Introduction thread for new forum members

Heya, I’m cirek. Been an active player since 2009. My most notable contribution to Roblox is meme tycoon, a post-ironic masterpiece, which is currently being rebuilt.
My other main gig is video making, as I’ve created several different YouTube channels. Here’s an example -
Currently a freshman in college pursuing a major in Film, also employed at a movie theater.

Shoutouts to @jameeish and @HellaAric for supporting my inclusion.

Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to work with you guys.


Hello, I’m Archerring. I applied last month and I got accepted today. It’s been one of my goals to be in the ROBLOX Forum and it’s a great feeling.

I’ve been developing for two years, I’ve been recently in the Education community of ROBLOX and I’ve made eight huge schools in the past couple of months. I’ve been the owner of a High school that grew 6,000 members. Last summer, I developed for the cafe & restaurant community of ROBLOX and I’ve developed for great restaurants. Now, I’m launching my Development group called DESIGNE and I’m making an amazing RP game, that’ll be released in the future. (:

It’s an honor to be here right now, I cannot wait to meet new people and try my best to put my impact on the Forums community. I’m very active on twitter and I’ll be giving updates there !!


Hi, I’m Tochigi. I don’t really have much to say other than that.


Hiya, welcome to the DevForum!




Hey Everyone,
I’m Zero Latency

I am honored to be apart of DevForum’s and hope to get to know you all and make some new friends.


Hey there, welcome! (also, I know you’re secretly spiderman)


Shhh totally not actually deadpool :wink:


Hi, everyone! I’m DerpyMcDerpell, a builder, animator, GUI designer, and (maybe later) composer; I’m also looking to becoming a scripter, but that will take my tiny brain a while to pick up. You may know me as one of the many developers for Restaurant Tycoon. I’m honoured and thrilled to join this forum! I see so many developers here whom I look up to, and maybe one day, I’ll speak to them here. I hope I can contribute to this creative, intelligent community! I’d also like to thank @PsychoStatic for encouraging me to join!

I joined Roblox in two thousand thirteen, so not too long ago. As a younger person, I played everything, so I always wanted to find a new game to play, and now I have realized that the only way for that to happen is to create one. Many people think my main group must be the group of Restaurant Tycoon, Ultra Games, because it has gained a lot of success (much to my own pleasant surprise); however, my true main group is a group that is not too well-known. I will always be loyal to that lovely group—and I’ll explain why.

Another member on this forum, @Mightty, inspired me to become a developer with his game 2050. It was such an inspiration to me—I saw how amazing and intriguing games could be once more, but there was something special about that game, and I left a comment complimenting Mightty on how great the game was. Much to my surprise, he replied. At that moment, I realized I wanted to develop. Even more to my surprise, Mightty mentored me on my way to becoming a developer. It was fun, and I am so thankful for him helping me, and I will never be able to repay that act of kindness.

Mightty eventually achieved ownership of former Roblox developer Zeekerss’ group. It used to be a video-making studio a long time ago, but Mightty transformed it into a game-making group. He was still tutoring me, still being patient, and still being one of the nicest people I have ever met. Eventually, I got—excuse my lack of modesty—a lot better!

Mightty and I still work together. We, along with Kindoodle (she’s a wonderful builder), all own the group, Z Productions, together now. There are many other developers who help us climb the infinite ladder to improvement. Every day, we challenge ourselves. Mightty still is an enormous inspiration to me, and he always will be. Many of the people here, as I mentioned, are also huge inspirations on my journey.

About me, there isn’t much to know—I’m a nerd looking to become an author and virologist, fourteen, a male, and developer. Not very much. But what I do have a lot of is gratefulness for the people who accepted me here!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate the opportunity to meet other developers, many more skilled than me. Hopefully, I can learn a lot from you all.


This lovely art was drawn by a friend by the username of MyTypeMyLife.



Hi, I’m Ryan and I just recently got accepted.

