Introduction thread for new forum members

Ooh, big fan of that game. Just played today!


Ayyyyyyy welcome!!

Hello, I am really delighted to be apart of the Roblox DevForum, something I have been wanting for a long time and it has finally happened! (Didnā€™t say my name since itā€™s on my Forum user)

I am a GFX artist along with being a builder of some sorts, though I do not have that many notable works out in the public eye, those which are, are the ones which I am most proud of. The software I use to make my GFX and all is Cinema4D and another software which is another key component to my work, Photoshop. (Iā€™ve run out what to say)

Alright um,

Thank you for accepting me into the Roblox DevForum, I also hope to help make great connections within this community!



Welcome @FaIIenFeather, good to see you and everyone else here.

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Hi everyone!

Iā€™m FaIIenFeather with two iā€™s. I joined Roblox back in 2013 and from there I kept discovering more new things about Roblox and eventually, I stumbled upon RobloxDev. I am extremely happy and excited to finally be able to be part of this community! This has definitely been a major step forward for me! I am a hobbyist artist as well as a builder and a highly passionate person who is keen to learn and improve! Thank you for accepting me, I appreciate it so much and Iā€™m looking forward to learning and contributing a lot from/to this community!


As per usual, a huge warm welcome and congratulations to our new members who joined us in yesterdays batch!

Let myself or any of the Developer Relations Team know if you ever need anything. :slightly_smiling_face:


First of all, I just want to thank the great relations team for accepting me into this group.
My IGN is Anonomical. I am a Music Producer/SFX Artist with years of experience and currently on my last year of university. I have worked with top devs from Loleris to VetexR and I am also a Former Nova Games member.

In the real world I have worked with artists and produced tracks that have hit more than 2M views and am a well known name in the music industry in the UK with a social media following of around 67k. Hence I dived into roblox to start working on game music development. No one knows its me apart from close friends, so I hope this opportunity guides me to the right path to make history on roblox.


Great to have you here, welcome!



Definitely a step forward in my career as a ROBLOXian and for sure a date to never forget.
Uhh, ok, the invite came yesterday but I wasnā€™t in my PC anymore and stuff.

Anyways, I am davness, portuguese, a 16 year-old developer trying to make a Sci-Fi racing ROBLOX game. Said project pretty much defines me as a ROBLOX Developer. But probably you might want to refer to me asā€¦

The Great Noob Overlord!!! :thinking::thinking::thinking:
y3S c4o0sE 1M 4 n00b oV4l0rD!11!!1!

Jokes aside, Iā€™m so happy to be here for multiple reasons. First, people who are here (me included) were given a golden opportunity and tool to expand their knowledge and motivation horizons. People who are in the DevForum are close to the ROBLOX staff as heck (from my ā€œoutsiderā€/newbie perspective)!

But most importantly, this is a great personal achievement. The fact that I have been allowed to be here means that what I created and what I want to create is impressive, and that what I make is part of what ROBLOX is aspiring to become: Greater, greater and greater.

To all of you, and especially to the DevRelations, an huge thank you!!


Welcome @AntEverything!


Holy crap, I come back and thereā€™s like 70 posts hereā€¦

Looks like the admins have been trigger-happy with accepting applications. heh


oops mb i thought u were someone else, u keep changing ur username so often i forget which one youā€™re using lol

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Haha aww, iā€™m wondering who you thought I was? I havenā€™t changed my user in a while though. LOL


Hey, Iā€™m BOF. Iā€™ve had a lot of aliases in the past such as TalentGoesBy, Consitor and more. I found ROBLOX back in 2007 and made my first account back then, but I kept making more and more accounts in 2008, where I got attached to ROBLOX more and more. I have a ton of accounts & theyā€™re all made by me, simply because I tried to namesnipe & whatever else (I wasnā€™t the brightest kid back in the day) but Iā€™ve been on BOF for a long time now.

What really brought me here & to a lot of other places was 2014. I met Alan (JacksSmirkingRevenge, former ROBLOX employee) and he made me a star for winning a lot of streaming challenges. He also made me the first Bearded Alien (non-admin one) for my efforts. I then got to be a guest on one of ROBLOXā€™s official streams, although they kind of forgot to put our audio up and it looked like Alan was talking to himself, but it was still amazing & I was really nervous.

Through all that I made a twitter and became more and more known by Developers & Players.

I do pretty much everything. Thereā€™s a problem in me which is; Iā€™m good in many things, but not perfect in any. My first (and probably one of the worst) game to push up over 500k visits was Player Opener, it was a simple fun idea I made one night as I was bored, I woke up to many players and I tried to make it better. Although all my efforts, I couldnā€™t make it better because I made a lot of code overnight really quickly and people already had their data saved and all that, so I couldnā€™t make too many changes to the code itself without ruining things (which is why Iā€™m considering recreating it at some point)

I was taught scripting & building at first at around 2009 by my good friends Sheeppie (Blotnik nowadays) & theRal, they were such amazing pals. I got into RPG developing through my old friend Scythedonut & got even more inspired by his old good friend Yourius / RangeMeludE. We were supposed to recreate TheGamer101ā€™s Sword Fighting game with Scythedonut but he disappeared suddenly and never really came back.

I also worked with Coltonator505 at one point, but all that is in the very distant past.

Iā€™m grateful for everything Iā€™ve got out of ROBLOX, every experience & friendship, itā€™s been a great journey & itā€™s only getting better.

At the time of writing this, Iā€™m 21, born in 1995, December 15th.

Thatā€™s all folks, donā€™t wanna write a book (even though I already did) so Iā€™ll leave it at that.


i thought you were dynosawr for some reason lol

no way [4]

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Youā€™re here at last!

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Hello my name is Deaddudexxx Iā€™ve been doing GFX For 2 years, i tried Improving my skills so people love my work, and appreciate it. I worked for alot of Roblox Groups and Games as Designer. I am happy to be a member for this Community :relaxed:

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Iā€™m CodeLad.


Hello, Iā€™m Des_tructo and I like to go by Des.
Iā€™m a blender user who models and also renders, Iā€™d be happy to help anyone who needs it if I can, and I very much look forward to the experiences Iā€™ll have within this community. :slight_smile:
