Introducing Studio Visualization Modes

May I suggest a triangle counter if there isn’t one already?


You know what would be great, having a list view of all parts that match chosen parameter. This would be very helpful for large scale games that utilize a complex and huge amount of parts.


I love this feature, but if there is one thing I would change or remove, it would be the “recent” option in the drop-down menu. There are only ten buttons that aren’t hard to navigate. I understand it is collapsible still, in my personal opinion, I believe the interface would look much cleaner without the recent option unnecessarily taking up space.


I’m glad we finally have an official version of these tools for us devs.

Well done Roblox :clap:


Haha, I thought we totally disabled editing fast flags, but either way, here’s some insight into these.

First of all, you should be able to scroll the window, so if you’re seeing the scrollbar broken please let us know, because we’re seeing some reports of this, and getting a reproduction would be amazing!

Basically, we’ve got a nice list of additional or future visualization modes we want to add, but require some additional backend work to support it. In general, there’s been several nice fixes to the way settings are managed in the backend here.

  1. Settings such as settings().Studio["Light Guides"] = true now save. This used to be an issue because it actually writes to a file on disk, and that’s slow, so we had to queue this, and make the writing safer.
  2. Additionally, these settings used to not fire :GetPropertyChangedEvent(“Light Guides”) signals, and now they do.

However, for stuff like wireframe and other stuff, we never had a studio-based API for these. Fortunately, with the new ribbon refresh, we’re going to be adding this. However, we figured it’s better to get what we have into the hands of users now.


Great feedback! I’ll make an additional note here that while we’ve only got 10 options now, we’re planning on adding a lot more modes, and also allow users at some point to add their own modes (although no promises on timeline!).

This is why we spent a lot of time on both the search and the UI scale.


There is a scrollbar, but basically this screenshot explains it all. (This is the maximum that it let’s me scroll to the bottom)

The thing below is the Windows Taskbar. The window is actually rendering through the taskbar.


Should old cursor show up when I hover over the menu?



Fellas, I am almost certain that this individual may be hyped for this (just a hunch though)


Hey all - we are unfortunately temporarily rolling this feature back while we investigate some performance and stability issues. We’ll be sure to update you when we re-enable it. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


The amount of hype you has caused performance issues :disappointed:


yeah its probably just an hunch, he might be hyped


his hype seeped into the codebase


Its very nice very very very very very very nice


Expecting more hype when the feature is eventually re-released…


that is a great update, i love it
it shows the things i never seen / or didnt try in studio

  • the setting that was displayed with new ui (don’t have access to the new menu yet)

finally with new ui studio siplifies getting to some features like customize short cuts / decomposition geometry / navmesh

it makes easier to find stuff and bebug, or in case of decomposition i finally learned that it’s better to configure the collision of the meshes

from this: Default

to this: Hull

tbh, some of my friends discovered about shortcuts customization only in the new ui :sweat_smile:


We found the root cause of the crash, and we think we can enable the feature tomorrow. We’re letting the feature stay off for a bit just to ensure we can isolate some other unrelated crashes as not being caused by this feature.

Hopefully, if these crashes aren’t related, we can turn back on the feature. And we’ll be hard at work making sure that everything is smooth in the future!

Thank you for your patience!


It probably doesn’t fit into visualizations but it would be nice if there’s a toggle to immediately select any UI object again from the screen (3D viewport) itself to activate the editor instead of opening and finding an UI object for the editor to work. Ever since that’s been removed it decreases the workflow a lot.

Specially because we have a experience where we have a ton of icons saved on the screen to quickly select the icon we want. As there’s no search bar in the toolbox.

And if you have many guis it sometimes takes a while before finding the correct one.

The old way was: You toggled the UI view and the editor would enable until you clicked anywhere that wasn’t an UI element. Until you toggled the UI view again it would enable itself again.


im literally stuck on that feature…i put it on and closed studio and came back and its stuck on this.

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I crashed my Studio but it wasn’t due to Visualization, I was using RobloxSecurity Methods on a CommandData userdata from StudioCommands.

Maybe that went to the analytics.


for instance, I just did it again but on GetPluginComponent(“Tools”) after enabling StudioToolsManager without restarting Roblox Studio