Introducing Grass

I noticed that this generates even on the smallest of chunks and I hope that this is intended and will stay cause this makes it way easier to spot these tiny parts and remove them


Oh wow, thatā€™s amazing!
Can grass in the future also be an object so it can be used without terrain? (Poly terrain for example and such.)
Iā€™d love seeing that as well, I see so many possibilities and ways to make the world beautiful.
And what about options such as grass thickness, density, etc?

Edit: This feature was worth the wait, I love it.
Still not sure where I will use it since Iā€™m waiting for full release/more features (hopefully one being that weā€™re able to use it on parts without terrain), still, absolutely love it, it looks beautiful and Iā€™m very excited for it.


Mind blownā€¦


Will we get interactive grass, like what was showcased at RDC 2019? I.e. if an avatar/solid object touches the grass, the grass will bend around like it would in real life.


Really interesting feature, any plan for letting us paint it outside of Smooth Terrain? some of us use triangle terrains, i think i will have to paint Smooth terrain under parts to let it grow x)


Looking forward to seeing this in games and playing around with it myself. Are there any plans to make it so we can adjust the height of the grass, and or the colors?

This also got me thinking, would this be possible with parts, essentially for terrain made out of parts.

The thought above then lead to another, would it be possible to expand on this and make it more customizable to make fur/hair or even leafs on trees.

That aside this is a great addition, looking forward to other great ideas and features Roblox brings in the future.


This improves game experience so much.

I was also wondering, since grass has a default ā€œwavingā€ animation, are we gonna be able to make our own? Are we gonna be able to change the height of it, even type of grass?
Placing a brick and enabling this kind of decoration on a surface of the brick would also be a cool and useful add.


Iā€™m pretty sure they plan on adding support for this.


Now the real question isā€¦ will tyridge replace the grass in his Wild west game with this? Both look awesome


This has made my day!!! Itā€™s finally here, letā€™s do some awesome stuff with this :heart:


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That image is incredible, if I was an outsider and didnā€™t know it was Roblox Iā€™d believe it was a real place. Definitely a desktop background picture


Will the grass length and grass color be configurable?


Finally a major set forward!! All we need now is a way to change the wave size, color, speed, etc in certain regions!


The Terrain.Decoration property is temporary, as part of getting this feature out the door before the end of the year.

The property itself cannot be read or written by scripts, and I suspect they will hide this property once they have a better system in place for customizing the grass and other similar effects.


Really cool project! However there are some pretty big limitations that upset our team and really hold back its potential.

Iā€™ve shared this here before but our game has had an interactive grass system for awhile. While the code is completely performant, the more dense we have our grass there is going to be render and physics issues piling up.

For that reason this grass is pretty neat, and even looks pretty decent combined with our grass(if we make some color adjustments)


Ours + Robloxā€™s(without color adjustments)

We were considering switching over to robloxā€™s grass completely(because thereā€™s no way we can make grass that improves performance! :smiley:) but there are a few things we dislike which is why we are going to currently keep ours.

The Issues

  • You cannot choose where grass is and where grass isnā€™t, unless you paint dirt etc.
    This is important because while dense grass looks cool, it doesnā€™t always make sense to have it everywhere, the more variation the better.

  • You cannot adjust grass height
    Good looking grass is grass with a lot of variation. If we were able to add more variation to the height itā€™d already look much better.
    We also may want certain areas to have completely different grass heights. For example in our swamp biome we have very tall grass where gators and snakes can hide.

This is currently not possible.

  • Grass Color is constant, and not painted
    While I understand that this is more convenient for a lot of people, it gives you a lot less control. Similar to grass height, grass color should not be constant everywhere. We should be able to control it. Using the swamp example again, we should be able to paint the grass to be darker there. While different lighting settings help a bit, itā€™s not enough.

  • No control over entities which can interact with the grass
    Possibly one of the most dissappointing limitations as of now is we have this beautiful grass shader that can flow in the windā€¦ that we canā€™t control. We also canā€™t control how it interacts with other entities we may want, such as animals walking through it, or trains passing by. This could really heighten the level of detail and immersion

Solutions for this:

  • Let the windpower be adjustable, as well as wind direction
  • Let us create entities somehow that can push grass toward a specific direction and with a specific force

One more thing: I notice the grass draw distance is pretty small for max graphics settings.

Itā€™d be nice for us to be able to control this somehow for our individual machines. My 1080ti should be able to handle a lot more than this. Not super important but would be cool!

Sorry for such the long post, but I thought Iā€™d share some criticism/insight to make this more worth using for developers who want absolute control over something as important as this.


The original post states these limitations are temporary and will be addressed in a future update!

This is just a first stage introduction which gets the bare-bones option out the door for people to use. Stay tuned :slight_smile:!


Yeah of course :+1: , I just wanted to post anyways to make sure there wasnā€™t anything they potentially overlooked


Really amazing, but will we be able to add our own meshes and textures in the near future?


Wow! Super cool. I think it would be nice to have some tools to paint on terrain decoration regardless of material though (especially in the future with custom decoration geometry), since it only spawns on Grass material right now. A use case for this would be people who want to paint on small grass patches, but not actually flood all of the terrain material with it. Super neat feature though! I canā€™t wait to start using it!