Introducing Our New Studio Logo!


while i believe the newer design is good, the gradient to me feels much too intense

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It looks good, just the gradient. It needs to be fixed

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It’s a neat design, I noticed the logo before this post went public, it adds a new kind of flavor to it. I’m a fan of gradients.

It looks good nothing to complain about! it also changed the developer forums logo too. Just makes it look different than the roblox logo but blue. I think the shading is also better.

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I really love the new logo. I think it has a great design too.

I do think this new Roblox studio logo looks great, but uh… I have to agree that gradient does not fit the logo, it’s just making it looks weird for anyone. Perhaps, try making the gradient from black to white? I’m honest, this looks much better than the old studio logo.

I love how simple it is. Roblox always uses simple logos but this one works so well I love it.

It’s kinda cool, but looks cheap in a way.


I love it, but like everyone else seems to say, I’m not a fan of the gradient. Still, though, great work!

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The logo has a very nice modern look to it, but the gradient might be a little too much. This one is a 50/50 but that’s probably because I’m not all that used to it yet.

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The logo looks pretty neat, but it really kills the classic Roblox look. It’s cool, but the gradient shouldn’t be there, in my opinion. Just a flat color.


I like the gradient on the new logo but I still prefer the old logo from 2016.


I liked the old one because it represented scripting/coding (With the “<>” ). Now it looks like we’re representing Tetris lol


The shape of new logo looks good, but the gradient… Every company makes their logos look flat, simple and stylized. It means they all try to make their logos look simple. Cmon, roblox, it looks too detalized. The flat one was much better.

I like this, but can the logo maybe have a non-gradient on some pages?
Kinda like the actual Roblox Logo.

Non-Gradient Roblox Logo:
Gradient Roblox Logo:

It could be something like:


But of course, logo consistency may be a problem…
Otherwise, the logo looks pretty sleek!


I mean it looks more modern as thats the style roblox is going for couple year. I just got used to the old logo so much so when I saw the logo when I opened up my pc I was so confused

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To be honest, this is actually a good change in my opinion. It still resembles the old logo but was reworked in a way that doesn’t completely destroy the image. Unlike the Robux icon change which I still do not agree with, this is a decent change. I think people need to realize that the old logos are not going to be here forever and as much as older users may want them to be, Roblox is not the same company it was even when I joined in 2014. The logos for these things have changed/evolved with the company.

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Personally, I think the old logo was better. This one’s gradient effect looks really unclean in my opinion, and overall it looks like the logo was rushed. I really wish Roblox had a “Use Old Logo” setting installed.

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This is a really big improvement over the old flat one, and it fits in better with the default Roblox logo! The gradient looks nice, and it being shaded looks better.

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I think the old logo looked more crisp, and clean.
However the new logo matches the newer Roblox logo quite well (especially with the gradient effect).

