InCommand - versatile, adaptable command execution

But something annoying it’s missing is a horizontal scrolling frame.


Unfortunately, it seems the plugin has broken. :frowning: All of my data has been wiped from the plugin, and it does not save. I am also getting this error in the output, not sure if it is related or not:

It seems this is happening to others as well:


Not trying to be rude or anything but essentially this is the same as Roblox’s command bar with a prettier UI + Script load / save. Or isn’t it?

Yep but it’s a lot more useful than the default cmd bar (not including the tab to auto fill)

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Hi there, just wondering if that problem has been fixed for you since I’m planning to buy the plugin primarily because it’s quick and it can save scripts.

I’d like to if the problem has been fixed.

It has not been fixed yet.

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Well that sucks, looks like Roblox has forgotten about plugins when making changes to the API again.

Guess that’s one more method that needs hacky workarounds to replace it…


Not sure where that error is coming from - thanks for reporting. Will look into it asap :slightly_smiling_face:


Love the plugin! Are you able to make it so it automatically sets the horizontal scroll bar accordingly if the current line code does not fit with the window, just like the vanilla script editor does? Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback! We’ll take a look at the scrolling behaviour and tweak it for a future update :slightly_smiling_face:


Just published an update to InCommand to address some potential performance degradation when checking for plugin updates. This should also address previous errors to do with the PluginUpdates module - it’s been completely reimplemented with a new backend which should avoid any large yield times.

This is separate from existing update plans, btw! This is not a feature update, just a patch.

If you run into any issues, please get in contact! Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey @Elttob I have feature request. Please let us allow to “update” saved scripts :pray:.
Anyways thanks for godly plugin!

If you save a script with the same name, it’ll overwrite the existing saved script.


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I still think something such as “Update” button with previous versions of the script can be really handy, but thank you for this I didn’t know about it :D!


I’ve been thinking a lot about the design of InCommand; I definitely think a rework of how the whole ‘saved scripts’ side of InCommand works is on the table right now.

I think we can do better with that entire workflow :slightly_smiling_face:


I love using this plugin to write code on the fly to make development easier, but one of my biggest pains is having to repeatedly press backspace to exit tabs.

Would it be possible to replicate the default script editor behavior where pressing Shift + Tab will remove a tab from the line your cursor is on?


Hey! I was working on a plugin that included UITheme changing. Thats not the purpose of me being here though, Each time I changed my theme I got an error from the plugin. Thought I’d bring it up.



Thanks for the bug report - I’ll make sure to look into that!

It depends - it’s really difficult to work with keyboard inputs inside of plugins, since we don’t have access to UserInputService and TextBoxes tend to sink all keyboard input. We’ll see what we can do about it though - this is a major pain point :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not sure if this is a problem from my side, but sometimes when I open the plugin the Gui is all messed up and I need to restart studio to fix this issue. And I cant seem to resize the Widget. Also the saving system is a bit clunky In my opinion and needs a revamp. A lot of my scripts get lost super easily for some reason.



That looks like a Studio issue - not much I can do about that.

As for saving scripts, I’m currently redesigning that entire part of InCommand. No promises about what it’ll end up looking like, or when it’ll arrive, but it’s in progress :slightly_smiling_face: