Introducing the Game Fund

Pode ter certeza que a equipe vencedora será totalmente gabaritada, quanto a quantia, muito dinheiro pra gente, pouco para o que o Roblox se tornou em termos financeiros. Vamos que vamos, um dia chega nossa vez!


Increasing devEX would be current expenditure while this program is capital expenditure.

Basically, to increase devEX Roblox would need to be gaining this kind of money on a regular basis while for this program they’ll only need one lump sum.


You’re telling me that roblox is willing to pay people to make the games but is unwilling to fix their infrastructure, and backends


It seems pretty awesome to back developers like this so they can make bigger better projects, but what’s the catch?

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Giving a few million dollars barely affects how much they spend on server hosting monthly


! [This is more of a general criticism towards Roblox, text-heavy alert] !

H o l y macaroni, you’re soooo right about this. Since as a 3D modeler myself I find this platform not so satisfying at all, it indeed does have some limitations such as the Tris limit and the texture resolution…

But ohh boy, it just doesn’t there… since DevEx may seem like the perfect method for getting money, but it isn’t at all, mainly due to the money it gives. Imagine that (in the case of doing it through PayPal) 3 companies at the same time take part of your money: Roblox, Tipalti and PayPal itself (which is fine), but for 350 USD*? Seriously? And without doing mention of the fee that Roblox includes.

For something like that, I would just get straight out of this platform and get into a studio. WHILE also keeping in mind that it isn’t that you will always get the same value of Robux per each month, for someone who is more recognized and famous on the platform … well, he will have a gifted life, but what about someone who is not even known by his own pet?

I think it’s good that it’s an amount of 500k, but at the same time it’s not very convenient due to the studios that have nothing to do with Roblox, who will have to adapt to the limitations of Roblox, limitations such as the 10k of Tris and a maximum of 1024x1024 per texture plus the inevitable that Roblox itself is not able to support high resolution meshes (rather that are excessive in quantity) which would lead to Roblox Studio to not respond and, consequently, crash. As already happened to me with the issue of commissions that have multiple maps.

In the case mentioned above, if you have meshes that are colossal, at the time of importing them in multiple form these will not load correctly from their corresponding positions and will have to be adjusted manually in size so that Roblox Studio can load them correctly.

Roblox itself may seem like the perfect way to get money, that’s what a minor would say, but for people over 18 it is not suitable if they have a skill that goes beyond the limitations of Roblox. It’s better for that over-age person to go straight to a studio (such as Valve, Capcom or Team17). For those places you are already guaranteed to get something specific in terms of money, and it will not be that in a month you will not receive any money as is the case of Roblox (that is if you rely on getting money from people individually, and that you do not work for a studio in Roblox).

Roblox is not worth it for someone who is not known and is over 18, and as I said before, go to a studio outside Roblox. As I’m looking at right now as a possibility.

There is also the issue of ages, in Roblox on the other hand you will have all kinds of ages. You will have to work with kids who are probably 14 years old, which is fine, but because of that age they may be immature and from time to time they tend to want to scam, be edgy people and not be able to recognize their mistakes. While in a non-Roblox studio? ALL people will be over 18 years old, and you will never see this kind of behavior (this is an issue that has to be taken into account when choosing between working in Roblox or in a Studio).

Also before finishing, I would like to mention the matter regarding the UGC, I don’t know how it is possible that in the past they have accepted people that literally stole 3D models from pages that have nothing to do with Roblox, but they reject my application, I don’t know if they distrusted that my models are really made by me or stolen from somewhere else, what am I, a reincarnation of JhonAvia? Or that they (my concepts) simply had a horrendous quality or concept so that I have not been accepted in the program. I don’t know if those who reviewed that application saw my portfolio and that I am capable of better things. Honestly, with all that, I don’t have a single desire to ever apply to the UGC program again, it’s like it’s a grudging joke made by probably bots.


I can’t believe any company would actually waste so much money funding literal roblox games. But hey, it’s their decision. I just can’t imagine 500k will ever be fully utilized, unless perhaps paying other developers or something.

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This is true the engine can always improve but a few million dollars would help studios and the community more than any Roblox improvements. A few million dollars is nothing to Roblox according to Income statements they spent 266m on operating expenses and 200m on research and development last December and the costs are rapidly growing.

Not merely enough to increase Devex for every player, them putting huge sums of money into projects creates games like Vesteria and World Zero which attracts an older audience which is great for the platform and everyone because older audience prove to provide more to earnings.


How would a new developer have 500k to spend on roblox game? This fund will definitely help top developers thrive, but I do want to mention that new developers don’t usually join Roblox with 500k USD, they earn it after years of work/experience.

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id like money for my game but i dont need near 500k usd. maybe 75k robux at the most.

However, this would need need to payed out in wages as a recurring charge rather than a lump sum.

yes. id find that way more useful. no ones gonna need half a million dollars for a roblox game.

I was saying that they would need to have a stable amount to spend on this as it is a recurring payment.

Please refer to the following post: about why increasing DevEX may not a sustainable option and compare it to wages (a regular expense):

yeah this is like a tight slap for those who said roblox never supports developers, yet now a 500k funds is available for them! keep up the good work!

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I’m working on my pitch now! I can’t wait to see a dream become a reality if accepted this an amazing program and I expect many great things from it.


This is an interesting idea I feel could possibly end in a dumpster fire. Unlike the accelerator, this encourages studios outside of Roblox to take advantage of the current market on Roblox, and fund more ridiculously awful experiences. It’s not my prediction of the future, it’s just my main concern.

However, this does require extensive points, such as pitch deck and milestones. I think that if existing Roblox developers, or indie developers from other platforms in general, follow through with truly industry standard quality AND marketing towards an audience looking for higher quality, then this could work out for the better.

Interested in seeing how this will turn out, much less, how it will compare to the accelerator.


Is there any idea of how long the Game Fund will be around? Is this a permanent thing or a short-term program?

I just turned 17, so I’m not eligible to apply just yet, but I hope the Game Fund will still be around by the time I turn 18!


From what I can tell, it’s only likely they will keep it past this year if they see competitive return from it.
Treat it as a temporary program for now, and what happens, happens.


By the way they word it, it seems that it will be at least around for the year.


I love this and think it will help a lot of Devs.

It does suck for younger devs who have great ideas but no money/bobux to support/make them or anything. So I am a bit sad about that since this only is for adults but I mean, what are you gonna do?