Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure that’s the kind of behaviour that the EU’s DMA (Digital Markets Act) was meant to prevent.

What you are suggesting is in all likelihood, and hopefully, illegal.

Overall, this move is part of a continued push towards getting developers to adopt Guilded, at the great expense of our pre-existing communities and our platform independence. I do not approve of the idea that Roblox keeps pushing us to have less contact with our players outside of their earshot.

There is, in my view as a programmer of 15 years, no technical reason whatsoever that these two have to be linked in order for this feature to exist; and this was, in my experience, a requirement tacked on by management.


we developers did not ask or tell you to acquire Guilded, so stop trying to force it on us. this could’ve been done without Guilded being necessary, you made a business decision rather than decision to improve group functionality, it’s gross how pervasive business can be.

i will be sticking to shouts.


Discord started out with very few paywalls and services to pay for. gradually over time they kept adding more and more.

Guilded will follow the same trend, because there is proof that it works. right now they’re build popularity and a market.

that’s why roblox released this new feature, so they can force more people into using guilded and thus increase their market. you could describe this as a soft paywall.

best believe the real paywalls will come after they’ve established a market.


Why it won’t work




Since i’m in a few different ROBLOX programs I’ve had to use Guilded and gotten use to it and if I’m being honest I prefer it a lot more now,

I love the integration with images, As a ugc creator this helps me a great deal with promoting upcoming items and giving users a reason to check my social media links, my main critique with it would be to allow us to use the markdown options Guilded has and display them on roblox.


Being able to underline, certain words and have the other markdown options display on the roblox website would be amazing, as well as hyperlinks to other pages!


It’s a cool feature, but I hate that roblox pressures me to make a guilded account and I hate that I can’t access the group shout when I once link my group to a guilded server, how do I get access to group shouts when I do this?

nevermind, I don’t get why people are complaining about guilded being required, that’s like complaining that using minecraft requires an microsoft account

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I am disappointed that this feature requires Guilded when it could’ve easily been available for everyone. Roblox is its own platform, and requiring us to use platforms we don’t want to use for amazing features like this is absurd.

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This is a good addition, but I don’t like that we’re forced to make a Guilded server to use this feature.

You should make it so we can do this directly from the group page.

The bad outweighs the good and I will not be using this.


This feature would honestly be amazing if it was built into the actual Roblox group page! Franky after years of groups not getting any real new updates, to see such an amazing new feature finally be added but just for it to be locked behind Guilded, is genuinely just annoying and obnoxious.


As a person who supports Guilded, THIS IS A AWSOME FEATURE!
I really LOVE to see more Guilded related features being added to Roblox.

However i have some criticism with this feature.
The word “Guilded” gets hashtagged when the Guilded announcement is posted on Roblox.
I do understand why its hashtagged, but in this case, this shouldnt be censored since you know, these are Guilded announcements.

Honestly keep adding more Guilded related features to Roblox, although just make them optional since people who dont use Guilded are over reacting over this :sweat_smile:


That is why I call Guilded “Guild” on Roblox.

I don’t know why everyone is mad about guilded, like if you choose some feature, roblox will create an guilded account for you, and Discord is banned in my country but I think Guilded isn’t banned.

Already discord is a terrible company


I was first excited then disappointed that it’s locked behind only Guilded.

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With this update I’d love to see more improvements coming to roblox groups. Maybe text & voice channels?

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This is a very disappointing update, the feature they added was great. more functionality to groups is needed. but to lock it behind guilded is ludicrous and is not the right way to go about growing guilded at all.

it proves that roblox will inconvenience developers for the own gain. guilded isnt required for this update to be feasible, they made it like that on purpose. it limits this new update only to those who are already using guilded.

it doesn’t a benefit nor does it make sense for developers who have established a community on other platforms to migrate to guilded just to use one new feature, that can be done easier in other platforms. you’re just adding more to developers workload.

It would take a few changes, to allow people to make announcements via roblox and still add that extra functionality to guilded users. it didnt have to be limited to guilded users.

