Introduction thread for new forum members

Eyy welcome mah dude! Seen a ton of your amazing stuff on twitter, happy you’re finally here!


Welcome, r0cu! Goodluck with your DevEx my fellow builder :sunglasses:


Welcome to the Dev Forum r0cu good luck we all hope you succeed! :smiley:


Welcome everyone!


Welcome to the developer forum! Hope to see you around.


It’s a small world - we’ve competed for bhop records before. Glad to see you in the developer forums, congratulations.


Ayyy i remember!! Good to see you here aswell man!


Welcome to the devforum, r0cu! Also, I like your builds :wink:


Hello there ! I’m Yor_ick. Not Yorick.
And now will I tell you my information. So as you maybe know , I’m in the devforum. And why? Because I’m a really good builder. I’m also proud that I got invited to RDC 18 ! I’m Not a pro builder. I work For ROBLOX Live! , and I own Yorick’s entertainment. Make sure to check it out ! That’s all what I say about me. Cya ! and Have a good day!

Welcome to the dev forum my dude and nice work.

anyways I’m here for like a year but never used it. Lol.

Welcome to the Developer Forum!

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Good to see you here, Yo_rick :wave:

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Lol I was here for a year But never used it

My name is Cyalm.
I have heard of roblox since 2010 and played as a guest, but i joined roblox (with an actual account) in 2012, in the 12th of December.
I actually didn’t plan to develop games, but I decided… Hey! Why not? I mean, there are some games that I really loved at the time.
I mostly do building, composing and animating.
I’m actually pretty new to the forum joining just 2 days ago.
Anyways, I’m really glad that I joined this forum, and I shall see you all soon on the flipside.
Ciao! :tea:


Welcome to the developer forum!


I found Roblox about 9 years ago, i started development with War Clans building Forts and then started getting interest in topics like new tech, lighting, Detailed Building and perfomance.

My current goals here are to share as much as possible on my knowledges of making 3d Art.

Im mostly a 3d Artist, Builder and map Designer.

Welcome to the developer forum! Hope to see you around :smile:

Hello, I am Nonaz_jr

-I’ll tell my full story. tl;dr: I’m a scripter, I’m nice, dm me for anything from discussion to coop ideas

Several years ago, my girlfriend linked me a magazine article titled ‘10 ways to make 1M$’ and it mentioned the first Roblox-made millionaire. Previously I had written small games and worked as a game designer, and the great variety and creativity of the games on Roblox inspired me.

My previous Unity multiplayer project had failed, coding the server infrastructure had just proven to much. The idea of a full API, servers, traffic and even monetization taken care of, so you can just focus on making the game, really spoke to me.

So as I watched AlvinBlox movies and relied on my previous programming knowledge (I study AI and computational Biology), I quickly started feeling very powerful when opening Studio.

Yet it took years to get familiar with the API and type code from scratch by hand. At one point I gathered my projects: an agent-based game of life, a marble machine, scripted organic-looking plants. I felt ready to make a game.

My girlfriend really enjoys geese, and we had spent much time making a nice hangout in the Team Create Beta, with water and scripted birds. Her feel for design gave it a really nice atmosphere, and it became the basis for my main project: Goose Haven.

A giant mechanical flying goose and a year of development later, the RDC Amsterdam was announced, and I applied and was invited. It was great. It was awesome. But I can tell more about that later.

To prepare and have something to show there, I started a small new project: Stylez Clothing.

Many Roblox clothing designers on twitter had mentioned that they felt, well, bad about their designs being copied and resold (on a large scale). There were ghost stories about the original designer getting banned too or bans over work unexpectely labeled as inappropriate content… Easily exploited by large clothing groups, it seemed hard to make it on your own for a clothing designer.

Lacking any design skills of my own, I decided to go for the 10% commission while offering designers a chance in the spotlight. On Fiverr I hired builders to make the shop, scripted it and now the shop is online, still in an early alpha version. Currently I am finding designers who can provide 100 pants-shirt matchings by id, of their original design, to host in their own island.

I myself am a scripter. My feel for colour and composition is out-of-norm, building is slow due to not knowing (how to use) the right plugins, and I have no skills in 3D modelling such as blender. I have musical skills which I hope to bring to my Roblox games in the future.

Having never coded in a professional team context, I would still say I have great scripting skills, complemented by creativity, my curiosity, and my appreciation for elegant solutions. Sparked by innovative ideas and with access to some math background, I hope that being more immersed in the community will help me to grow as a developer and create my first succesful Roblox game.

Now finishing my university studies, it would be great to be able to spend time on Roblox development while earning a modest living. The freedom of the digital nomad even is outshined by the power to unleash your creativity, a combination that I dream one day Roblox will offer me.

Even apart from that: Roblox is an awesome platform. What it does for young (and old) people who learn scripting, or using computers in the first place. The social value and outlet for creativity. Having worked as a teacher (arduino, maths and php) to 16y/o, I am very interested in Roblox’ educational potential, up to the University level (demonstrate simple models, 3d protein structures, full bioinformatics, and this is just my area).

So there you go. Feel free to dm me, here, on Twitter (@Nonaz_jr) or on Roblox (Nonaz_jr). I’m generally friendly and respectful, and I appreciate comments, feedback and questions. Even criticisms as long as you are friendly and respectful too. :slight_smile: Hopefully with some (or more) of you I will be working on awesome projects together one day!

Kind regards,

Some links to my work:
Goose Haven (alpha) Goose Haven **Teaser** - Roblox
Stylez Clothing (alpha) [Rthro] Stylez - Roblox

For updates follow Twitter @Nonaz_jr or join my group Groups - Roblox!

Some pictures: