Introducing the Verified Badge!

Does the verified badge show on the leaderboard on experiences? Just like the Star creator icon, Developer hammer icon.


Can verified users who impersonate someone else get their badge removed?

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This is an interesting concept for a platform like Roblox but I guarantee the program will get heavily abused almost instantly. Guess we’ll see.

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Other question: Can verified users still change their username and/or display name without having to get reverified? (Like YouTube)

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Great feature, definitely a step forward for the platform

(ps. plugin devs verification check when)


So you’re saying if I spend an X amount of time within a studio place, I can get this badge? What’s the X?

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After reading the criteria, I assume as someone who does mostly contract work now after not having time to make full on games while in the Navy, I wouldn’t be eligible for a verified badge?

Edit: Will the attendance of RDCs bring anything into this in the future or are more and more people being invited to the point where it isn’t as small of a community now? (Just curious because I just finished my 4th RDC.)


I wouldn’t like getting jumped on by strangers in-game for having a blue checkmark. will it only be visible on the website? And if it does eventually show up in experiences, will we have an option to toggle it?


No… they mean that your game needs to have a certain amount of hours played before you can get the badge.

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I am also curious especially since I was on the “Top contributor” section with a lot of other people who don’t qualify for the verified badge on top of being a presenter at an official Roblox event. Would be great to not have to worry about impersonators…


Except they really haven’t. I joined in 2017 and my account was made surrounded by bots going by user ID’s, and I was followed by 3000+ now terminated bots yet they still exist

In my opinion, the blue version looks weird in dark mode.
It only looks good in light mode to me.

I think it would be better like this


Will this also go to users that own a Group Experience? For example, if you own a roblox group with a popular game rather to the account being on your account, would you still get verified?

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Amazing idea!

The feature is gonna be really useful for game developers same with content creators.
No ones gonna impersonate anyone, I hope there will be a system to apply for the verified badge instead of just picking the people.

Thank you Roblox!

Sounds cool! Would there be a feature to apply for this (like Twitter) in the near future?

I’d imagine they look further into the user’s account history, if they’ve been involved with any issues in the past, and also probably would need someone to vouch for said developer.

Will this badge show in-game? Could cause targeting in some experiences.

Excited to see this feature rollout to more users!

This is going to be a nice update!

This is a great update! Now we can separate real known influencers, UGC creators, Game devs, etc. from scam bot’s. I really like this update.

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