I don’t want updates like this to be a trend, i have no clue why roblox bought guilded. what’s stopping them from buying another thing and locking another good update behind it.

it’s not farfetched to think that,as roblox has gone public so it’s not just it’s developers it has to worry about keeping happy. and the more capital gained also means expansions are likely (guilded)


Honestly, im just gonna address some things people are getting confused over this feature.

Let me just say this… YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO USE GUILDED.
You can still use group shouts without needing an Guilded account and a Guilded server.
You can still link your Discord server to your group and games.

Even Roblox stately said that you can still use group shourts without needing an Guilded account.

Also, to all people who are saying that they should try intergrating Discord then Guilded, then sorry to say but Roblox DOESNT own Discord, meaning its harder to intergrate an platform that you dont have a lot of control over it.
The reason why Roblox are doing a lot of Guilded integrations to their website is because they OWN Guilded, meaning they can easily connect those two platforms together.

And by the way, they aren’t adding Guilded features to Roblox because Guilded is “losing users” or something like that, it just took them a while for them to add those Guilded features to Roblox.
If they started to add these Guilded features when they bought Guilded on day one, then there wouldn’t be a lot of other non-Guilded features to Roblox in the first place.

If you have any questions or something, let me know, just know that i am not an Roblox/Guilded employee, just an Guilded Enjoyer.

Bunch of quotes from people over reacting

This is not what I was saying, I was saying that Roblox should not prioritise 3rd party integration without baking the features directly into their main website.

This promotes not only the fact they are pushing users into Guilded, but they plan on deprecating features on the groups platform in the future which is very demotivating for me to manage my community.

I’d appreciate it if you read all of my comments, instead of picking part of one and basically calling me a drama queen.

My point is valid, and many people agree with that.


Is it okay to put Discord’s invite text in the announcement image

You do realize that this is basically how Microsoft tries to intergrate Microsoft accounts into Windows right?
Its optional (atleast it used to until Windows 11 came out), there are some features locked behind an Microsoft account like specific Microsoft programs, Microsoft services and etc.

This is basically like that but more laid back, Guilded has some tools to do advance Roblox announcements, while the original group shouts are for the website.

Plus, these are optional Guilded features, you arent forced to use them.
Just like how you can connect your Guilded server to your Roblox games, you can connect other third party sites like Discord, YouTube, Twitter and etc.

And dont worry about it too much, Roblox is still working on other features that arent just Guilded required.


Depends on the context.
If the link is in a place where its not the main focus of that announcement image, then sure.
If the link is the main focus of that announcement, then probably dont do that.

Although you should probably do it at your own risk, since im not an admin.


I am loving this new update!

Even as a regular discord user, I love how guilded has more channel options like a dedicated channel for media and a list channel for keeping track of things.

I am also glad that this isn’t a forceful replacement for shouts, that some group owners would still prefer!
Now we can share Images (UMM EXCUSE ME THIS IS AWESOME) and messages larger than 254 characters now (up to 1000), which is a huge W in my book.

I am glad the Roblox team is expanding and allowing for external application support and it’s cool that you have the perfect app to test it with! I am excited to see what is to come in the future, even a possible discord plug as well, which would allow even more members to see how much the Roblox Staff cares! For now we can only hope.

Added Edit:
Robox Shouts have been around forever and a half and I am personally excited to finally be able to announce using something else other than the many years old shout which is so limiting compared to the new announcements.

My Examples

With testing, I’ve found a way to share information with my community and introduce them to my group, but users can use it way more than what I have found!


What I am concerned with is how the Image Moderation, because I fear someone could use this feature for bad and post an image that has no business on a platform that is largely Kids under 9. I understand Guilded is owned by Roblox Corp. so I question the authenticity of the Image Moderation through Guilded to roblox, and I believe Guilded scans every messages sent, but I am unsure as I am not used to the app.

Note to people who are complaining:

No, shouts are not being removed, obviously. this also means that you can still announce using the shouts, even if it’s still small counts of characters.

I believe that as this being their First Step is awesome. Even if it is Guilded, owned by them, the post points out this is only the beggining and means more is to come.

They have every right to use guilded, especially so that they own it. This will help the flow of setting the groundwork for the possibility of a discord or even other app connections for the same announcements section so that everything will go smooth.