Introducing the Verified Badge!

It should have rolled out to everyone though…

This is still the case a week later. :thinking:

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I think it’s excellent that Roblox added the verification, it’s a shame that the update hasn’t arrived yet


Yes I had already done this, but it does not work either until now

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These are some experience owners with at least 200 online but they don’t have that badge
If I get this badge, players can easily if it’s the real Lucifer Gaming or a fake

Hey devs,

I’ve responded to some of you individually, but also updated the post to include an FAQ based on some common questions you’ve been asking. The most recurring questions, though, seem to stem from the current notability criteria and threshold. Let’s dig into that a bit:

Right now, we are only granting the badge to experience owners, avatar item creators, influencers, Video Stars, and brands. For developers, this first wave only captures experience owners (which, in some cases, is just a group) and does not account for all of the talented contributors to those experiences, developers who build useful community tools like plugins, or other notable members of the creator community.

The Verified Badge is still in the very early stages and we won’t be finished rolling it out until sometime next year. Over the next couple of months, we are slowly making adjustments like relaxing the notability criteria and adding additional criteria that we hope will better account for the diversity of the creator community. If you have a great idea for how we can evolve the Verified Badge program, let us know!

As you see more creators get the badge today, remember that this is just the first phase of the Verified Badge. I know everyone’s super excited to see how it evolves to include more creators, and we ask for patience while we get the program up and running :slight_smile:

We’ll continue to add to the FAQ as we see questions coming in. Thanks as always for all of your feedback!


Well, it can’t help but please us, in any case, it’s a good thing it’s not this year. You will be able to refine it qualitatively to the mind.

Awesome! Can’t wait to receive Verified badge for myself! Excited update ever.

Does this guarantee that the group owner to a verified group will also get the verified badge? It feels wrong to give just the group the badge but not the owner, especially when they need the group for various reasons.

@Kairomatic Why aren’t owners of verified groups also verified themselves? More often than not, if a group is verified, then the owners of said group are going to need to be verified as well since they are commonly the public “face” of the group. It would be like not verifying the CEO of “Big company” because of a mere technicality.


Are official Roblox groups going to have this badge?

Is there a way to submit a verify request?

I know that if you’re not ID verified, you’ll receive an Email alerting you that you’re eligible for a verified badge. Does the same apply to not having the 2FA App aswell?

No, there is not. At the current time they’re handpicked (I think)

Seems neat, is it going to be done in waves?

Yes, at the current time, they are.

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I wonder how many waves it will take me to get the checkmark

Honestly, this is great! I hope that this will completely mark the end for creator impersonation on Roblox. Great update!

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Yeah, I got a group with over 450k members and a active game and still haven’t got it, but yet i’ve seen smaller developers get it before me so we’ll never know.


This is amazing but what about youtubers / Streamers. There not mentioned in there. Like Myself Im a small twitch streamer with 500 odd followers. Would I be eligble for Verified badge? Since Ik there is already 2 accounts trying to pretend to be me…