Introducing the Game Fund

I’m afraid I can’t find this anymore, I think it was in a description of one of his videos but it looks like he’s changed all of them since then/release. (This is becoming off-topic) Basically Roblox can run this kind of thing just fine, prime example of it is Royale High with its very high level of detail.


I mean the only real thing I’d see in need of fixing would be the lighting for future; it’s fairly inconsistent.

Roblox is fairly capable in all regards, collision, physics; etc.
I mean hell look at Adopt Me managing to optimize the hell out of everything just to make sure any potato can run it.


This isn’t Robux, this is US Dollars. There are definitely contracts, taxes and other legal notions (child labour/exploitation)- don’t quote me on this, that are extremely hard to deal with for any underage developer.


This is a really good program. The only issue I have with this is that newer Roblox features are notoriously unoptimized to the point where we get locked out of the mobile market which has the biggest player base on the platform. Half a million might be compensating for it but unless the games work with the engineers to optimize the features, it’s a win-lose situation.


Yeah, it’s more or less also a huge legal risk from what I can tell, if they allowed for any underage person to apply, there’s a possibility that someone would receive the money then claim that roblox was attempting to exploit them into doing something that they were not forced to do.

Frankly, it’s sad that people like this exist preventing many more people to get the ability to expand their platform and create well thought out games at a younger age; but it’d really not be worth the hassle from what I see.


thats a very large amount of money, hope roblox selects people who make brand new, extremely high quality games.


This is possibly one of the worst things roblox could for small developers, how can developers who aren’t in that fund compete with games that have 6 figure budgets? having a successful game will be so much harder to do now, how will I as a minor be able to compete with triple A level games? This is the most disheartening update roblox has added, I might as well just move to another platform.


Instead of trying to fund AAA games on roblox, I would suggest this money be given towards groups of people working on bettering and adding to roblox’s features to attract more members and funders.


It is definitely very exciting to see Roblox join other platforms in starting to fund their creators for their hard work. This will also bring tons of quality games being produced for such a high amount of funding! Very exciting.


I don’t think this is something to worry about, competition will always be healthy on Roblox, the reason they’re doing this is because they need a good social experience to lead the charge of the metaverse to new audiences, these audiences as they get tired of the entrance point (this/these sponsored games) will progress onto other games and you’ll have lost no clientele, this is probably even good for small developers.


I’m unsure what you mean, the mobile port of roblox is fairly well done

Sure, yes you can argue that future isn’t the best for mobile devices but from what I can tell it isn’t unoptimized to the point it’s unplayable. Plus, most of the upcoming updates appear to be focused on fixing some of the things that make the platform much more laggy, for a prime example you can take a look at Royale High and Adopt Me. Most of their userbase appears to be on mobile devices, in fairly large servers with a lot of players. You’d expect there to be a lot of lag but no, I can find it playable even on an IPad Mini 2(or 1)

Plus, not every game that is released under this program has to be crazily detailed, it could be in the cartoonish low poly region or a 2d game. There is no way to tell what can be made yet.


It’s not about the competition, frankly I’d argue this is more of a pushing factor to get more small creators to get their work out their for this entire application system; in whatever way it could be, I’d say it’s a reasonable way, from what I can tell, for roblox to try and encourage more devs.


once I’m old enough this sounds like it would be a pretty good thing for me to do but unfortunately, I’m 17, not 18.

You don’t get what I mean here at all.

Future has a memory leak. Not as big as it used to be however it is still pretty bad. The physics beta literally crashes mobile devices when attempting to join a game on any mobile device. The mobile app has a much less memory cap than PCs and it’s way easier to reach the cap if you’re not careful with what you’re putting in the game and to what degree. Being on the platform for almost 10 years now myself, I know that adding more than future lighting + video frames alone will kill your game on mobile devices.

I mean yeah I have to agree with this, I don’t get why the cash pool is so large. 50k, or maybe 25k sounds more reasonable and will reach more of a larger audience, even though this may contradict my last points; it does sortof make sense for them to make this cash pool much larger as so to attract more high quality developers instead of a smaller team made up of whatever.

It just seems as if ROBLOX is attempting to try and get a higher quality game out just to attract more players(?) Otherwise, I don’t understand this large sum of money being handed out. It’s quite a lot for one game to be made (from what I’m seeing it appears to be 1 game…?)


That’s a lot of money! Roblox must be dedicated to helping whoever is accepted into the program. :grinning: :sunglasses:

I think this program is a pretty good step in the right direction. Though, seems we skipped the support for this program and went directly to offering the program.

Which part of the developer hub introduces developers on the platform to Pitch Decks? Which part of the developer hub talks about design specifications, project milestone schedules, and budgets?

Exactly who is this program for? As far as I’m aware not even the education hub covers this. How can you offer a program asking for information you don’t even introduce to your audience? I’m pretty excited to apply. I think my project would be a good fit for the program. But sadly I don’t qualify. My informal project doesn’t have a pitch deck. It’s just me working on it when I can so there’s no Project milestone schedule. I have milestones ofc.

Just feels like I’ve been locked out of this opportunity.

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This isn’t directly for Roblox developers as you can see the ‘Worked on Roblox’ checkbox is basically a sub-question, it’s for competent off-platform or industry-experienced studios/developers.

So if I understand your description correctly, Roblox wants to get more complex experiences on the front-page by bringing in competent off-platform / industry-experienced studios/developers? Overall making it increasingly difficult for their overall developers of the platform to get exposure by increasing the quality standard that the average experience needs to meet?

While competition is healthy for the platform, this is more than a little bit of competition It’s just flat almost impossible for the majority of developers to put out anything nearly as good as games that will be created through this program. However I think it depends on how many games get funded through the program, if it’s not many what you said would probably happen but there wont be just a handful of games made with this program, I think over time it would lead to a great deal of these big triple A titles and instead of the newer players getting tired of those games they would just go to the other games created with this program.