Introducing Configure Group

Some feedback on this, the old list where you could view all of the ranks and their respective ID’s was extremely useful, can we get a version of that in the new one? Having to manually click through each one to get ID’s is a bit tedious. It’s a rare problem, but its something I immediately noticed when opening it.

Second thing - people that are not the group owner can access the “Create Role” menu. It doesn’t actually work, but I feel like it should just be hidden if it shouldn’t be able to be accessed as it is on the current group management page.

Otherwise, I absolutely love the new look and its a lot more usable than the old one. Thanks!


I don’t understand why the Image upload is so BIG, it takes up half the screen, and the description editing doesn’t help at all.

Reading Line by Line by scrolling is an extreme pain, saying that politely.

The reason legacy was centered in the middle of the screen, was really smart. It made sure that the side bar didn’t overlap the group page, making it annoying to switch back and forth.

Sections are too big, while others are too small. Some parts don’t matter as much as others, so why subsitute efficiency for opinionated beauty?


I’m not sure if somebody else has mentioned this, but I and many others would benefit from having a search system in place to sort through transactions made by particular users. I use to be able to load all the transactions made and use the browser’s find tool to check these purchases, however, with the new page system it only shows half the data it previously did.


To add on, it would be extremely useful if the roleID (used by the groups API) was visible on the roles page. This way, I don’t have to filter through each role and find the ID. :slight_smile:

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I think this is one of the best updates this year, and I don’t even manage groups anymore. This will make it far easier if I ever do (once I have a way to mass deny hundreds of bots trying to join).

Slightly salty this wasn’t released earlier, back when chat filtering was introduced and I didn’t yet have the communication infrastructure (outside of Roblox) I do now.


I hate the group role permissions design layout right now! It’s messy and hard to configure!
One wrong click and I’ll be giving away permissions to someone like editing the group games! And the changes instantly save as well! Giving you no time to review your edits!

Plus it is very hard to see which role has the permissions or not, making you scroll down the page each time you try to review a role’s permissions! Soy time consuming! Given how it instantly saves when you click something accidentally, You’ll be navigating this design like how you navigate a minesweeper! One wrong click and you’ll be giving important permissions to your group!

This screenshot is zoomed out times 50% from my browser!


I would hugely benefit from this. Since I give my developers only money I made from their assets (and not from others’), a recurring payout wouldn’t work.

My workflow before this new layout was indeed opening up the purchase history and loading more until the last handled purchase from previous payout was visible, then I used the browser’s find tool as well to see how many times specific game passes were sold.
This however is now way harder to do as I have to go through a numerous amount of pages with only 10 (!) records each. I could probably automate this using my web development knowledge but that really shouldn’t be the final solution here.


What permissions are now needed to view the revenue tab? Using the old group admin page I can view the revenue tab fine in a group that I’m in, but now I’m not able to, despite having every permission other than “Spend Group Funds”

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Ah thanks, quite annoying since I can’t see what needs better monetization with the new one

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Make group funds summary page visible to everyone who can see the group configure page.


This is going to be a wonderful feature for everyone to use. It is much more organized and has a wonderful style. I mean, the only thing is missing is maybe add an option to make certain parts of the text bold, italic, etc. But all in all it is great. New layout is great and looks easy to use.


Another downside, is that to see the perms of any give role, we have to click it, then scroll, then scroll up to check another rank. This takes so much work to do, in Legacy you just hovered over the checkmark to see what it did. Please change it back!


The dropdown and search members input overlays together on the mobile on Members tab.

They might add it, but it’s probably gonna cost robux, because changing your username cost around :robux_light: 1,000.


I love this update so far, but theres 1 annoying missing feature that the previous configuration page had which is the permissions table where you were able to tick check boxes to disable/enable permissions for ranks.

Without this its a lot more time consuming to setup ranks permissions, especially when creating a new group. I honestly dont care how ugly it it, it allowed for owners to easily view permissions for all ranks within a single page.


Is there any future plans to allow group owners to rename groups in the same sorta way you can do to your username?


Ma’am that is a great song, but this feature is also great! Now that we got Configure Group page designed, I would also much appreciate if Developer/Create page was designed too!

Roblox pages would completely be re-designed. It would bring professionality of a Roblox website.

I hope this will be decided too, if it is, I’d also hope that you will announce that feature and write us a new song!


I would say it’s about time the admin page receive some updating I have been dying to get admin access on my cell phone forever one more thing that I would really like to see a good future of would be that I can independently block certain developers from joining the game but I am developing on currently if I give a developer access to work in my group they can access all of my group games when I only want them to access one I think this is already a beta feature inside of studio but don’t really know how well that works if they are a working developer in my admin group


Would the Configure Group Page and Log Auditing Page be available to mobile users on ROBLOX? #mobileusers

Because developers or group managers are often at school especially college, and these people would love to have this feature available to them so they don’t have to go to Mobile Google Chrome and use their Desktop Page feature to access certain parts of the group they are managing!

That’d be a very handy feature if we had audit logs and the configure group page available to us mobile users!