Introduction thread for new forum members

[1] I found roblox through friends when I was younger, they introduced me to it and since then I’ve been hooked.

[2] I got inspired how people could do so much and I wanted to be as good as them and so I decided to expanded my knowlege of the development side of roblox.

[3] My current goals are to finish my MMORPG game and I would like to expand my knowledge on scripting to be able to do anything. This would enable me to make the games I want to make and do it with ease.

[4] I like to build, make particles and I’m on the path to learning to script I hope to be a good scripter by the end of the year.

[5] Hello, I’ll make this short but I’m King. You can call me Ash I’m 17 and from the United Kingdom and if anyone could I’d love support and help while I learn and expand my knowledge on how to programme. If you’d like to talk to me you can contact me on Discord: King#0301


Sorry in advance, I’m not good at this stuff.
I found ROBLOX through a Web advert on a browser game called Bin Weevils, and ever since that day in 2010 I’ve known I wanted to develop. Not for money or fame, but to please those who play my games.
I started by making random models, an R700 my first, followed by a Vault Door and Bf109, and now being a developer for Dynamic Ship Simulator I’m making quite alot of ships, and I don’t plan to stop!
Thank you so much for allowing me into this community, I have friends here and I hope to do you all proud, and contribute towards the community!


Welcome to the DevForum! Great to have you here!


What’s up my man! You made it! :smiley:




Ayyyyyy, I’m way too excited!

I’m Third448, Builder and 3dmodeller. I first joined back in 2008 through a youtube ad. I’ve built vehicles and towns set in the Mid-Twentieth Century over the past few years such as Merryville and Springfield. Currently I’m still trying to get my next rendition of a town set in Depression-Era New England. Thanks for having me!

Twitter: @_Third448
Discord: HighOffNauseatingSentimentality#2832


Hello there!
I found ROBLOX when my older cousin used to play this game a lot. And by that, I mean frequently. I eventually created my own account around 6 years ago. I used it on a nearly daily basis. I played some old games that probably don’t even exist on ROBLOX any more like Miked Paintball, Hide and Seek, and many other countless cart-ride games. I eventually after a long time found EBR and other building communities with talented people inside of them. I had made other cheesy and cliche obbies and “survive the zombies” kind of games, but never a showcase. I began to start building off of things already made but, after a year or two I was already making my own creations out of thought. These later got me into more heavy and detailed building, first I was trying out steam-punk styled things (A popular, but now cliche thing that boomed in the 2013 - 2015) then I found more interesting things like Castles, modern houses, and engineering. I eventually got here after a long journey.

I have build so many things on this platform. Here is a place I put some rocket engineering items in.
My goals how ever are not really in place yet. All I know is that I just want to make stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

I basically build and occasionally do GFX.

Well that is about me.


aw gee spooks if only u posted some cool stuff on your twitter like sircfenner

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Hello everyone!

For those that do not know me, my name is mircostaff and I’m a programmer. Although my development started a few years ago (as I was just playing around with all of the features), I started to actively program two years ago. I actually found Roblox by watching someone that I knew play it and then I followed shortly after back in 2012. I really don’t have any achievements as of right now, but I do have a goal to change that in the future.


Hey, I’m tihffy and I’ve been on ROBLOX since 2012.

I’m honestly very pumped to be apart of the ROBLOX Dev Forums. I am a GFX artist, and I’ve been a GFX artist for about a couple months now. With GFX, I still aspire to grow with my content so I hope to better my abilities with GFX and try new styles as well.

Again, Thank you for allowing me to have this honour of being able to take part of the Dev Forums. (:


Hey third448, welcome aboard mate.


I’m iEditzz and I’m a graphics designer.
I’m 15 years old from the United States, I have some of my inspirations in the devforum community.
I go my editzz or editz.


Hello iEditzz, it’s great seeing new members who do graphics designer! We hope you enjoy your stay at the forums.


Thank you 2hex! I look forward to this opportunity.


Ooo. More graphic designers. Always exciting! Welcome to the DevForum.

Very exciting to have a new 3D modeler here! I look forward to seeing your creations! :D

I can vouch for how good mirco is right off the bat. Known him for a while and he played one of the first games I ever fully completed and provided excellent feedback. Great developer and community member.

A very warm welcome to all of you, and I can’t wait to see your contributions to the Roblox Developer Forum!


Thanks Summer! I love your game :smiley:


It was a really fun game. :slight_smile:


Ok, so apparently that wasn’t a rejection email…

All jokes aside, I’m Mukar. Some of you may know me, some may not. I’ve been building on Roblox since my friend introduced me to it in 2008. In February it will officially have been 10 years, which is disturbingly enough longer than some other users have been alive…
Anyway, I started developing with obstacle courses and bad RPGs. Currently my goal is to continue this trend and make the ultimate Obstacle course RPG in disguise as an open world parkour game. Moving on, I’m obsessed with Valkyries and Norse mythology in general, and I’m in a healthy love/hate relationship with building cities to do parkour in. Additionally, I make music and do some graphical stuff such as UI, art, shirts, etc.

Overall, I’m looking forward to meeting everyone here and working with you all to make Roblox an even better platform for development!


Welcome to the DevForum. :smiley:


I made it. It’s been a long time but I finally made it.

I found ROBLOX in 2008, when my sister made an account. I had a lot of fun playing as a guest, but I decided to make an account in 2009. I’ve been playing ever since then. I’m mainly a builder. I’ve never been good in scripting. Ever since 2010 when I found ROBLOX Studio I was building in it. My goals are to learn to script. Every time I force myself to learn I get distracted by something else then forget.
