Introducing the Game Fund

Refer to post #92 for why the competition this creates is healthy and non-destructive to the existing platform.

Future is of course going to be bad considering what it is attempting to be running on. The frame change is extremely significant between shadow and future.

The physics beta, is well a beta. Mobile devices aren’t going to be that capable obviously unless you get the latest device. It’s just an unfortunate thing that most players are not going to be able to get the fullest experience, I mean hell take a look at other mobile games; they’re all mostly low detailed.

Yes, the mobile platform isn’t the best but I have to say there is not much to be done past a point as I don’t see any platform like ROBLOX being able to run on anything less than atleast 300mbs; no matter what’s done to try and optimize it further, it’s always most likely going to be slightly unplayable considering the fact that the smartphone market is not known for the gaming aspect of it.

Whatever’s done with the platform is what can really be done. Plus, most smartphones are passively cooled. It’s really much more difficult to port over a PC made game to a mobile device. Hell, the GTA style ports have not been perfect either (lack of competence or something else; I’m unsure.)

The mobile platform is capable, but not as capable as anything else, there is always going to be hiccups with the mobile platform; but hopefully tech improves further and gets cheaper to afford allowing for more detailed mobile ports.

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500k usd is alot i think this funding would be in great use

It’s cool, but instead of putting so much money onto developers and expecting them to make the next AAA game with such a feature lacking game-engine it makes no sense; why not improve the game engine with this money? Hire more experienced engineers to work on the game engine? There are tons of lacking features or non-existing features like the ones listed below.

  • ParticleSystem (still lacks tons of features)
  • UI editor (no updates since it was released)
  • Too extreme triangle limit
  • No 4K texture support
  • Lack of post-processing effects
  • Lack of ability to control more advanced graphics settings like anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, and many more
  • Ray-tracing
  • Baked lighting & static objects
  • Rope constraint collisions
  • Lack of optimizations especially for lightning technology called “Future”

Please Roblox, listen to us, with this kind of money Roblox could improve their game engine allowing for better games to be made, as of right now Roblox’s game engine stands no chance against any AAA game.


You will never see a AAA title on Roblox with Roblox’s current technology. There would need to be a ton of changes before anything released on Roblox could be considered AAA. Roblox doesn’t even provide support to their developers for shaders. The only shader they do have is for grass and decorations and the only plans they have announced were to be able to add other decorations.

The lighting is getting better, and the technology behind the platform is becoming more robust. But there’s not enough here to compete with a game of the same budget off the platform.

So judging by what’s currently possible, I think this could be the start to offering something better than an accelerator program, by allowing developers to continue making experiences independently as a prototype for the Game Fund but not as something that could be sustainable by the developer alone. The only effect I can see coming from that is the overall increase of quality in experiences and the lack of ability for independent developers to meet that new standard without a budget.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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All you’re saying is true, however, we both know that people only see the 500k without thinking of the repercussions of what this means. I original post was meant as a reminder to everyone that you’re losing out on 75% of the player base in exchange for new features and some money that will be burned through fast.


Wow, impressive! I can’t wait to see what comes out of this. I had to look at that number a few times ($500,000? Not R$? :face_with_monocle:) to make sure I was seeing it correctly.


Yes it’s 500 000 United States Dollars.


That’s not particularly true, Roblox has many creative minds and the actual good developers will be able to keep up in my opinion. Roblox is going to be introducing these games sparsely as they mentioned. Also these titles aren’t exactly triple A, 500K$ although it seems like a lot, is in fact barely enough to hire 10-11 good developers for half a year.

The cycle of life repeats anywhere, the game industry was once dominated by corporations and now see indie games creeping wildly back into mainstream, we’re likely to see the same here, a triple-A domination followed by a wake of indie games to freshen up the platform. And these extremes are quite unrealistic and purely based in pessimism, the games won’t be liked by everyone of course so our beloved current games will still have a platform which might increase in size due to the attraction of a well funded game.

I agree that there are other ways to go about this for the conservation of the current atmosphere, but Roblox ultimately has bigger goals and needs where some of these risky and borderline insulting decisions need to be taken.


That I can agree on; I’ll refer to the post I made to here

It just seems slightly reasonable for them to go all in instead of go in small; there’d be much more of a legal hassle to deal with for each individual person, and frankly it’s easier to notice much of a change with this high of a budget to understand whether or not the budget was fully utilized. This doesn’t mean that I am downplaying 25k budgets or 50k budgets; it’s just it appears to be the easiest way for there to be any form of a release of this type of system.


I just want to think that this fund came when someone saw my post about how to get AAA games on Roblox. Nah…


It also brings developers from other platforms.

Keep it up Roblox for the #1 victory royale.


I so genuinely hope that whoever gets chosen for this program is actually worthy of all the money, I see much too often very passionate developers who push the limits of roblox and make genuinely good games get completely overshadowed by, (to put it lightly) mostly uncreative copy paste games with little effort put into them.

I look forward to what the accepted devs will do with their new found money.


You say that the games won’t be liked by everyone and the current games will still have a platform. The games will always have a platform. But judging by the current pattern let’s say Adopt Me for an example. They’ve held a majority of the player base for a long time. With other Roleplaying Games to follow. Which leaves most other experiences with about 10k to 40k players. With more high-quality experiences on the lower end of the sub 10k spectrum.

High-Quality, in this case, means the functionality, UI, and one could dare say effort that was put into the game. The only space left by this program would be to invade that higher-quality space putting even more strain on those games that already face hardships.

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Personally I’d make it that if you’re put in this your team also get optional access to the accelerator program.


If an 18+ year old parent was a Roblox developer and you were to help make the game on their account would you still have to be 18+ for them to qualify?

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Probably not, as you are not 18+ in that case.


Wish it wasn’t minimum 500k interesting that they want big projects :thinking:


You say that the games won’t be liked by everyone and the current games will still have a platform. The games will always have a platform. But judging by the current pattern let’s say Adopt Me for an example. They’ve held a majority of the player base for a long time. With other Roleplaying Games to follow. Which leaves most other experiences with about 10k to 40k players. With more high-quality experiences on the lower end of the sub 10k spectrum.

This is not a problem of quality but of genre and fad. Adopt Me is a high quality game set in a roleplaying genre with a large and reactive player base to follow it around, they’ve earned it and continue to demonstrate that. Additionally over time this fanbase has become more toxic towards other games and cemented itself into Adopt Me’s culture. (I’m not calling Adopt Me toxic, just a committed and discriminatory audience)

The games that die out are ‘victims’ of bad game design. The games that have small but consistent followings are good games that simply were advertised wrong or that don’t appeal to the same audience size as Adopt Me might.

Roblox can’t do anything about this, they are trying their darnedest to mature the platform and while they’re slowly succeeding, they have to hope that the big but quick games become big and permanent, that the good ones remain good and pick up the new players to balance out the platform’s player counts.

The games that naturally face hardships made mistakes somewhere along the course of their appearance, even if it’s the result of a bad founding idea, indicates a bad game, one that shouldn’t need to be forced to success. (This is simplified as I’m not going to sit here too much longer)

I’m not attacking said games, I’m simply saying that they miscalculated the platform, and that is nobody’s problem but their own. A high quality game isn’t all that hard to make even on a tight budget. All the creative people working on Roblox natively will succeed where success should be seen.

If you find any other reasonings then they would be interesting to hear, but I personally don’t think that Roblox’s actions here will make development any harder for competent and creative developers/game designers, it’ll encourage that over “cash-grabs”.

Edit: I’m losing my sanity and don’t know if this is coherent anymore, good day.


May I ask why there is a 18+ Limit? Is it for a certain legal reason or is it just for majority?