Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Most likely tho as they have to be loaded in to actually get data from the server to check if they are banned

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I would say that the idea is good, but the release was hell. For example this account which is my main account got terminated and my friends main accounts got terminated. Innocent accounts were deleted and caught in the crossfire. And you can’t even create a new account on Roblox without it being instantly terminated upon joining any game.
This system has good intention but is not proper. I had spent money on this account and now ive lost everything.

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If this is true, that is jarring and roblox have done a major fudge up, never happened to me tho when I created a few alts.

Did you ever somehow appeal it to roblox?

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I did send a few appeals to get my main account back. And guess what? Absolutely no response.

edit: man what the actual hell. They say that my account still violates their Terms of Service. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE WHEN ITS TERMINATED!


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Yay for the filter!! (Anyone know workarounds?

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Damn, sorry to hear that.

I’d just keep going at it with appeals. You have a month to get through to them before the account is actually deleted. Fairly sure that the appeals team will get back to you with an actual reason at some point (or some other support team).

Good luck!

(BTW what does the page when you log in say for the ban reason)

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EDIT: got account back ty roblox :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thanks, I’ll keep trying.
This is the ban message

Roblox answered my message with quote “Our moderation team has completed its review. This action still violates the under Misusing Roblox Systems. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”
This is just very frustrating since how can my account still break the Terms of Service when it is terminated.
As BucketOPaint said “that is jarring and roblox have done a major fudge up”.

If i don’t get my account back ill just switch to Godot or Unity, its really that simple


This crap is useless anyways. Why can’t developers just put a simple script in their games that checks the accounts age before letting them in. If the age is too low, kick them upon joining.
Here is a script that lets you do this. Place it in ServerScriptService:

local MIN_ACCOUNT_AGE = 2 --// in days

if player.AccountAge < MIN_ACCOUNT_AGE then
player:Kick(“Your account needs to be at least “…MIN_ACCOUNT_AGE…” days old to play”)

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I’m concerned about false alt detections…… for example, accounts made on the same device.

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They said “determined” which means no solid evidence and also said “or” which means uncertainty from their side. The only option is to continuously message em and tell them to be more detailed and to fix this bs


Its already started happening :sob:

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maybe you have a 4090 in your pc unlike most, but thats alright!

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Yeah that ban message makes no sense and I’ve never seen it before.
Also remember that they used automation so it’s pretty likely there was a screwup.
I’d imagine Appeals would actually check it and at least give you a real reason, then you can resolve it (hopefully). If not, well…yeah that won’t be a good look.
Good luck!

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All you gotta do for that is wait 2 days or have a preexisting set of alts which I think a good chunk of exploiters do. One that keeps coming back to a game I contribute to heavily has accounts over a month old most of the time.
TLDR - waaaaay too easy to bypass

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Just the display message is filtered, the private message is not filtered.

Thanks for the feedback. We have read all of your comments with regards to text filtering the DisplayReason, we are will be changing our plans in response. I am happy to share our plans here, but it will take some time to properly enable these changes.

  1. Bans that currently fail because the DisplayReason gets text filtered will succeed. Keep in mind that the input validation on the length of DisplayReason and all of the other field will still be in place.
  2. DisplayReason will be text filtered at the time that it is shown to users, using the custom text filter, as detailed here, as well as Users and Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.
  3. If DisplayReason is filtered, we will show the text filtered version of the message with "#" in lieu of the words that are filtered. This will be concatenated with a default message expressing that the message was filtered. We are still working on the exact wording.

We will update all documentation and announce these changes when we are ready to go live on production. We thank you once again for the feedback and hope this provides a better experience. Feel free to follow up with any thoughts and questions.


Thanks so much for taking on community feedback after this awesome feature’s release. It’s not often this happens with new features, so it’s much appreciated! Looking forward to these changes.

Any updates you can provide on wording changes to the Join Error message? Some have expressed concern about the direct wording where the term “the creator” is used.

Their response was a shocker tbh, glad they listened this time
This feature and update is one of the best in recent times

I can’t seem to find the critique you reference. Could you link it/summarize it please? What is the exact concern with using the term “the creator”?

The filtering is already done by us automatically.

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