I joined Roblox in 2009 and have been deving since roughly 2012 but really got into it in 2015. I’ve applied for the forums multiple times and I am ecstatic to see my work has finally progressed to a recognizable level. I hope to help grow myself as a dev and a person on these forums and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future!


So many new members… and I was having trouble remembering the new members from the last batch.


Hello! Just got accepted!

I’m FedoraMasterB98, I’m known for my ro-state type groups, with great roleplaying. I’m the map maker, for the cities and counties I’ve made for my groups. Some may know me from a group called TRC (The Robloxian Cops) when I owned it a couple years ago.

It’s kinda late and I’m kinda lazy, but that’s the basics of who I am, glad to be here!


Hey! I am new here and I am honored to be apart of this great community of Developers! I joined Roblox in 2012 and I Script and Build. See you all around, I will be checking out the forums for a bit.


Welcome! I remember enjoying your Guinea Pig Simulator game a while back.


Oh, thanks! I’m now vice in Hilton Hotels and own Derpie Studios.


Hello, people!
I am DevKurka.
I’m new on Roblox Developer Forum and I hope I will find here awesome community.
I’m currently co-owner of a game called “Pokemon Advanced”, based on collecting new pokemon, battling and hanging out with them.
My programming passion started 7/8 years ago. I’ve been experimenting with some basic games etc.
Then I found out Roblox (December 2011). I really enjoyed it and then I decided to start something more serious - developing.
I think I am now very advanced scripter and I can do the most of programming things.
Last time I’ve learnt much more programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript and website languages (HTML, CSS).
In future I want to expand my experience with languages like C++.
I have applied devforum to gain new skills, learn much more things, know about upcoming features and rate them, share my ideas, give my opinion and much more! I am glad that I have been accepted and I will be able to cooperate and be a part of this community.

I hope I will have great experiences here and we will make Roblox better and better with cooperation.


Greetings and hello to everyone! I just wanted to go over an introduction of myself even if this is not read, lol.

I just wanted to start off and say thank you so vary much to the people that helped me get to this point. I have been working for a few people for a long time now and it’s starting to show and I’m happy that it has come so far.

I’m Roselius and also known as RoseliusDreamer but you can call me Rose for short. I’m only a builder trying to keep improving no matter if one day I somehow build to a point where it’s amazingly outstanding, I just want to keep learning and moving to do better. I joined Roblox back on 5/23/2012 from someone giving me the link to try it out. I never thought I would stay around for long but after a few games I did. The funny thing is the first game I played was a building game, I then went on to help others out in there own games with building. I have a dream to one day build my own game when I have the time. I hope this dream will come true because this idea I have is something no one has done before in Roblox yet. I have not even said one word to anyone about this idea so no one steals it and takes it for there own. It has always been a dream of mine just to keep helping people but also building my own game. I’m a really busy person with real life stuff going on all the time but I always try to keep learning to build, helping people in Roblox, and one day building my own game.

Again Thank You a lot for accepting me into the Developer Forum.


std::cout<< “Hi I build and make clothing on Roblox. I’ve studied Python (but I’m rusty in it) , HTML and CSS. And I am currently studying C++ as a student in game design.” << endl;

// have a good day


Hi! I am a new artist here. My most grateful pieces i’ve had the honor to make were to Tunicus (MechaCubes), Berezaa(Group), and InsanelyLuke(Secret). I like to feel im very skilled and have grown and gotten the chance (due to everyone stated above) to be able to afford a new rendering engine for my program, Cinema 4D. I cant be thankful enough to be able to join!


Hello, I’m a newbie to the devfourm who just recently got accepted! I’ve been waiting for quite a while to get in and I’m glad I did get in.

I am Dragonsoul21, just someone who builds tanks, guns and other stuff like assets once and a while. I am currently working on The Conquerors 3 by building skin packs for people to purchase and use. As you can already tell I’m a builder, I like to build some things realistically such as my recent gun build and tank build.

Thank you for accepting me into the devfourm.