Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

I don’t think you’re understanding people’s arguments against this decision by roblox. They have added extra functionality to groups, longer word count, images to post, etc. which only work via guilded announcements.

However, it’s not necessary that these extra features to need guilded to work. so you are forced to use it, if you are someone who desires to communicate more information with multiple options(images, reactions, emojis, more characters) to your group. you cannot do that without guilded.

Group shouts are quite basic and only have 255 character limit, all of the new features that announcements have can also be added to group shouts. and easy improvement to group shouts is to increase the character limit, which they refuse to do if you dont have a guilded community.

not every member of group will join your discord or guilded server. so it’s important that developers can communicate to the player base effectively on the roblox platform. this makes it even more of a shame, that this update to groups was implemented in such a way

I don’t mind roblox making guilded more attractive for people to join it. but locking features that everyone deserves access to, just to push more people to use guilded. is brutal and quite ruthless way of doing it, in my opinion

Do you understand?


The way I see it, Shouts are so outdated that at this point they are looking for other ways to improve on it other than improving shouts.

Remember that Roblox doesn’t have a very fast and efficient way of Image Uploading, Moderating and posting. Their images take time to upload. Additionally, shouts have aged very well and most likely is hard to change or add to due to everything else that has been added in.
Guilded is the obvious go to when implementing images, as it is meant to be fast and almost right away as a chatting app should be or it loses the focus of it’s users, which Roblox is a platform, and not a focused chatting app.


True, but keep that in mind that these Guilded announcements are a really advance feature.
I feel like if Roblox tried it on their own website, i feel like it would fall apart, considering how slow the website is.

Also Glitchy also made an good reply as well.


Roblox isnt projecting announcements made from guilded servers, they are also being posted directly on roblox as well as guilded, the images from announcements still go through moderation and are still uploaded to roblox, see quite below for proof.

What would be faster is not having to go through a third party to make annoucements and just being able to make them directly on roblox. but roblox is intentionally making the process slower on top of their already slow process.

When i said guilded wasnt neccessary for this update to be implemented i wasnt lying.

These are not really advance features, they’re basic features are this point. it’s just that roblox is behind on a lot of things and this update was supposed to catch them up. but they went and locked it behind a third party.

Roblox has had instant messaging for a while now, and you’ve able to upload images since the start of roblox. so i don’t know why you believe guilded was the obvious way of implementing this. when the things that the update include was already available in different forms on the roblox platform.


Sure, uploading images on Roblox may have existed as long as shouts, but the way they moderate them is still slow and takes a while to even show the image. I explained how Guilded was the go-to alternate to using images uploaded directly from Roblox.

As I included in my concerns section, I expressed my belief in that Guilded scans messages prior to posting on Roblox, as I have seen a check mark and loading section while typing messages in the text box.

Unfortunately, shouts and the chat/messaging in Roblox is in no way the same. Neither is the Image Uploading on Roblox compared to if shouts could integrate images. Especially in previous image integrations, especially in games where you upload the image, wait for it to be moderated, and then use it’s imageId to load in game. so to compare the two and saying “the update include was already available in different forms” would be inaccurate.

But it’s odd to see people are upset that this update is third party based, but I am ecstatic to see what this could possibly lead to, for the future of communication. This update is meant to be third party and not focused on the internal platform, and to spread communication between community servers and their corresponding groups/games.


Looking through all these comments, I still can’t see Groups or Guilded (I use both Guilded & Discord) as any help to notify members of a private server, that their “base/server” has been attacked.

What is the best way to notify these members with a “push notification” - whether they are on Roblox - or offline ?

An attack is initiated & the battle starts 24hrs later, which gives players enough time to prepare for the battle.
This is just one aspect (mini game) of the game, as there’s plenty other things they do in between.

What is the best practice for achieving this ?
This is basically for players that don’t use either Guilded or Discord.

How is this any better than regular annoucements?

Thanks for calling this out. The review notice is supported both on the desktop app and browser, but it’s possible something may be preventing you from seeing it.

For starters, you can verify that your desktop app is up to date. If you have any outstanding updates, you should see an update icon in the corner of the app. You can also force close and relaunch the app, which will automatically apply the latest updates upon launch.

If the issue persists, we’d love to know any steps to reproduce it. For example, does it only appear after refresh, does it appear when posting from one and not the other, vice versa. I’ve tested a few scenarios I can think of and have not been able to recreate this, so any additional info would be great.

If you enable it on Roblox, it will most likely be sent as a push notification on any mobile device that has them enabled. I would see a Roblox notification with more importance then on the chatting apps, especially if it is to say, someone’s base is been attacked. But if it has something to do with an experience, I suggest using the new Experience Notifications.

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Thanks for the feedback, and I agree. There’s a lot of richness the team is eager to bring over.

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Very awesome update for Guilded and Roblox, It seems like they are working on good or bad features at the same time. I am impressed, No more using shouts from now on.

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Im really glad I can use images and format announcements now, but why is the prompt to join the server not with other social links? I feel it takes up more space than it needs to, pushing the group wall and members list lower down

This feature is really cool, I just have a few problems with it. One is the fact that linking a guilded community makes the invite take up way too much space on the group page. The second thing is that the announcements require guilded. The guilded bot api is far from complete meaning if I wanted to I couldn’t switch because of the custom functionality I have with bots in my existing server. In addition to this, switching platforms and retaining all of the members is a challenge in of itself. A more personal issue is just that I don’t like the UI of guilded, but that’s beside the point.


This is an awesome feature but it is clear that this is a last ditch attempt to have people use the failing product Guilded. I might get Guilded to use it though.

This is great, although… the formatting isn’t as good on roblox as on guilded :sweat_smile:


Hey, thanks for the response.

I realized that the desktop app sorta requires me to do something to trigger an update, like clicking on the announcement itself. I figured that swapping between channels effectively does the same thing and makes the message appear, but I guess these updates are triggered differently than I assumed.


Has anyone received a notification, after enabling them from the Group page? I tried testing this out with an alt account and even some group members, but nobody received any form of notification.

I’m mostly curious as to what form of notification this would be:

  • Standard notification (Where friend requests are displayed)
  • Push notification
  • Just a Guilded notification

I assume it’d appear as the standard notification, but haven’t seen any confirmation.


thats because the word “Guilded” is censored, try temporary removing that, and the formating will be fixed

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Hey, just a small suggestion, can you guys tell Roblox to uncensor the word “Guilded”?
It gets censored on Roblox when you mention the word Guilded on the Guilded announcement.


It’s their money… so they can spend it how they like… as they have their visions for future use.
This is very likely just one use case… many like it… many don’t… but nothing stops them from continuing to use Discord, Twitter… or any other social media’s.

Why should they increase business for other social media companies anyway… there’s no favours returned.
I personally find Discord way to sophisticated for the average user… and complicated by the hosts.
I like some of its functions… but I’m sure Guilded will get there soon enough.

I’m just saying… give Roblox & THEIR other service … Guilded… some more time.
All they did was add more functionality to a previously boring “Shout” in Groups.
They didn’t take anything away from users - at all.

There’s nothing to complain about… people are not forced to use it.
If they don’t want it… they can still use the old “Shout” out.

That ‘inconvenience’… is actually convenient for many others… can’t please everyone… all the time.
Again… it’s their business… and it should be for their gain… but I’m sure that was not their only intention… so cut them some slack. Sure more is coming soon.