Introduction thread for new forum members

I’m new here and im currently developing some builds. It is great to finally be in the Forum.

I am crvng (nick) and im a developer ( just saying but im just a begginer) hope this devforum help me to create things and more.

  1. How did you find Roblox?

My friends playing roblox so i play it also because its kinda fun since 2017 but this account is my new account now because i use my real name on it.

  1. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Well, I saw people Creating stuff like buildings and wanted to try it out. Its kinda hard but i work hard creating more and more like rooms interior and exterior but its fun creating some games.

  1. Current goals/achievements on the platform

I want to be a good Developer and to get more visit in my games :slight_smile: currently i have 5k place visit now and im proud of it

  1. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc.)

I want to be a clothind designer also to be a GFX creator but my passion is to build some things that i want (developing)

  1. Anything else you would like to include

I want to get 100 level on Tower of Hell LOL because im noob.
I want to gain friends here also at roblox community hope i get some REAL FRIENDS.


Hello! I am going to say a little introduction of myself.

My name is Ro12858. I have played Roblox since 2016, and since 2018-2019 I have started to come into the Developer side of Roblox. My first game was a simulator game, it was quite simple. But then as I felt more of a passion towards Developing I made more games!


Hey! My name is Brianna! I am so happy that I got accepted!

I have been on ROBLOX since 2018! I love making gymnastics gym’s, and dance studio’s. I also make some GFX’s here and there! I got inspired to start building when I joined S’mores Gymnastics! I would really like to meet some of you!


Hello, my name is Alex or Rayquaza1587.
I discovered Roblox in 2016 when a friend showed me. Since then I’ve been interested in making a decent Roblox game, like an FPS of some sort. My goal on this platform is to get better at making games, and finally make that FPS that I’ve always wanted to make. I want to take advice and improve my scripting skills, as I already have some skill in making maps. I can also make some GFX, nothing too good though. I’m also a massive nerd for anything Nintendo related.


Hiya, my name is Dylan I’ve been on the Roblox platform since 2008. I’ve recently started developing on the Roblox platform! I’ve been making 3D Art/Assets for VanossGaming’s Youtube channel for 3 years as a contractor, I am majoring in Game Design Art. I hope to grow with the community, and to collaborate with others to make incredible games and to really show what I can do!

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Hello there (not general Kenobi)!!

I will try to be quick.

I joined ROBLOX in late 2008, I do not even remember how. Since early 2009 I started building games, back then I was not Premium so I only had one place. I never built anything too popular. Started scripting in 2015, at first it was hard for me. Made a lot of progress, but still, never finished a game project. I came back to pursue my goal of making a successful game. I can script, build and design my own GFX, but I would not say I am very good at it.
I had been wanting to join this forum since it started, back when you had to apply and requests were manually approved. I’m glad to be here now. Looking forward to learn a lot and grow as a game dev!

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Hello there! I’m TrickyTunamers, and i’m a 2D raster artist (not vector, as i barely touched Adobe Illustrator and something similiar to it). I also have a small experience in animation (hand-drawn frame-by-frame), building (but that’s limited to building games), and managing skill

I joined roblox on the 2016 YouTuber craze, where each youtuber would showcase playing in Roblox. I’m always been an avid event hunter, where if possible in every event i would get each of every item. Since then, i think i developed a taste or two whether a game is good or bad.

I joined the developer platform very recently, that is when i first joined a dev group . I usually only use the dev forums whenever a game has an update log, only later to be actively looking at each of every topic to gain knowledge on how developing works and what-to-do s.

I do have a goal, and that is at least to contribute a successful/legit game that many players played. Right now, i’m working on Orb Studios in a game, working as a concept artist and also a bit of the game manager, making sure each dev works and control on what decisions in it.

I would like to make a portofolio here, but i guess what i have is not really mention-worthy, especially when i make one, people would contact, only to be turned down because i’m too busy working on other commissions (haha :')). So yeah, that’s about it! Hopefully i could work together with you guys :slight_smile:

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Hello everybody. I am Gaming Lama Aka Lama I joined Roblox on December 2nd, 2018 and I belong to the Roblox Dev Forum on May 14th, 2020. That should be everything important about me. Thank you very much. I hope we will see you soon :smiley:

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I’ve been around for some time and its great to finally be in the forum with everyone else.

I am BobbieTrooper, i work mostlikely on games, Programming, Building etc, doing everything myself. I got inspiration from other people when some friends in real life told me about Roblox and start playing Phantom Forces.
My current goals on this platform is too make games for other people to enjoy.

It feels great to be finally part of the developer community.

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Hey, I am TomYoGaming you can call me Tom.

I found roblox in youtube. I started editing roblox studio because it is fun to create house, car etc and scripting. I created game which is car game called “Tesla cybertruck fan made”!
My role is programmer. Because I am bad at building.

So that’s all. Thanks!

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Hello im EpicYann10, I have been playing roblox since 2016. I have made some games with my most popular game being Drop Down a tube to winners, with currently 4.3 thousand visits I always try my best to make my games better by updating them. I am so happy to be part of the developer forum. :smiley:

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A Little Late Posting This.

Heya! I’m Brit. I am a programmer & Builder As My Name Implies I am a british developer! My passion is to mostly make showcase games. I enjoy doing so

I got into development around 2018. Obviously Using Free Models Although Slowly Over The Years I’ve improved.

I found roblox in general. My friends were playing it back in 2014 ( My old account This is a new one.) And recommend it to me.

Thank You For Reading! Bye.

Hello there thanks for reading my post!
1:I was searching on youtube and i found out about roblox
2: One time i was bored so i told myself “why dont i try to make a game” and then i started learning from @Alvin_Blox and @RIPPER0NI and @XxxLloyd061302xxX they all helped me out in scripting
3: At a time i got 1k visits on my game (i closed it later because it needed to be remade) and then i got 2,3k and finally now 4k
4: Programmer
5: Thank you for accepting me into the roblox forums i really appreciate it!

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How Did You Find Roblox:
When I was 7 years old, a friend of mine introduced me to Roblox. I didn’t play it that much, but I found it fun at times.

How did You get started with Development:
I started programming and coding back in 2016, I used some different tools and languages and couldn’t really find one I liked. Then covid came, and I abruptly had loads of free time. What better way than starting to program on the new hot “metaverse” platform, that all my friends were playing on?

Current goals on the platform:
Make a game or something, I’m not sure…

What is your current role:
I’m a solo programmer.

Anything else:
I’m on the forums now baby!

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  1. I found Roblox from a friend a few years ago.

  2. I opened Roblox Studio for the first time and I was extremely confused on how to use tools such as the Terrain Editor etc. I then looked through tutorials on how to use Roblox Studio. This helped me a lot.

  3. My goals on the platform are to be able to create a variety of games for everyone to play. I want to hopefully gain more than 30,000 visits on Roblox.

  4. My role in the development community is creating User Interface. This is the main thing I focus on, but I usually do some scripting every now and then.

  5. My discord tag is wind;#0001.

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  1. My big brothers used to play it a lot and made an account for me when I was five, so I’ve been playing Roblox for awhile now.
  2. At first I just wanted to be as cool as my brothers so I would build stuff just because they did, now I just do it for fun.
  3. Honestly I don’t have many goals to do with Roblox, I really just think it’s fun to make stuff.
  4. Building, clothing design, GFX, 2D artwork, and a little 3D modeling. I know basic scripting but not enough to make anything advanced.
  5. That’s all.

I’m RoccoDK04.
I am playing Roblox since 2014. I found the game when i stumbled upon the game ‘Natural Disaster Survival’. I really liked it and created an account (2 actually). I started developing in 2017, which contained not very much. I started with learning Lua this year. I’m building most of the time, and do some thumbnail/game icon design as well.

Thank you for inviting me!

hiii! my name is lonelycoast. i was roblox player in 2013, but my old account got deleted cause i gave my password away woops. anyways, i’m a ui designer and I do art as well! I have dabbled in building and scripting but my skill level in those are pretty elementary ;o I hope I can use the devforum to learn and grow my skills :slight_smile:

Hello, I am so glad I have ranked up to member! It is so wonderful that now I can share my creations with all you guys :grinning:. I work as a animator!

Edit 1: I found roblox in 2012 from my cousin at the time was 12 and I was 4. I started just playing at my schools on the computers that started doing showcases when I got in grade 5 for my classmates. Unfortunately I forget the accounts but they will always be remembered!

  1. I found Roblox in 2012 while searching for something new to play, and I got hooked when I discovered how many different games you could play on the platform and had a lot of fun.
  2. I got started with development on Roblox when I thought of a game idea and wanted to bring it to life, so I gave Roblox Studio a try.
  3. My current goal is to bring one of my projects to full release.
  4. I primarily build at the moment, but have been learning all sorts of things. I’m trying to learn modeling and programming next.
  5. That’s pretty much it!