Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello, my name is TechExtraction and I am new to the DevForum. I just got an email saying that I’ve been accepted. I’m happy that I got accepted because i’ve been wanting to be accepted for some time now. I can do a lot of things because I have past experiences from different groups and games. I mainly make graphics (GFX), but I also script and build at the same time too. I’m an average scripter I can script DataStores, GUIs, etc. I’m also a great builder, I can build modern houses and furniture for the houses that I build. I’m super excited to be accepted and see what the future of ROBLOX will be like. Thank You!


Hi there!

I’m traigla. I’m mostly known on Roblox for my involvement in the aviation community.
I was first introduced to Roblox by a friend of mine where we were casually playing games. I then started developing and learning how to use Studio by using online tutorials.
Currently, I work on an airline called FlyBristol where I am developing aircraft, technology and airports.
I’m glad to be a member of DevForum to share projects I am working on and to discuss with fellow developers.



Hiya, I’m Pragmatist. I am proud to be apart of the ROBLOX DevForum Community, thank you for accepting my application!

I’ve been apart of the ROBLOX community when it was itty-bitty, from the year 2008 all the way to now, I’ve seen ROBLOX grow into a sprawling platform. ROBLOX has been a huge part of growth in many life skills, essentially interpersonal, management, and marketing. I have become an adept programmer on ROBLOX, able to craft my own pieces of my imagination using the rbx.lua, utilize HttpService to create APIs with other data-oriented programming to my advantage. I’m also a fairly good architect, fiddle with graphics, and more.

Thanks again, see you around!

  • I discovered ROBLOX when my 4th (or 5th?) grade classmates were playing Call Of ROBLOXia V and various obbies on school computers.
  • I tried scripting and building when I was younger, and building stuck for a little bit but I picked up Lua in February 2015 and never looked back.
  • Achievements: 1 featured game, 1 game on the ROBLOX stream, ROBLOX followed me on twitter, around 3m+ place visits total. Accepted into the DevForum :stuck_out_tongue: Goals: A steadily popular game.
  • I’m a programmer and I dabble in UI/UX design.
  • I’m really happy to (finally) be here. One step further to fulfilling my dreams.

Welcome to all of you. It’s always exciting to have new faces in the DevForum community! I look forward to seeing your contributions to the forum soon!



Hi, I’m Ryferion.

I found Roblox… I don’t know, but I began development because I really wanted to make a doll house. Yeah.

Currently my goal is to bring together a team of friends and create an actual, fun, interesting game, something none of us have done before. Being a rather mediocre builder and graphic artist, I just try to pretend to make neon bricks look like tron.

But being here’s beyond an honor, I look forward to meeting new, talented, smart people! :slight_smile:


Hey it’s me! The greatest animator in the woooooorld!!

I’m JakeTheNewb, as you can see up there… but you probably know me most as XShirt. For those who don’t know, I’m most commonly known as a forward-kinematic and sprite animator, but I also like to draw, compose, and write. All this combined and I am currently working on my passion project; Noob Attack 2.
I’ve been using this site since 2012 but I’ve been “climbing” the charts since late 2015. I’ve only really started making things in early 2016 and I don’t know when to stop.
I’m a self-taught scripter and I hope that I can learn a thing or two (or three) about scripting. That said, I’m still very bad at scripting. Ya’ll will help me out, right?
Anyways, I hope I’m not too disappointing!

Ways you can contact me probably maybe:
Roblox: You know what to do.
Twitter: @JakeTheNewb
Discord: XShirt#1642

XShirt // JakeTheNewb


hello yes great to make your acquaintance stranger that i totally have never met welcome to the devforums


Woah! This is the first time we are interacting and you seem super cool, keep up the good work.


Oh my goodness you’re finally here! Welcome my man! :smiley:


Hey, I remember you from when I was friends with limerator. Long time no see!


Hi everyone! Really happy to be here.

I joined Roblox in August 2008 and I can’t say I remember how I found it. I’ve been involved in development since early 2009 when I began to frequent Script Builders and pick up the basics of Roblox Lua. Since then, I’ve amassed (literally) thousands of place files and watched the platform grow. As a hobbyist computer scientist/maths geek, I’m particularly proud of some of the more technical creations I’ve posted on my twitter. Within the developer community, my main role is to lead scripting teams, however I also work with a lot of UI and offer game development consultancy services. Feel free to get in contact!


Thank goodness. I’m so glad to see you here. Welcome to the DevForum my man!


Hi I’m Kodran I’ve been programming for 10 years and recently hit my 9 year anniversary on roblox. I do mostly internal web dev stuff and some general tech stuff for a game development studio as a job.

Hopefully I will fit in here nicely and can meet some new people :sunglasses:


Welcome my friend, as you see; this place is a magical land of friendship, development, art, bad clan groups, and more. Enjoy your visit at The DevForum Hotel, the pool is located to the right of your room and San Mateo to your left. You don’t have any bathroom towels, hopefully you brought your own.


Great to have you here mate, I’ve seen some cool stuff on your twitter. Welcome!


Hi everyone! I’ve been a ROBLOX Member since early 2011, and have been an active OBC Member since 2013/14. That being said, I like to live that hella extravagant lifestyle of having the most ridiculous priced stuff for no reason, and wasting money on anything and everything. My game design hobby also happens to fuel my raging blood lust for ridiculously priced attire, half of which I don’t wear.
I became a Basic Member of the forums when the Basic Member role was added (so still a fairly new member, just didn’t see this thread until now.)
I work mainly with race cars and other assorted racing genre things. I’ve been known for my fairly popular game, NASCAR '17, which is an updated form of NASCAR '16, which was an updated form of NASCAR Xfinity '15: Rookies Come Rising. If all my places were active, I’d have over a million combined visits.
In particular I delve highly into the Ro-Racing American Oval Communities, of which I’m apart of the upper echelon members of that community. I strive for various improvements to the community by ways of technology, such as, by not limited to: Fuel Wear, Tire Wear, Drafting, Standardized Rule Sets, Standardized Track Lengths, Realistic Scaling for both Cars and Tracks, and Standardized Scoring Systems to help host private league races.
I spend most of my time either playing PlayStation 4 games or working on something towards my next big ROBLOX Project. (Or the mundanes of College, Sleeping, or Eating.)

If you ever need help with car things, I’m your man!


I’m going to follow the format, because I’m basic.

The name’s ttcool233. YT is ttcool231. I am one of them cool, young and hip ROBLOX YouTubers.

How did you find Roblox? There was an ad on Newgrounds back in the day. (2008)

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform? Back in the day (2008), the ROBLOX Film Community was very very tiny. Inspired by several ROBLOX YouTubers, I thought I’d give it a shot at creating my own videos. Eventually, I took the time to understand the system of ROBLOX Studios to create my own characters and sets.

Current goals/achievements on the platform: Create a bigger audience and a house.

What is your role in the developer community? I’m a builder and content creator.

Anything else you would like to include: Uhhhhhhh. Thanks for having me here :D. I look forward to contributing to the community and read some threads. Or a lot.


Hey everyone, I’m XLNS_XYZ And I’m pleased to join the DevForums.

I’ve been a member of ROBLOX since 2013, and explored many of the development aspects of ROBLOX; community-wise and development-wise.

I’m currently studying programming at college and in the future I will apply these skills into the ROBLOX platform.

Looking forward to meeting different types of people on the community here.


Ay hio ohio

  1. I found roblox from a banner ad on XGen Studios in 2010, I clicked it because I like the idea of building stuff and playing with the stuff you built AND because it was the only non-scammy ad I saw on the site.

  2. Opening up studio was one of the first things I did back in 2010, I just inserted a bunch of free models and had a blast.

  3. My main goal is to make sword fighting mainstream again. we can’t let it die!11

  4. I’m mostly a GFX Designer and a “programmer” so I call myself a tech artist. I make other people’s job easier, but really that’s just me lying to myself, I’m just a GFX artist sadly, no one “hires” me for my programming skills.

  5. No not really