Introduction thread for new forum members

  1. I found Roblox by my friends
  2. I started by being influenced by GFX Artists
  3. GFX, Builder and Clothing Designer
  4. Nah

Hello it is a honour to come to the forum. I am normally on my main(coolguy67890y) but i use this for browsing dev forumā€¦ Thank you very much for accepting me

Hello! Im TDtheTV, just call me TD :slight_smile:

Im a ROBLOX developer who likes to script and draw. I have been in ROBLOX from 2018 till now. I have to say im very new in this forum. But i found it great. Its a place where you can share your problems and people help you.

I hope you have a good day here!

Hello im SharkBoy30HD but you can call me Shark!

I found Roblox on 8/31/2016 after a long day of school on a different account.

I got started with Roblox development when I got my first laptop in 2017 although it wasnā€™t the best but it still did good!

My current goal is to become a Regular on the DevForum and release my first game!

I am a Builder/Animator and I love to explore new things on Roblox!

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Hey all!

My name is Luke. I am a little new to Roblox, as you can probably tell by my roblox account style haha.
I found Roblox through scouting around for platforms that require user made games. My reason behind this? I am a composer and mix and master/ sound engineer. Having finished University and having not much else to do due to COVID19, I thought well, why not find something to fill the time, so here I am haha.

Over the future weeks and months I will be composing for games in different styles. Starting off with orchestral as I need to catch up from all that I missed, with university taking up my time. Any questions on what I use I will be happy to answer as well as any work youā€™d like done.

Hello Iā€™m nintendo1419! I just became a member here on the DevForum, and Iā€™m very thrilled to be here :smiley:

  1. I found ROBLOX back in 2014 through youtube videos which peaked my interest and a day later ai made my account
  2. I started my journey to devlopement within a few months into my roblox journey, at the time I only knew free models (we all start somewhere) but over the years Iā€™ve slowly gotten better with my building and scripting.
  3. My current goals are to improve myself in my building and scripting, my most recent accomplishment was I built my very own ship from scratch on the platform and it came out very good compared to what i thought I was capable of
  4. My main role would probably be a builder of all things, I do some scripting, but building it definitely my strong suit
  5. I have a huge fascination with History, Ships (mostly sinking ones), and military related subjects

I canā€™t wait to get more comfortable and more connected with this amazing community! Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey there guys! Iā€™m finally able to post things in the devforum! I have SO MANY questions unanswered as a beginner scripter. Before I go on my rampage, let me tell you a hit about myselfā€¦

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    Honestly, I donā€™t remember. I was young, and I was always the one to tell people about it. I think it was an advertisement after a download I was making. (I was young, and wasnā€™t very careful.) Thats just a theory, donā€™t quote me on that.
  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    After playing for a few years, I was really inspired by most games. Usually, a person would just play the game, but I would always think about how it was made.ā€œI could do that.ā€ I said, after already giving up on Lua 5 months ago. This time, it went successful. I actually learned a lot about lua in 2 days FOR FREE. I think the reason I learned it so quickly is because I already know alot about drag and drop code. For example, variables, if statements, etc. If you are looking to start becoming a programmer, you donā€™t need to pay, go to any camps, etc. because achieving your dream can be completely free. I do recommend having an advanced scripter friend by your side to help you answer all 99 of your questions.
  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to be able to make a semi-successful game, be able to learn from that, and eventually hand out games like its confetti. So far, I have learned everything up to lesson 7 remote events and functions on thedevkings advanced scripting tutorials. (too lazy to check if im right)
  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I do programming, but I can also build pretty good. Iā€™m definitely not advanced,
    but its really because im lazy. Since I doodle stuff alot and have gotten good at it, I was able to teach myself how to build. (i thinks thats why) On the other hand, im mainly focusing on learning to program. I pretty much have most of the models done for my game, so basically I only need to implement them.
  5. Anything else you would like to include
    Please leave any advice for being recognized on the DevForum !!
    I would also like to inform you that 70% of you watching right now arenā€™t subcri-
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  1. How did you find Roblox?
    Watching a youtube video, thought it looked good so I signed up on my ipad.
  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I first just built big cities using FMs and stuff, then I just learnt and grew from there.
  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I became an outsourced developer at TUK, which had around 60k members.
  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I have been building for a while and am learning to script!
  5. Anything else you would like to include
    Nope, just wanna say hi
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I found Roblox through youtube videos and thought it was interesting so I decided to begin using it. At first I played it on mobile(I donā€™t know why I just did.). And one day I just thought it would be cool to make my own game. But I was on mobile so I could not. But when i started using Roblox on my computer I decided to begin using Roblox Studio. Then for a while I made some bad quality games(The bad games that I stopped working on are unlisted currently. ). Then in late November of 2019 I started getting bored with games on Roblox and decided it would be fun to get back into game development but this time make a good playable game. I started learning scripting and began a Fantasy MMORPG that is currently a work in progress. Iā€™m a decent scripter and still learning more scripting. While scripting currently is(and probably will remain) my best and main Roblox Studio ability I plan to learn a bit of building. But my role, I feel is and always will be a programmer.

