it work a lot better for my placement at the right sidebar, see reference image below. Plus better customisation overall.


Good feature request, added to our list. Thanks!


Would you be able to make it so that in the script window the up and down arrow switch lines like they do in the normal script editor or is that not possible? I haven’t messed with plugin development at all yet so I genuinely don’t know. Otherwise solid work.

I’ve implemented that behavior for TextBoxes in game, but plugin input events don’t fire if you’re focused on a textbox- meaning I literally cannot detect if you’ve pressed your arrow keys. It’s extremely frustrating.

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Nothing to say, other than thank you and I will be using this!

There is a workaround for this actually!


Will look into doing something with that, thank you!

Edit: Nope, when you’re focused in a TextBox, that doesn’t fire, just like everything else. :frowning:


I’ve been eyeing this plugin for a while, and I wish that I bought it sooner. It’s absolutely amazing.
Although the features of “auto-fill” like you put into the script “sc…” and press tab and it fills in script. And also “gui errors” there’s and error like “global tea is only used in the enclosing function consider changing it to local” aren’t in it, but I mean, there’s only so much you can do with a plugin, but it’s still a great time saver for running scripts.