Hi, everyone! I’m DerpyMcDerpell, a builder, animator, GUI designer, and (maybe later) composer; I’m also looking to becoming a scripter, but that will take my tiny brain a while to pick up. You may know me as one of the many developers for Restaurant Tycoon. I’m honoured and thrilled to join this forum! I see so many developers here whom I look up to, and maybe one day, I’ll speak to them here. I hope I can contribute to this creative, intelligent community! I’d also like to thank @PsychoStatic for encouraging me to join!
I joined Roblox in two thousand thirteen, so not too long ago. As a younger person, I played everything, so I always wanted to find a new game to play, and now I have realized that the only way for that to happen is to create one. Many people think my main group must be the group of Restaurant Tycoon, Ultra Games, because it has gained a lot of success (much to my own pleasant surprise); however, my true main group is a group that is not too well-known. I will always be loyal to that lovely group—and I’ll explain why.
Another member on this forum, @Mightty, inspired me to become a developer with his game 2050. It was such an inspiration to me—I saw how amazing and intriguing games could be once more, but there was something special about that game, and I left a comment complimenting Mightty on how great the game was. Much to my surprise, he replied. At that moment, I realized I wanted to develop. Even more to my surprise, Mightty mentored me on my way to becoming a developer. It was fun, and I am so thankful for him helping me, and I will never be able to repay that act of kindness.
Mightty eventually achieved ownership of former Roblox developer Zeekerss’ group. It used to be a video-making studio a long time ago, but Mightty transformed it into a game-making group. He was still tutoring me, still being patient, and still being one of the nicest people I have ever met. Eventually, I got—excuse my lack of modesty—a lot better!
Mightty and I still work together. We, along with Kindoodle (she’s a wonderful builder), all own the group, Z Productions, together now. There are many other developers who help us climb the infinite ladder to improvement. Every day, we challenge ourselves. Mightty still is an enormous inspiration to me, and he always will be. Many of the people here, as I mentioned, are also huge inspirations on my journey.
About me, there isn’t much to know—I’m a nerd looking to become an author and virologist, fourteen, a male, and developer. Not very much. But what I do have a lot of is gratefulness for the people who accepted me here!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate the opportunity to meet other developers, many more skilled than me. Hopefully, I can learn a lot from you all.
This lovely art was drawn by a friend by the username of MyTypeMyLife.