Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

The only problem with this is that, people will just not use Guilded locked features.

Discord has always had, and will always have a monopoly over gaming communities. Roblox shouldn’t be working against that.


I don’t think people hate guilded, but discord is doing some stuff better, and over all has a larger amount of users.

Few things I personally hate about guilded, just because discord does them better, are:

  • guilded’s search bar is much poorer than discord’s (you can’t search messages that are said before or after certain dates)
  • a lot of parts of guilded are laggy (I’m running guilded on my pc, and i have like 128gb ram, not sure why it lags so much)

Both platforms are nice honestly, guilded offers paid discord features for free which is a + while discord allows people to change themes, and has an overall more appealing interface that is also user friendly (not talking about the atrocious mobile ui)

I think, both platforms have their ups and downs, but I don’t see myself personally using guilded over discord for my community, just because discord has far more users, therefore more audience, I’m a huge hater of lag, so any bit of lag I get while using an application frustrates me & right now Discord seems like a much smoother experience.

I still use guilded for certain roblox-related communities, and I’m active everyday on it, but the lag keeps me away from fully switching to guilded.

Anyways the post is about group announcements, not differences between guilded and discord haha, so gonna leave it to this


Werid April Fools update but I’m fine with more Guilded integration (despite the fact I don’t really use it)

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Competition is a good thing and Discord shouldn’t just stay at the top as an undisputed platform.

Competition ultimately serves to help the people using the services/product. Unfortunately competition doesn’t really help when they’re continuously slipping and falling at every opportunity it has.


It is not about competition, it’s about Roblox attempting to force peoples hand which is going to backfire.

Roblox should always focus on main site integration of any new features that is on their roadmap, not forcing users to sign up to third party software to use Roblox stuff.



i’m about to create a guilded server just so i can use this update bc it’s too good to not use. does this mean we’re not allowed to swear at all in our linked communities? or just the announcements?


Please don’t make Guilded required to use this. This is a feature that should just be baked into the website. The group page in general is already under baked with features that should be present in 2024. This is a step in the right direction, but just seems like a way to force users into using Guilded as a platform.

My community doesn’t use Guilded. As much as I would like to use this feature, I don’t want to make what would essentially be an empty shell Guilded server just to make announcements.


Hello fellow forumians!
Let’ s play their game!
Instead of allowing our communities to be forced to move to guilded, just create a private server for you and your management, and simply create an announcement channel to use the feature.

Don’t give them the satisfaction of moving your whole community to a different platform, hopefully they will see that platform locking features isn’t something that should should be done.


I need this feature without needing to use Guilded, I am not against Guilded, but I think this is a feature that belongs to the groups on the platform, and I shouldn’t have the need to post the announcement on another site to make the group display it.

This is a great improvement, but the website is getting a bit “complicated” with Ads Manager having many steps and really “weird” stuff with extra steps than before and now we are required to use Guilded for groups.

Yes we are getting improvements, but the simplicity is going away…


We hope that by leveraging Guilded’s existing feature-set, we can add value to Group owners much earlier, and iterate faster. This also affords us some cool opportunities for fun ideas that may not have been possible before. But we’re also aware of some of the pain points integrations like this can present for group owners, so we’re eager to improve here to make it as seamless as possible.


Really cool feature, but it seems huge! The images should be smaller :pensive:

A HUGE improvement will be allowing announcements to be posted by the creator dashboard, hopefully by the existing community management tab that’s in there.

(Check box for roles to post announcements)

If you did this, and kept the Guilded integrations, it would be amazing.

The only set back is locking this feature (or future features) behind a third party platform.


I am very disappointed that this feature is locked behind the use of Guilded. At this time, Guilded isn’t accessible to many with certain disabilities, there’s a lack of accessibility features compared to Discord.


I liked it I thought it was cool


I am trying this out and honestly, it looks incredible! This feature is far better than the previous group announcement system, however, there is a caveat: the essential formats, such as bold or italic, are not supported here

It’s a bit wacky right now, but it’s amazing

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that’s not how you spell builderman


This is a cool update, but why does it have to require guilded? Couldn’t this have been a website feature instead?


On a totally unrelated note Roblox bought the Guilded platform for 90 million dollars. I’m sure the restriction to Guilded only has nothing to do with this fact. It’s totally the feature-set guys… Totally.


Roblox wants to force developers and users into its attempt at an ecosystem which since their aquasition of the Guilded platform in 2021 includes pulling users and group owners away from Discord.