Increase Range Limit of Lights

the problem is that there is not much transparency within a dev team, so we dont know if they’re even working on it or not so i can assume by recent updates they don’t really bother with lighting


Really, one of the workarounds in this issue is to create a huge and to put a surface light on it. Then, you can add a beam to make it look like you’re going 60+ studs. This is better (AND LESS LAG) instead of multiple point/surface lights. The only problem with this is that the shadow resolution cuts in half and makes it look unrealistic.


huge bump, have hated the range limit since forever. Adding the ability to specifically select certain lights to be not effected by the range limit, or adding the ability to attach a custom range to each light, would make a lot of bigger games look so much better.


I don’t know if this information is correct or not. I got the information from Youtubers.

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You can switch the animated faces to be 2D, but it doesn’t change how they initially look.


After many years, the maximum range of the light sources is still at 60. How hard is it to increase a damn number?


Here again to show support for this idea!

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Elttob gave an in depth response as to why. I suggest reading this before calling this “as easy as increasing a number”:


You actually can, Roblox disabled Future is Bright for mobile devices but kept it enabled for all computers. This literally shows it is possible, and why would you feature lock developers that DO NOT make games for mobile, clearly shows Roblox is “Powering Imagination”.


This is literally going to cause more lag than just having fewer lights but with longer distances, why do people complain it will ruin performance for low end devices when using MULTIPLE lights just to cover that space will cause a higher significant frame drop.


This is because future is bright is not gameplay altering. A Roblox admin mentioned this previously but if a feature’s device specific performance limitation affects what a developer may treat as a gameplay critical aspect of their experience; such feature is way less likely to be developed. Having a decreased light range limit on mobile may possibly alter gameplay aspects unintentionally such as making it inpossible to see due to light ranges being capped at a much lower range.

Also, future is bright is planned to be shipped on Android in the near enough future iirc

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Same thing that I also thought. Roblox needs to to stop capping or limiting features because 1 platform couldnt handle it.
Even if it breaks on certain platforms like mobile, that would be the developers problem not theirs, for which you can implement a solution for said platform.

Great example is writing shaders on Unreal or Unity. If the shader does not work for a certain graphics API, you can simply make a fallback or replacement shader for said graphics API.

At the end of the day, not a singular engine will make everything perfectly automated, developers will need to be able to adjust the engine to their needs for each platform. Scalability & Access is the key here.


Bumping this thread until ROBLOX acknowledge this.
It’s so important and I agree that shaders would be a GREAT addition, especially if they want more realistic games on the platform. I understand shaders aren’t an easy feature, but i’m sure they got the resources to do it.


this is a useful feature that shouldn’t be too difficult to add and it is useful for other developers

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I mean, Minecraft has shaders. And Mojang has way less employees!!

Mojang only has around 700.

Roblox has over 2,100.

Minecraft Bedrock, which is on all platforms (even Nintendo switch), is getting shader support. And they look nice!!

So I feel like Roblox definitely has the resources.

But, of course, they aren’t going to release shaders for Years, because they haven’t even gotten Video Frames finished.


IIRC, it’s because of the vast diversity in target hardware, and the fact that shaders generally have to be written for every type of rendering backend be it D3D or OGL. Some devices might support all shaders, some might support none, some might support some, and some might perform unexpected behavior. There’s no standard agnostic shader framework which just makes this all but less difficult.


Again, Roblox needs to give us the toolkit to access these options.
DirectX 11, Vulkan and Metal are very solid graphics APIs, as for OpenGL, which is not that good and old, which should not receive much more support anyways. Its the developers problem in the end if OpenGL mobile users cannot render a shader, light or whatever properly. Simply use a fallback option that is viable for said Graphics API if it is being used.

Roblox needs to give US the ability to decide what to do for each platform, I don’t want this option to be out of my reach due to “performance” reasons. I am a DEVELOPER its my job to make sure performance and visuals are properly done for each platform. If there is a fundamental issue with something not working for a platform or graphics API, you should be able to use fallbacks like every single other indie game dev engine such as Unreal or Unity!


Minecraft shaders are made by the community for java edition as for bedrock idk I don’t use bedrock edition.

The fact that the community makes shaders means that there is a LOT more people working on them compared to Roblox.


The only shader Bedrock really has right now is ray tracing, but it looks really bad, entire game looks like plastic.

Java uses both ray tracing and fake lighting to give better lighting effects

Anyways, this change would be great, hope it comes.

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Where was I mentioning the quality of the shaders??

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