Introducing the "Avatar Evolution" Studio Beta Build!

WOW! That will be so great. I hope it wont make the games more laggy, however.

This is amazing, i am experimenting with reflective liveries on vehicles.
It’s not working perfect yet from all angles but it looks beautiful!


Skinned meshes with large numbers of vertices may appear scrambled on import.
@opplo posted an example.
If you assign a texture the issue should go away.
You might have to move the part slightly to get it to update.
[edit: and yes, @opplo it will be fixed in a future beta update before release]

@Isocortex, how are you importing?
There are several ways - the folder icon on MeshPart or the AvatarImporter plugin - or the bulk importer dialog?
For skinned meshes the most tested way is to use the AvatarImporter plugin.

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There is a known issue with excess Bones being created when importing multiple meshes together that share bones.
Eg. @Dyzcroll in your example there is a “Bip01 Spine” under both Head and Torso.
A workaround is to delete the duplicates.
This will be fixed in a future update.


Will the materials work like textures/material and not decals as they work right now in the beta build rn?

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@xLinkTijgerYT are you referring to the new PBR materials? Or the way texures differ in the way they are applied vs materials?

The new pbr materials are what I am referring to @RobieTheCat.

What I mean with this, the pbr materials stretch like a decal instead of stack like a texture.

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See the above explanation:


Is this just a temporary workaround and it will be fixed upon release? Seems like a serious issue.

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(post deleted by author)

What’s your use case here? I assume you’re talking about ballistic behavior when launched by an external force, not just jumping, right?

Currently while in-air both controllers constantly apply forces in the XZ plane to align to the target velocity, and the default with no directional input is to target zero horizontal velocity. The new controller is just less aggressive, uses simpler linear acceleration, and has lower maximum force.

We are planning to change this default in the new controller soon. We really want air velocity to conserve momentum by default because it should be a much better experience when jumping on moving vehicles or inside of trains. What I’m planning to try next is applying no linear acceleration in air while there is no directional input, and while directional controls are held, maintaining velocity over the max along the direction of the target velocity (so you can’t accelerate yourself over the max while in air, but if you’re already going faster than that you can keep it). Not sure if it will stick though, it is a big change.

I think this aligns with what you want, though.


I indeed were talking about launching players with external forces, so this does aligns to my points, sadly due to the build still being in beta integrating the beta character controller for a game I’m working on wouldn’t be a too handy move. I’m currently making my own also for the fact that humanoids apparently mess up textures that are applied on the character which is really a bummer.

I do hope the new character controller gets released soon but of course that’s a more delicate matter and would possibly take some more time than I could afford at this instance.

In the end I do hope the new character controller will pack out well and stick around for us developers to use. This will make stuff for programmers so much easier and for artists the usage of textures without it lowering in quality.

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thank’s it is really good to know that it is on the fix list :smiley:

i have a question Robie, what abbout the animation scale will it be implemented in future?
cause the current state of the mesh deformation and animation importer.
the importer dont import yet the scale information of the animations.


Scale in animation presents a number of challenges.
For example, CFrames don’t officially support scale, and are the basis of animation.
Physics and lighting would also need to respect the scale change.
All are solvable but scale support is not currently on the roadmap.

I’m curious: given a choice between BlendShapes/Morph Targets, or scale in animation, which would you choose?


I would choose both cause both are really good
the first one for facial expressions and character customization and the second one for actual scaling animation so we can animate stuff like this.

animation scale

but if is for choosing one, idk if you guys gonna do one first, then I would choose the actual animation scaling so we can complete the movement rotation and scale in animation


Could surface appearances ever be applied to catalog items? Imagine the possibilities of the custom catalog items then…


a thing that I would like to see in UGC is scripting hats so can sell hat with animation in it.
so we can make a hat or a catalog item with animation that the script play it.

imagine like, you make a fairy hat or shoulder item and make it really complex with the new mesh deformation and animation, you could make the animation work with mesh deformation and make the fairy fly around you then sit back in your shoulder.

it would be possible to make very cool stuff with scripting hats.


You can get scaling effects using a bit more complex rig. In this example, there is no scale animation, only position animation, but it does look like a non-uniform scale.