Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

YES! Thank you, this does seem cool generally though I can’t lie. Although the banner just seems like another thing for people to abuse not gonna lie.


False. Guilded had 700k+ downloads even before the Roblox aquire.

Nah, what is this, my name is not ###### in some areas but ##### in some… It’s not even a bad word.

Nice! Glad to have taken advantage of Guilded earlier! I own many servers with thousands of members in total! Two of my biggest ones so far are Roblox servers, with thousands of members! This is good Roblox!


What about an API to use this feature? I would love to be able to have something like this instead of using Guilded. When can we get cool integration for Discord? Why can’t a Discord server have a banner like Guilded does in an experience description (“Join the community”)?

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I was so excited, thought “Finally!”, until I read you need to have Guilded. Disappointed that its not a website option, or that we don’t have a Roblox endpoint so we could use other services.

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While Guilded is a 13+ product, and you’ll need to be 13+ to create announcements, Group Announcements are accessible to an all-ages audience. So when you connect your Guilded announcement channel to your Group, we run the text and image of the post through Roblox’s content filter to ensure it’s appropriate for your Group’s audience and meets Roblox’s content standards. If an image attachment or the text fails Roblox’s content standards, the announcement will not be cross-published to your Group. You’ll get a banner alerting you to this on Guilded where the announcement was drafted and you’ll have the opportunity to edit your announcement and try again.

I should note that while the announcement itself can be read by anyone with permission to see them on your Group that you choose, links to the original Guilded announcement post and any links back to the Guilded server will only be visible to users who are 13+.


Just out of curiosity, what’s the max size for media uploads on the announcement? It’d be really helpful to know this so media banners that I upload to my announcements aren’t randomly cut off and hide useful information.

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Great update, but sadly I don’t have much motivation to use Guilded after finding out I couldn’t apply for the Partner Program. Definitely would use it more for my Community if it was opened up to more countries.
Will guilded partner ever open up to Australiands and New Zealanders? I don’t understand why Australia/NZ is not allowed to participate, maybe they forgot about us :frowning:

On the other hand I tried to post an image, and its way too big on the group wall also seemed to not go though Roblox Moderation?, be cool if you could position images like Microsoft word.


Resolution parameters can fluctuate based on the viewer’s screen size. Images are scaled to width, but can be cropped by height on some devices if they exceed 360px tall. Images that are 2.32:1 or wider will not crop at any screen size.


Both of these are great suggestions. Thanks!


What partner program? Do you mean the stonks program (referral program) because before I quit guilded I couldn’t get stonks even while posting links


Nah, sort of like discord partners program they used to have I think? I think stonk’s worked for me alright.
Application for this says its only limited to NA/Europe which sucks…

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ngl ik everyone hating on guilded but I finally decided to try guilded because of this and as a long term discord user, I really like guilded and would switch to it over discord. So many paywalled features on discord for servers and users are completely free and unlimited on guilded. There is also a lot of cool things guilded has that discord doesn’t. I’d genuinely recommend anyone reading this to give it a shot, i’ll be using it from now on… but I still need to use discord since 99.99% of people are there lol


Whoever / whomever came up with these types of features are so out of touch with what the community wants that it’s crazy to see how this got approved all the way to here. I don’t know a single community that uses Guilded. I’ve tried to use Guilded and it felt and is a complete rehash of Discord. If this provided integration into Discord, I feel like this could work but to force me to use Guilded makes no sense and honestly, puts a bad taste in my mouth.

I get that engineers, product people, etc are not roblox players or developers. They know how to build a product / products. They lack the fundamental understanding how people, other than them, value that product. Forcing me to use / move over to another service to use a feature is not honoring my value to that product.

Simple market research could’ve been: Play Roblox on an alt, in any game, ask about Guilded and almost everyone will either hate it, not know what it is or state how much better Discord is.

Do people still check announcements / shouts anymore? Last time I checked a shout intentionally was 2017. Most communities with an active player base moved to Discord.


Hey, thanks for the bug report here. I’m having a little trouble reproing, do you mind giving some more step-by-step instructions on how to trigger this? Feel free to respond in thread or send to me in a private message if that works better for you.

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I just began playing around with the new feature. I noticed that in the browser, Guilded lets you know that an “Announcement is in review.”, but it doesn’t on the desktop app.



It doesn’t even work. I posted an announcement in the channel I selected on the website and it doesn’t show up.

Cool update! I’m still not going to use Guilded.


I find Guilded, while visually a little rougher around the edges, has a lot of QoL features that I like. The lack of paywalls is an additional bonus, but I will likely not switch from Discord for my primary community server until either discord releases an update worth leaving over or Guilded somehow takes over.

Edit: I’ve also noticed that Discord takes quite a few notes out of Guilded’s book. The server subscriptions, and most recently the new polls feature. Both of these features existed on Guilded long before discord ever adopted them.