Hi! Iā€™m heartsusiee, and Iā€™ve been on Roblox for about 9, almost 10 years. I found Roblox through some ads in 2010/2011 and I decided to join! I was mostly involved in roleplaying games as a kid, Iā€™ve been developing for 3, almost four years! I got started in development by becoming really inspired by dELiA*s & other fashion show groups, I was fascinated with how outfits could come together I then began designing in 2013/2014, 6-7 years later Iā€™m here, still designing! My goals on this platform are to become more recognized and eventually go to RDC in the upcoming years. I am a clothing designer :slight_smile:

hi, im kkdvak, and i dont know how to scriptā€¦ likeā€¦ nothingā€¦
BUT i kinda know how to build, and i like making test games that i can build the layout for now, and when i become more advanced in this, and also learn how to script, i can continue working on them :smiley:
also here is an image of a project im building the layout for

i also dont know how to make mesh textures. F

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I found Roblox by seeing it on a Youtube video back in 2015 and I then found an interest in it. I started by using free models not know how to do anything basically but slowly I learned how to use the tools provided with Roblox Studio. My current goal is to become a developer and make games for the community to enjoy. I am mostly a builder but I can also script. I would also like to become a game developer when I get a job.

Hi! Iā€™m xsxd! Iā€™m so glad to finally be on the DevForum! :smile: I found Roblox about 11 years ago through one of my friends and since then Iā€™ve gradually gained more interest in it. I started to practice making cartoony logos a year ago after seeing other artists and what was possible and Iā€™m still practicing that skill today.

Hello! Iā€™m KawaiiiAlexx, I found out about Roblox back in 2014 from some my very first internet friends and have had a blast ever since!
I got started with development on Roblox back in 2016 just making some models and messing around in Studio.
My current goals is to learn/get better at Roblox scripting and to create a few fun games! Also to get better at building!
I am learning to become a better builder and programmer, but I also do occasionally make art of Roblox characters/games. I also have been learning to make GFXs recently! It has been very fun!

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Hey, Iā€™m Shoobadom, and yes, my name has literally no meaning whatsoever.

I discovered this game back in 2015 and played actively up until 2018. I had messed about in studio with building and following some scripting tutorials (to no avail). I created this new account with the intent of leaving my past behind and starting anew.

Iā€™d like to create a game that will hopefully become popular someday with my newfound scripting skills.

Hey ! Iā€™m gentilmatheo and Iā€™m French ! But I can speak english !

Hey! Iā€™m ItalianMayhem I just want to say hello on this forum, before I introduce myself I just wanted to say thank you for this opportunity to meet some great people on the forum.

I found Roblox by a few YouTubers who consantly made videos on this game, some of them have left the Roblox community, some are here to stay and welcome more people. I first launched developer studio by accident when I was wondering around on my desktop and saw ā€œRoblox Studioā€, tested it out and decided I liked it so I decided to watch some tutorials, and here I am. My achievements are just to interact with the community and be the best I can. My role is builder/programmer, I like to do stuff myself unless a few friends want to join. Iā€™m currently learning Lua and C# off of Roblox resources and I believe Iā€™ve been doing great with the Roblox community.

Iā€™m very much looking forward to interact with this community! Thank you.

Hello! I am Dinosoreo32 and I became a developer about 2 years ago. I first started playing Roblox back in 2012 but made a new account in 2018! I always wanted to post something on the Roblox site that people would enjoy so I eventually became a Developer! My goals are very simple, regardless of my play counts I just want my players to enjoy my games. My role in this community would definitely be a Builder, but I am getting better at scripting. Overall my time in Roblox has been an amazing road filled with fun and nostalgia, I just want to say from the bottom of my heartā€¦ Thank you for giving us players and developers a platform we can truly open up to.

Hi developers! I am so happy to be a part of this community! Let me introduce myself.

I am changeno. I started playing Roblox since 2015, but I lost my old account. I started developing since I got a computer! I Started coding because I saw the ā€œDeveloper consoleā€ in one of my games. So I started to search about the developer console and I found out that it was a console that you write code in. So I started scripting.

I woke up this morning, and saw a new message in my messages. It was titled Promotion to member! I started screaming because of happiness :slight_smile:

Hello everyone! I am iFizzics though you may call me Fizz and Iā€™m excited to join the DevForum community. I started playing Roblox in 2014 and have been interested in development for about two years now. I mostly have done building in the past, but Iā€™m now looking to get into scripting and itā€™s been going well! Iā€™m hoping to reveal my new game within the month. Have a great day everyone!