Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello,Im itzMehPlayin
My friend Requested me to Play Roblox when i played it,it was Fun(My first game is Candy Tycoon),thats how i found Roblox,I got inspired by other Developers,My current Goal is to make a Simulator Game thats gonna be in Recommended Section,My role is GFX,Scripter(Begginer),Builder(Beginner),Hello to everyone!

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Hi there, I’m Ashke. I’ve been on Roblox for almost 10 years when a friend showed it to me whilst I was at his house. I was an active player until about 2016/17 when I started moving on to other things. I have come back to Roblox for the lockdown for nostalgia, and as a fan of other building systems such as Minecraft and Lego, I have come to really explore Roblox studio and see if I can do some of my amateur building on that. I have no scripting skills whatsoever, and when I was at the age where my school made the subject complusory, my art teacher saw me as a failure (though I have got a GSCE in music). I have only come here because I enjoy building stuff, even if I’m not that good. (academically, I have chosen to take the history/politics etc. route instead), so perhaps this will influence my builds. Anyway, thanks for inviting me to the forum!

Best Wishes,

Hello, everyone! I’m really glad to finally join the Developer Forum and become a part of the dev community. I first found Roblox way back in early 2013 through gameplay I found on YouTube. I first began development in 2016 when I took an interest in creating my own games. I first started out with building and instantly fell in love with game dev. My current goals are to create my own theme park on Roblox and to help others in creating their games. My role is a builder, as that it what I enjoy and what I am best at. I’m really looking forward to working with other developers!

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Hello, and thank you for accepting me! I found Roblox in 12/9/2016, the person who told me to play Roblox was my cousin. I first started developing with my friend in 2019 in September. We wanted to make an enjoyable game almost like a hangout place but never finished it. As I progressed in developing, I’ve met a few more other developers that became close companions. My first few months of being a new developer were all over the place. I started as a builder, to wanting to script, and then my last choice was modeling. I enjoy making models very much, I came a long way from modeling as well, and my skills improved exceedingly. My goals were and are still pretty simple, which was to become a developer working for a variety of groups at a time though, then hopefully becoming an even better modeler and working for larger groups. My accomplishments were I was actually becoming a good developer and developing for great but small communities. As I said before, I am a full-time modeler. I’ve said pretty much everything about me.

Finally became Member! Nice.

My name is Lex, I’m a Roblox developer working on the game Splash: Music and Beatmaker. I’m an experienced developer but working with Roblox is my first foray into game development. I also had never heard of Roblox 2 months ago but now I’m hooked. Very exciting!

Keen to be a part of the community.

Hey all, I am James. I am deep into scripting, currently working on a Motor6D Range system for army groups, and getting into UI programming. I am working on a few projects for different groups. :slight_smile:

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  • Well, this is a bit of a mystery to be honest. Back in 2014 I think I overheard a friend talk about Roblox, so I curiously looked into it and made an account at around 2015. However, when I went to ask my friend for his Roblox account, he asked me “What’s Roblox?” and manage to get him into it too.
  • Around 2018 I had started making some TF2 maps with their horribly deprecated and unsupported map editor (Hammer) that crashed every other hour. I still had ideas for maps I wanted to make, but Hammer wasn’t making the cut to me, so I decided to try and learn the ropes of Studio. It was so easy to pick up that I never looked back.
  • I want to be able to bring my ideas for games to fruition, even though that means learning Lua, something I know next to nothing about.
  • I would say I’m a Builder.
  • If you ask me what I’m doing, expect me to respond with “eating a sadnwich, wbu” regardless of whether or not I actually am eating a sandwich.
    Cya for now, I’ll lurk scripting threads until I’m good at scripting for now :stuck_out_tongue:
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Hello, I’m Ben,
I found Roblox In 2018 and I have always been fascinated by developing.
I got started a year ago making basic models, and now I have a Bus Museum in the making.
I aspire to be successful in my Bus Museum.
I specialize in 3D model making, designing and art.

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Well then, here I go

I found roblox back in 2015 when the great game “Work At A Pizza Place” still was the most active. That’s also where my name came from haha, I always wanted one of those DJ sets in my house. And as you can guess. I wanted it so bad I named my self after it. I started developing back in 2016 and really got “good” in 2018 when I was interested in also making a living off it. I of course in the course of 5 years have gotten my fair share of achievements, one of my greatest is making my own group. I’d really consider that my proudest moment. The “Buy Group” button just starting at me. As (What is now a 110 member group) came to life. I mostly build but am trying to get into programming too.

That was it. Thank you so much for letting me in. You have no clue how much this means to me. :smile:

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'Ello! Guess it’s time for me to introduce myself.

I’m justin6666922, or just hawkdesign outside from ROBLOX, and in the Developer Forum.
I’ve worked in Blender for roughly 2 years now, and it has always been my program of choice!
Along with this, I also work in Epic Games’ Unreal Engine.
I’m fairly new to Studio in general, and currently developing under a group.
So, here I am, I hope to have a good time here in the developer forum! :grin:

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  1. I started playing around December 2009 on a Previous Account

  2. I loved to build small and simple little games, like Admin games, Gear warfare games, etc

  3. Getting 1m+ Visits would be awesome.

  4. Builder, UI Design.


Hello, my name is DORAN03, I am a decent builder and programmer. I hope to learn more about building and programming while here and over all just getting better.


Hi my name is re1ated and I found ROBLOX in early 2016 via a YouTube video.

I originally started developing when I made a hotel group which I later on sold.

My current goals I want to achieve are to have a reasonably large and active group, make a front page game, become a well-known developer and get a bunch of limiteds.
I do not have a lot of achievements, but some of the things I have include owning a group, becoming a developer and becoming a member of DevForum.

I currently build and do game designing.

Have a great morning/day/night!


I’m 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜. :wave:
I have been on Roblox for 6 years (including different accounts) now (as of 2020) and have spent all of those years developing my skills as a Graphical Artist, Game Designer, Builder and Animator.

:1st_place_medal: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬:
⚬ Building (2 Years)
⚬ Graphics Designing (One Year)
⚬ Game Development (2 Years)
⚬ Animating (One Year)

:trophy: 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:
⚬ Created a flourishing personal fanbase.
⚬ Achieved many successes in my personal career of Developing.
⚬ Co-Managed a Super Clan.

:round_pushpin: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 & 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬:
⚬ Former Vice President & Chief Executive Officer of Subway.
⚬ Vice Admiral of United States Coast Guards.
⚬ Former Group Manager of Funtes County Police Dept.
⚬ Engineering Team at Realistic Roleplay.

Have a Good Day!


I’m new here! I am so happy to be accepted into the Developer Forums!

I don’t do much except for animate and build. I hope to be of good use within the Developer Forums! I hope that I can spread a positive attitude with other Developers and assist others in things they may not master in!

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Hi I am just new and just got accepted here and its an honor to get accepted on this community

So I am johnreysd432 a UI designer and a scripter but my main role is scripter I just started designing and scripting special thanks to alvinblox for teaching me how to script by watching his videos, So yeah thank you all for accepting me here I hope I will have good and memorable experience, And I will start posting some topics and keep my activity up!

Have a great day everyone!

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Hello, I’m Tommy and I’ve been a decent developer for a year and a half. When I saw the notification that told me I just became a member of the DevForums, I was quite excited. I feel amazing that I’ve finally gotten accepted as a developer here in the DevForums. I hope I can become a better dev and maybe help others. Annotation 2020-05-28 141538

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  1. Heyo! I found Roblox through an old friend of mine (I moved and we don’t talk a lot anymore but I do sometimes fly out to California to see him!) Anyways I would go over to his house everyday after school because our school was on a hill and at the bottom of that hill was his house so as soon as school let out, Bam! We were at his house. My parents would usually let me stay over at his house for an hour or 2. His parents didn’t ever mind how long I stayed (they treated me very well) But back to the topic, we would play games like obbys and speed run them just to see who could finish it and then whoever won would get the pick of the popsicle or whatever, just something like that. At this time I was playing on his brothers iPad (aka Mobile) and I was fairly decent at obbys. I still am and Tower Of Hell is practically the only game I play although I now play on computer. A laptop.

2.I really just saw one of my friends trying to make a game with free models and I told him that the people who made those probably wouldn’t like him stealing and not crediting, he said OK, well I can’t make it myself. Then I said then learn or just play the game. He said I couldn’t learn how to make it myself. At this time I was probably 9 or so on my Deank10000 account that I was stupid enough to give away the password. Anyway I asked my mom to take me to the library so I could work on the game. ( I didn’t have a PC at this time, still don’t have a good one. My studio crashes every 2 minutes because of parent overload and it is just like 300 parts. Im trying to save up to build a computer but its hard to get money as a kid under 18) So that is basically how I started building, for GFX it is a different story. I downloaded Discord, and everyone had a profile pic and I just had the basic one I wanted to be like everyone else but better (as my competitive self usually wants to be) So I tried to make one but It was horrible. I am still bad, and am not allowed to get much practice as I just take free renders from my friends and make it that way ( My laptop cant handle blender). Eventually I ended up getting better and now im fairly decent but can still not make my own renders. With clothing designing it is another story as well practically the same one I was just poor in robux (still am LOL) and wanted to make some money, so on my iPhone 6 I used photoshop mix and learned to make clothing, I was hired by a youtuber and the job was originally I was doing it for free (i wanted to grow my name) then the dude blew up from his livestreams! His name is Paul on youtube, although I don’t work for him anymore. Anyway he got a 100k donation from someone and I got paid because he knew I really wanted my dream item (sshf I still don’t have it) so he promised to give me 18k, he ended up only giving me 5k and I quit. I started my own clothing group a few weeks ago if you’d like to join it would be appreciated! :smiley:Onism Clothing - Roblox

  1. My goals are to make my own simulator, or game that really blows up and I get a recognition on the platform and/or to have 100k Clothing sales!

  2. Clothing designer (mainly) Horrible builder, little bit of GFX

  3. I do clothing comissions! HMU!!!

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I’ve been looking around on the forum for a while now but felt like doing my introduction now

I found Roblox when I saw my brother playing it and he was playing this jail game and I remember I wanted to be one of the cops so bad and got tired of using his account so I made my own! (prior to Jailbreak as this was in 2014).
I started getting into development around late 2014 early 2015 when my friends and I wanted to make our own “dance” group which unsurprisingly completely failed! :joy:
One of my current goals is to create my first game, something that I will be very proud of and have it be of very high quality from the beginning. I’d also love to create a showcase.
I somewhat of an artistic mind and that led me to being a builder. I enjoy teaching myself new techniques and exploring different styles of building in studio. Every once and a while I might make a GFX, and I always love to see what others are creating.
I like to think that I’m funny but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Thanks for having me and I hope to meet lots of people who share the same passions as I do. :heart:

Hi, I am a chip of the old block.
I joined back in 2011 cause I wanted to play pokemon on roblox since I didn’t own a Nintendo DS system. I found out more of this game as time went by and started to create my own games. Though I had no skill in scripting and little building so it consisted mostly of free models and my own imagination. As of 2020 I have still no skill in coding, but a little more in building. However I did develop skills in design and am planning on further improving these as well. I have not engaged alot with roblox in these last 2 years. But I lately came alot more active again, I feel more than even that it’s now time for me to actually start learning to create a game. I have not a clue what the future holds, but I will do my best what ever it takes.

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