Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello, my name is wafflesMan678, commonly known as Waffles, I am currently 13 years old, and this is my Introduction Thread

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    I found out roblox at late 2011, I played with my sibling a lot because we had a shared Account. I was trying to look up some really nice games and stumbled upon ROBLOX, it was on 2017 where I came back to ROBLOX and make my own Account.

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I started developing at 2019 when a friend of mine was working on a really cool game, I was impressed on the game he created, so I tried looking up tutorials and such and surely enough, I was quite addicted with making really cool stuff, me and my friend now work as a team now and we help eachother quite often.

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I strive to make a game quite similar to one of my favorites, right now, the game has stopped updating, I wish to continue its legacy, while I do lack the skills to make the game itself.

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Iā€™m mainly a Programmer, but I can also make animations and terrible builds, and right now Iā€™m learning on how to make decent UI design.

  5. Anything else you would like to include
    I would like to thank you for having me in the Community, It is a honour that I am now part of the Community I have been hoping to get in for a very long time, I am grateful that I can now broaden my knowledge in scripting, building, and whatnot.

When I was 6, I went to my cousins house one day, saw him playing roblox. Began playing as a guest for about 2 years on an old desktop. Couple years later, in 2012 mobile app came out and I signed up with my first account. I lost the account and made another one in 2013.

Finallyā€¦ Iā€™ve been trying to join this for the last 2 weeks. And before then, for the last 6 years.

My only real skill is in building, but Iā€™ve been exclusively scripting for the last few months! (hence my reliance on these forums). I hope to someday be good enough to answer some questions on here, and maybe even be helpful.

Hello I excited to use the fourm

I have been on and off the Devforums for about a month, I was just ranked up to Member, I mostly just joined the Devforums to give people advice and help with their Roblox games.

  1. I found roblox around 5 years ago when It appeared on an advertisement.
  2. I started ofs as a Small Roblox Scripter, making fiarly basic scripts.
  3. My current goals/achievements is to finish all the plans I currently have at this time.
  4. Web Developer & Programmer
  5. Thatā€™s all!

Hope to see you around! :heart:

So, hey everyone! My name is Sceath_hlakk and Iā€™m new to the DevForums. I originally found Roblox through my sister in 2009 when she clicked on an advertisement for the site and from then we were hooked. I first thought about starting building and developing a few years ago but never acted on it, however I feel that now is the time although there seems to be a large developer vocabulary that Iā€™m not quite in on yet so I might need someone to show me the ropes :sweat_smile:. For the moment I want to start small creating individual buildings and furniture, then progress onto map contributions with others.
Iā€™m focusing on building and GFX designing as those are what Iā€™m most familiar with - although Iā€™d love to get into scripting soon. I think thatā€™s all from me, so, see ya!

Well 'ello there everyone! My name is AbstractExtraction and iā€™m new to the developer forum so I guess I should introduce myself! I found Roblox a few years ago, introduced by my best friend (sadly I changed schools but I still talk to him) and I remember us playing pirate wars together and me thinking, why donā€™t I make a game like this? Time passed, and I started to seriously take interest in deving, both on Unity and Roblox around a year or two ago, and (thanks to alvinblox and his tutorials) I am doing both building and scripting. Iā€™ve already started making a Stargate based map and have been looking at uncopylocked games and playing around, and I have started building a Ninja type game with a group :japanese_goblin: I think thatā€™s it for me, so see you guys around!


My name is Lyim [Mapyo] you can call me either, I am 23 and I joined ROBLOX back in 2009 when I discovered it with a friend after searching ā€œfree building gameā€ ROBLOX came up and I played ā€œBuild a Raft to Surviveā€ and was immediately hooked. My game development journey was slow. Starting with free models, I built super basic worlds that my friends and I explored. A few years later I started learning how to edit scripts and make the models I took from the toolbox into something of my own. A few years later and I was finally starting to learn how to program my own things and make my own games. I have a strong case of ADD [Attention deficit disorder] which can make focusing on something really hard, so learning to program has been a hard and long journey for me however I am proud that I have made it to the point I am at now.

My current goal on ROBLOX is to take my newly founded studio ā€œKIVVI Entertainmentā€ [pronounced ā€œKiwiā€] and transform it into a studio that makes immersive and detailed worlds and experiences. My current role in the developer community is Programmer [and if I take the time to learn it, 3D Modeler]

TL;DR My name is Lyim, I am 23 years old and I found ROBLOX by searching ā€œfree building gameā€ in 2009. I am a programmer with a studio called ā€œKIVVI Entertainmentā€ [pronounced ā€œKiwiā€].

Thank-you for the invitation onto the forum and I canā€™t wait to chat with you all in the near future!

Best regards,
Lyim :slight_smile:

Hey Im Icecatz, started deving 2 years ago and am currently working on a fps game.

Hello! I am Law, I have just become a member and would like to say a quick hello.

I have tried to get in for quite a while.

I am finally in here and ready to help the community, just to say. I am still learning scripting. I own a cafe and I like to look up to my community.

That is all, bye!

Donā€™t blame me that I didnā€™t use the format.

Wazzzup, Iā€™m Claw and Iā€™m actually new to developing! I specialize in building and eager to join the Dev Forum community. I recently became a developer after discovering my love for building.

I really have only 2 goals. 1) To obtain my dream item, which is the classic fedora, and 2) Create and design a game that (someday) reaches the roblox front page!

Iā€™m excited to start my career as a dev and get started on some new projects! :smiley:

Hi everyone, Iā€™m new here and I want to introduce myself.

Hello everyone :3, I am LeonTKM. I have been playing ROBLOX since 2014 and now I am 16 years old, that would mean Iā€™ve been playing on this platform for around 6 years! And I love it here. I started developing games since I joined and the genre that I liked most is parkour/obby. I am not good at scripting but I would try and learn lua.

My goal here is to create a game that everyone can enjoy, I hope that it could become a real game just like Unturned.

I hope that I can be helped here and in the future I would be delighted to help the new developers start their new game. I hope everyone can enjoy this website. Thank you!

  1. I found roblox trough a cousin of mine, later on started to code.
  2. I started with development due to seriously not knowing how games were made, back in the day I used to believe games were made by Roblox and Roblox only.
  3. My current goal is making an actual fun game that people enjoy playing, no simulator or like that.
  4. UI Designer/Programmer.

1 - I found ROBLOX thanks to my friends that kept nagging me to play this game, and I thought why not, and here I am, this was back in 2014 or 2015, I canā€™t really remember.
2 - I got started with development by sheer boredom to be completely honest, I remember trying to script, but never could, so I wanted to start building and taught myself the mechanics without any assistance, and got here!
3 - My current goals are to just improve my development skills and maybe work with a few groups here and there.
4 - I am a builder trying to learn the art of programming!
5 - I just wanted to say I look forward to being part of your community!

Good day!

My Roblox name is ChristopherFremwell, I am sorry but I am not revealing my real name. I started playing Roblox back in 2016, a friend recommended me Roblox so I started playing it, and very fast I could not stop playing it! And recently I wanted to actually be able to make stuff, so I started following Roblox scripting tutorials! My goal is to actually make a successful game on the Roblox platform or work on a successful Roblox game.

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Hello everybody, my name is austin5141. I started playing Roblox quite awhile ago [2010!] but Iā€™ve only recently decided to start involving myself in the dev forums.

  1. I first discovered this game quite awhile ago, when I saw a bunch of people playing the game in my elementary schoolā€™s library during break. I decided to join in and create this account, but little did I know, the game would eventually explode in popularity down the line.

  2. Although this account was made a long time ago, I am slightly new to development on this platform. I have dabbled in studio a bit [both in building and in scripting], but my skills need a lot of work before Iā€™m ready to make an actual game. I am still a beginner in both.

  3. My current short-term goal is to make something that actually works. It doesnā€™t necessarily have to be front page worthy.

  4. I am not great at either programming or building by any means, but out of both of them, Iā€™ve been looking into programming a bit more recently. I still have a lot of stuff that I need to learn, though. Really, both building and programming go hand-in-hand when developing.

  5. Thatā€™s about it. Thank you for inviting me into the community.

Hi there! My name is Kai and Iā€™m new to the Dev Forum.

Iā€™ve been active on Roblox for about 5 years, doing GFX and working on my game Boarding Simulator. On the platform, I am looking to expand my GFX commissions into other areas of Roblox such as UI design.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone! My name is SilentLiqhts, some call me Steven. Iā€™ve been a member of the Roblox community since 2014, being on my current account since 2017, Iā€™m currently 19 years of age.
I was introduced to the Roblox platform after it being suggested by one of my friends and since then Iā€™ve been an active member, partaking in various attributes throughout several groups. I became most involved throughout Roblox when I earned a position at The Robloxian General Hospital, to which I still am apart of.

I got into development after purchasing my first group, back in 2018. I was influenced massively by the RoMed community, which is why I began my own hospital based group. Since then, Iā€™ve departed ways with my medical group, opening up my services to the cafĆ© and hospitality sector within Roblox.
I know my way around various forms of development; building, UI Designing, scripting and clothing design however, I have a key interest in graphic designing and graphic art. It was only until the middle of 2019 where I found a passion for making art within Roblox.

Iā€™m extremely grateful to be given the opportunity to be apart of the Roblox Developerā€™s Forum. I look forward to seeing more and more of you in the future!