Introduction thread for new forum members

What’s up guys. Obviously, I’m Xulp, I’m a 17-year-old from CT currently seeking out a degree in engineering physics at Dartmouth College. I don’t have a lot of time to work on things right now (school) but I’m currently doing a collab with UndoneBuilder on an RTS called Rise of Kings, where I’m doing the scripting. Check me out on twitter if you’re interested. Thanks!


HAHA oh my gosh not quite, but he is my closest friend :'D so I get where you were coming from, LOL

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Oh my gosh you’re here too! Welcome to our big family!


Lol yep I’m here too now!


Hello everyone!

I’m Jiskpirate, Dutch 17 year old and was accepted on the 2nd of August, only now I got myself down to write a fine little introduction for this forum. I’m a solo developer working on various projects (which probably will be a continuing project never to be finished, hehe) including Hogwarts [Copyright issues], Diagon Alley [Yay, copyright issues], some Napoleonic vessels and the Great Western Railway. Yup, I like to make highly detailed locomotive models which are often a pain in the ***.

Prepare for a little biography for those interested :wink:

I started building somewhere at the start of 2015 after 3 years being a Post-Captain in one of the first Naval groups of Roblox. My first attempt in studio was with the massive castle of my favorite books and movies. The set design by Stuart Craig has always inspired me in rebuilding the beautiful Gothic architectural masterpieces to relive Hogwarts in her fine glory of the first movie (Yes, the castle changes literally every movie). However, since my building skills were undeveloped it was a messy structure with a lot of small gaps here and there. I got rid of it after a year and rebuild sections of the castle. When I got the whole exterior finished some sections were so outdated I threw it all away and started from scratch again. That’s why this project is taking a bit long. After 2 years I have finally reached the building standard I wanted and by so continued working on the projects on a slow pace. Hogwarts is far beyond finished, but I do have a lovely showcase where I show my finished locomotives. Some British friends of mine are willing to script some of them and I am more than happy to see them moving down the line in the distant future. My goal is to learn how to use blender and textures and by so making detailed yet less demanding models for the Roblox community.

I hope to add a valuable contribution to this forum. I’m mostly active on twitter so for recent updates go to @jiskodisco

Thanks again for letting me be a part of this.



Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone! My name is BASEKILL and it has been a delight to be invited to the DevForum.

I am a game designer who is currently working with the team at DoubleJGames to create Game Dev Life. It is rare that a dedicated game designer is around on Roblox (Never seen one anyways) so it is a joy to be one of the first! I also do some GFX, Marketing and Monetization work. I hope that I can learn new things, especially Roblox related game design to help improve my skills.
You can also contact me on twitter @BasekillRBLX
Thank you!


Hello everyone!

I’m Memi and I joined in 07 but am only just starting to take developing seriously. I’m currently working on a sequel to our first RPG titled “Vega” with the best dev group anyone could ask for! It’s an honor to join and I look forward to seeing what comes out of this community <3


Oof I delve quite in game design theory and anything else related!
Nice to see that someone else does so too.
Welcome to devforums!


Wow, so many people commenting within the last few days. Lots of new and interesting people! Love it!


Hi, I am also one of the new additions to the developer forums.

I am ReindeerIce, & I have been on ROBLOX since 2011. I have been enjoying building for several years now & currently being part of the developer forums has been such a blessing. I am excited to meet the fellow developers & get involved. I build a variety of things, homestores, maps, etc. My building style is a modern sleek finish.
Also, one more thing, thank you to my great friend Astraily for nominating & supporting me.

Thank you!




Thank you!!


Hello! I do artwork and have done it for… berezaa, InsanelyLuke, Tunicus, and Stringozzi (those are the big names ive done work for). Recently Ive gotten a lot better (good amount due to people on here, thanks!) and I strive to be a real graphics artist in the future.

Some examples of my new art:


Sweeeet work!


Looks awesome!

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Hello everyone!

Thank you, DRT, for the invitation! I am excited to join the Developer Forum! I am the manager and clothing designer for Resurrection. I look forward to being part of the community.

Best Regards,


I am a new member to the ROBLOX Dev Forum!

I have been waiting for over a month now and I must say the wait was worth it! I mainly build historical buildings and I script a little too. I am happy to join you all in making the ROBLOX community one of the best gaming platforms out there!



Omg hi! I loved playing Vega, great game! Welcome to the Dev Forums! :smiley: