Introduction thread for new forum members

I am new here, and let me just begin by saying how happy I am to be here. Since third grade I’ve yearned to get into this forum. I would be ten years old, wishing to get in. This has been my goal, but it is only my beginning. I’m excited to work together with everyone. Hopefully I will see you all at RDC if I get invited!

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Hey everyone! I just got accepted here about an hour ago. I am joritochip, and I’m a generally newer developer.

At the moment, I haven’t created too many “successful” projects, but I definitely hope to get to be able to work with some of you and such in the future. I script and also create graphics.

I’ve always wanted to be a member in the DevForum since I started scripting in early 2013. I feel honored to finally be accepted and I’ll definitely be sure to contribute as much as possible.


Welcome mah dudeeee


Welcome, glad to have you as part of our big RBXDev family! Congratulations on being accepted as members.


Hello Everyone!

It has taken me a year and I have finally got into the developer forum! I’m so happy and excited to meet fellow developers from mesh creators to Artist to programmers and many more people with other professions!

I look forward to sharing my thought and ideas on here to make Roblox a better and more interactive place for their users!

I will try to be active and post my creations to share with the community.


Sup this is my introductory message, good to be accepted after a couple of months of waiting. can’t wait to troll the HECK out of everybody I MEAN contribute to the dev community.

I’ve been on Roblox since late 2010 (with a long hiatus in 2012) and have always loved building cars and other mechanical devices, as well as scripting. I applied to the dev forums hoping for a place to discuss roblox development in a mature atmosphere. I’m always excited to talk about new features and I love to experiment.

Well, here goes nothing…


Hi everyone. Just got accepted after a 2 month wait. I’m very excited to be here and be apart of the community. I’m a good natural builder, roleplay builder, and group maker. I love making and raising groups. Groups are the core of roblox. It’s how players build communities and find friends. I don’t remember when I started developing, but it was a while back. I also do some GFX and scripting when I’m motivated too. I don’t like doing those two that much. Anyways Good to be here.


Hi guys I’m Kavra, you may know me from me YouTube channel Kavra. I post fun videos on my channel for my fans. But that’s not all, I can do a good amount of building and love scripting! I joined Roblox a few years ago, it was recommended by one of my friends. In the beginning I brought an interest to GFX, I made GFX and edits on my Instagram @kavlicious, I really enjoyed it and it really helped me getting used to the studio controls. Currently, I really enjoy scripting and would like to expand my abilities and learn lots more. I also want to develop my building and perhaps start using programs like blender, having a huge fan base motivates me when working on projects I can always look forward to lots of feedback. I have a 400k+ subscriber channel on YouTube, along with my Roblox fan group which has over 300k members. I also have my roleplay area which has over 22m visits. I can do lots, I tend to be very independent and do what I can e.g. When I’m working on a video, I would need to build the background/set, I would need to perhaps script effects for the videos such as tweening (for things like doors), light switches, editing the video and creating the thumbnail for the video! I tend do host things like meet and greets, fan music videos therefore I make a small little queue, where fans line up in a queue. After using this method for over a year and facing a lot of expected problems such as blocking, tripping, I created an automated queuing system on my 3rd/4th attempt and it finally turned out really well, I look forward to using it in my future events and may even consider publishing it for the public to use.


hi hi :3
Got into the devforum after a four month wait. Im Chesse20; I’m a Creative Director/Manager/Builder who makes roleplay games and obbies along with virtual art exhibits. I’ve been playing and making games on roblox since 2007 and i hope to make and release bigger and better games :3 . Happy to be here


Henlo my guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


henlo b0ss

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Hello fellow Developers,

To start off, I was introduced to Roblox in 2012, of course referred by my friend. Back then I used this just for entertainment purposes, i.e. play games. Then in 2015, I was so curious about the app that was installed along with the Roblox player. This led me into reading Roblox wiki and tutorials. Then I started building small and programming basic food items and appliances for a restaurant of his. Of course, it was later then my friend informed me that you get paid for these kinda things and he started paying me small even though I resisted. He then introduced me to a community of beginner developing group which develops for others in turn for robux. I was quite popular with my programming. Then I was asked to develop for a 100k group with a revenue of 2000R$/day. Of course, I took it and now here I am.

If you have any more questions l, feel free to DM me.
Discord: FazNook#5557.


I haven’t talked to you in ages damn, welcome to the devforums!



(Just to point out - all RBXDev Members are invited automatically to RDC - see you there I hope :slight_smile: )


Yes!!! Are you going to US?


Found roblox by my friends;
Had nothing to do and found out there’s a application where people create games;
I have no goals yet;
My main role is a Programmer, but I could also be an UI Designer


Woooo! We’re in!

How did you find Roblox?
Through a friend in 5th grade.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started out messing around in studio. When I became more competent I taught myself how to script through the wiki and through youtube tutorials (Namely Peaspod and CodeTheorem).

Current goals/achievements on the platform?
Me and my team member @Circa555 are working on a massively multiplayer action adventure story driven RPG game. That’s a mouthful lol.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I’m a programmer.

Anything else you would like to include?
Twitter: @DevFangous
Discord: Fangous#2573


Yuh boi is here

How did you find Roblox?
From friends when I was young

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I wanted to try to make my own games and that fueled me to keep learning.

Current goals/achievements on the platform?
My current goal is to get our current project out!

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
Builder, GFX, UI, 3d modeler

Anything else you would like to include?
Twitter: @CircaGames
Discord: CiRcS#5850


Well let’s see,Tyridge77 introduced me to Roblox! Since then, I’ve been learning to develop and have fallen in love with the roblox community and platform! I jumped right into developing, and I started with just playing around with animating, and then moved to 3D modeling.

I hope to someday be skilled in all aspects of development! As far as other goals go, just continue to expand myself, release games, push my limits, and get to know more of the community.

I’ve had some accomplishments, I count all of my creations accomplishments, and also the fact that I currently work with several teams who are all wonderful teams! I mentioned it already, but I do best in animations and 3D modeling. However, I know some UI as well.

I am an artist, I am in college for business, and I love dragons, pokemon, animals, gaming, the outdoors, etc…


Apparently it’s my devforum anniversary.