Introducing Grass

ConvexRumbler was only referring to the Decoration property being non-scriptable because it will be removed, not Grass’ future features. The color of Grass currently stays consistent with the Color3 of the Grass terrain material, there’ve been numerous previous requests for a separate property (likely for non-grass objects) but there isn’t a official statement on it yet, nonetheless you can change the color of Grass via script as it is now if you’re okay with modifying the Terrain color.


Thank you for helping me understand. This helps.

Happy Holidays!


Know what I really want to see, a official way to paint terrain using scripts and the decoration system, I CAN SEE SO MANY USES for this, be it removing grass, or changing voxels or anything else that comes with this update as well, it could really open up the scripting area with voxels.

Oh. My. God. I. Am. In. Love. With. This. Update.


Hey guys :slight_smile:
A potential workaround to ‘paint’ tall grass is by using Leafy Grass at spots you don’t want to have the tall grass.

Since we can also customize the colours of terrain materials, you can make it blend really well by changing the Leafy Grass to the same colour as Grass in case you want that.

Just thought I’d share. I hope it helps. :slight_smile:


That’s Really Cool, I thought the ground was true lol, but that’s better if the grass are more 3d.


This is so amazing like this will help groups make more realist maps now :slight_smile:

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It’s a very nice addition, but it has been more than a “week or two” and there’s still no sign of seeing this live on game servers. Any update on this?

Are you sure it’s enabled in the games you’re playing? It’s working fine in any of my games, and as previously mentioned, it’s live on the client.

You need to enable it with the Decorations property of Terrain.


Oops, that’s my bad. Thanks for letting me know.


I love it! It would be really cool if there were to be leafs and sticks added to this update.


True! It would be cool if we had a tab to insert premade meshes like leafs and sticks. It would make development faster, and it would be good for games that are realistic. :smile:


It is really cool, but it does not work on Leafy Grass. If you can make Leafy Grass have this grass AND leaves that would be perfect for fall-styled games!

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It doesn’t work on LeafyGrass so you can manually paint vegetation.

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Oh! That does make sense. Still think if they added 3D Modeled leaves it would look sick.


pleasepleaseplease add an ability to add this to the grass material on parts
i don’t like using the terrain painter


Just messing around with it, it looks amazing!

(I have no idea why this car is on the left btw)


The update makes the maps even more realistic!


Absolutely love this grass update. It really compliments our games aesthetic.

As a few users have mentioned above, it’d be great having more control over the grass settings as right now it seems impossible to sport varying grass colour in a single map.


This is an issue/bug with the grass. It seems to go off the actual material, where there isn’t one. It’s really annoying me as it looks unrealistic and there seems to be no way except as to paint the edges with the leaf texture.