Introducing TorsionSpringConstraint


I’m especially excited about the Wheel of Fortune example. This is perfect.


The TorsionSpringConstraint Angle sometimes resolves to “NAN” why is this?

Edit: Here is the Source Usecase: Verlet Tower Collapse:


These contraint updates are cool and all, but I don’t see much use of them besides some weird showcases. I’d much rather have breakable welds and other constraints more frequently seen in other engines.


Does the spring still behave like it should? Does it tend to spaz out or suddenly become really glitchy?

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Breakable welds? Why would you need that when you already have breakable joints?

If you’re talking about Anchored parts, why can’t you just make a script that unanchors them on command?


Welds and joints that break when a certain amount of force is applied to them. In particular, this feature request.


Meh. I’ll probably just create a door stopper with it and then release it to see it vibrate back and forth. :grin:

On a more serious note, wasn’t expecting this but great feature! This has so may potential applications, from real world example to the more absurd. I’m already thinking of making a car with this connected to the wheels.


This is so cool! A new feature for physics based games!

I apparently love how it works, but does it affect performance on client? I tried physical constraints and they lag apparently because of how much memory they take.

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Depends on how much resources the client has and how much they can use. So for low-end devices it might lag.

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This is amazingly useful for character rigs, especially ragdolls. You can use this to dampen the “floppyness” of joints.

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Most games have a gambling crate system, might as well give them more ideas!


Very nice addition, It’s really nice seeing physics being improved on Roblox! :smile:

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The Coils property, similar to the one on SpringConstraints is visual. Also, if you aren’t able to see the spring in the test file you might have to check off the Visible property to true.


The visible property isn’t working as far as I can tell.


Roblox and It’s team improving once again.
This update will let developers make much more realistic physics for objects.
I’m so excited to try this out! :smile:

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Another great update! this will be so useful for making hinge doors and spinning objects nice! :grinning:

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For elevators I just tween the model (locally) and weld the players inside to it. So far it as worked wonderfully for me.

First thing I thought of when this came out:

Note: it does look like a servo hinge constraint but I use that to hold it in place and the torsion spring constraint launches it.

Edit: it is also self-righting when it falls over


tweening elevators has always resulted in a supper choppy not smooth elevator that nobody wants to use because they fall through the floor if they’re not in a chair.


That would make it a pretty swag elevator to be fair, :joy: