Introducing Configure Group

Mobile support is in progress :slight_smile: We agree that it is important!


When will free group roles or the maximum group roles is like 50?


BUG: Dragging an image just opens the image in the browser, it doesn’t upload or preview.


What browser are you on? Helps us to reproduce on our end.


Google Chrome, V79.0.3945.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)


I’m very happy that some focus has been put on Roblox groups as of late. Such an update really helps bring the outdated configuration page a much needed retouch.

I also appreciate the categorization of roles and permissions. It’ll help with determining what a person can and cannot do. The old page was a bit difficult to navigate as most things where small and vague.

Good update!


Perhaps we get this and something more similar to File Explorer? I would like to be able to use something very similar to the “details view” in File Explorer. Perhaps we could enable a sort of “compact mode” that allows us to look at a lot more information.

Here is what I mean

Another tiny suggestion for the future is less clicks for exiling groups of people as well as generally managing users. My suggestion is adding a checkbox for each role, and then have it so you can select “Exile Users” somehow. It has always been an ordeal to get rid of large numbers of bot accounts from a group.


Given the attention to audit logs, would you be open to the idea of giving group owners the ability to export audit logs in a .CSV format?

This could be used for general curiosity (who ranked the most people, etc), or to aid in recovering ranks from a catastrophic admin attack.


Just as you are able to search for actions by the user taking them,


you should also be able to search for actions by the user receiving them, if they exist. I should be able to search Shedletsky’s name in a menu similar to the one in the above screenshot, yielding all instances in which his rank was changed or his wall posts deleted and such.

In the past I’ve had to Ctrl+F someone’s name for multiple pages to see who deranked him and at what time.


Earlier today, I was unable to find a user by searching for their full username in the new Configure Group. I feel like the system just doesn’t properly search in sufficently large groups, which is problematic for me and my workflow.

Issues like this would resort me to have to keep using the old Group Admin, or use a custom bot/etc for simple rank changes.


wait that was not a myth? thanks for making me aware.


Everyone can test out beta features now. So you can also, but you might’ve meant when the update is public?


This update is great and I will very much benefit from this, but I must question why commissions are still not visible to those who sell assets within their game, that are not created by themselves? It is shown when you have the game listed under your profile, but if it is a group created game there is no place to view these transactions. A lot of users would appreciate this, could this please be implemented?

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Nice, looks very good and very needed. I like seeing more site updates like these. Really makes my eyes feel better, and navigate easier.

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You have to provide a role description to create a new role otherwise you get that error. I tried this out myself and figured that was the issue.

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When I create a new game-pass for group games, the name is completely different in the audit log compared to what I named the game-pass on the upload page?

I only just noticed this now when I was scrolling through my audit log to check it out


Loving the new design!! really loving how far roblox has come.

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And again, guests on my group can still post on the wall even though they’re not in the group, a way to enable/disable this would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!


You can in settings?

[30 CHARS]

Not anymore. The only permissions guests can be granted/removed is view group wall/view shout. This means that for older groups that gave guests more permissions, they can’t revoke them.