Introducing Configure Group

Great idea for keeping the new layout flow going! We need to change our group names, though.

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Long overdue, but greatly appreciated.

now when will we fix the bug where private group games still appear on the group page


No hard deadline, but we are aiming for early January.


Any hopes of increasing the number of roles above 20?
whoops, it’s already above 15

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So there’s no more BC/Premium Only Joins Setting anymore?


This is unlikely to happen because of the lack of consent given by group members, and the effect it has on them. If I join a group named “Pizza Fanclub”, and the name changes to “Ice Cream Fanclub”, I might not want to be part of that group anymore.


Might aswell do it like username changes, just charge robux for the name change? This would help to tone it down on the amount of people that would be changing their group’s name


Correct. If you have a Premium Only group, you will be able to toggle that setting off, but we do not allow the creation of Premium Only groups anymore.


I really like the new layout, the old Group Admin really looked out of place, yet one good thing about the old group admin page is that on the role page you were able to see like 20 members but now you can see 9, affecting productivity—well in most cases.


Yeah this will severely limit demoting/promoting multiple peoples


For example, the case of Hilton Hotels (Bloxton Hotels) which needed to be rebranded because of copyright can’t change their name, somewhat affecting them y’know.


You could make it so that it gives out a notification to the group members when a group name is changed.


There are a lot of strong cases to allow changing group names, but we have to consider every user when making these decisions - the potential negative impact on members who didn’t realize a group name was changed is very high, and currently there is no solution for how to mitigate that.


First off I want to say I really like the redesign. We have waited forever for it and it has been well worth it! I feel like the functionality of the transactions page can still be improved significantly though.

Right now you are stuck with the pagination arrows to switch between pages with 10 transactions showed on each page, I’d like to see this changed to upwards of 30 transactions per page. This would significantly reduce the amount of clicks it takes to look through all of this data.

Something else is the necessity of being able to search for purchases from a specific player. There have been many cases where I needed to look through our purchase history to verify if a player actually purchased something like a developer product. This has always been a super painful task, resulting in either never finding the user, or missing the data entry completely.


Should still make individual games have recurring payouts in the revenue tab


That is a feature past the scope of the configure group page. This thread seems to have received the most support recently.


Just going out on a whim here, how about kicking all members and messaging them prompting the name change where they can rejoin if they want to? It’ll punish name changing for large groups and encourage name changing for small groups like typos.


I’m very happy with this change and I can’t wait to see the new features!

There is just one thing I want to note, it is not possible to see how many pages of join requests exist. It would be nice if it said “Page 1 of #” instead.



Any plans to make the members page have a smaller grid? 3x3 feels too large for me, and this is on a 24’’ monitor. I’d prefer to have more results per page, like 5x5 as an example.


This is great!

Now us dark theme users don’t get blinded at 3 am trying to monitor our group’s revenue, player count, and other obscure stuff!

What I’d also like to see is a complete reskin of all pages for dark theme and looks, notably the Trade and the Create pages