Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello, I’m ImT_x, my name started off as Tix, but was changed later. My native language aren’t English, forgive me if i made any mistakes in grammar.
I started development in Roblox when i was interested in murder games, such as The Mad Murderer, and Murder Mystery, i started things off with my friend “Crystalllia”, she was the reason i really like developing, she scripts so do i, i learn many things from her, and after few weeks later i can script normally. More months later i was moving to roblox wiki to learn much more about scripting. And now i was able to make my own Games.
My goal in Roblox is to make games as much as i can, that can bring happiness and joyness to other people especially childrens, by that i can get the experience of everything i make in Roblox.
I mostly Scripts and Designing UI. Rarely do buildings, and never do Graphical Arts, but will later.
I just want to say thank you for all of my friends that have been near me to support me until now.


and i started playing Roblox in 2013


Wow Im glad someone remembers XGen Studios. I also found ROBLOX through an ad on XGen.

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Oh hello there.

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Hello! I’m Zelante,
I design clothing and create GFX! I joined Roblox in early 2014 although I’ve been doing both designing and creating GFX since 2015 and have always enjoyed it.

It’s really an honor to be accepted into the devforums, I’m looking forward to growing within Roblox along with meeting many other developers here!


Heya! I’m wiggle1000. You can call me Wiggle, but please don’t call me Wig. no, my username is not derived from an Australian children’s show or any song.

I’ll go ahead and use the guidelines as an interview…
How did you find Roblox?
I first found Roblox quite a while ago, a few years before I made this account. I had an older account (that I’ve since totally misplaced) I played on with my brother (currently PlazicoLuther) back in 2008.
How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
It’s been a while, so I’m not entirely sure. However, I’m relatively certain I just found the icon on my desktop and opened it.
Current goals/achievements on the platform
Projects finished: 0.
Projects abandoned: higher than Goku’s power level.
– I’ve made a lot of wonderful tech demos though! I made lua-executing computers that could run lua from a “pseudo-casette tape” which really behaved more like a floppy in a super-secure sandbox. They even had surfacegui keyboards you could type on!
JUST before the release of surfaceGUIs, I made a huge (200x200 perhaps) 3d-to-2d projection mapping project of a cube wireframe to a part canvas, complete with the ability to turn the cube into a pyramid, controls to rotate the model, and a random color scheme generator.
– A “club” with lights that synchronized to the music using the loudness property of sounds, lasers, and an interactive surfacegui-based dance floor.
– A time-scaling test which featured dynamic wind, a large clock, and random boats that I created collision-avoidance AI for.
Currently, I’m working on a zombie game with katanas.
What is your role in the developer community?
Literally everything. I’m a one-man team. I don’t work well with others who aren’t at my level.
Anything else you would like to include?
I’m so glad I was finally accepted to the forums here! I look forward to working with everyone!


Hey, welcome!!11


Hey everyone!

My ROBLOX Username is CasuallyCritical Of Course
I found Roblox through the old web banner ads on Flash sites such as AddictingGames and Kongregate.
I started developing games on ROBLOX last year, and started cashing DevEx payments this year in february.
I am a programmer, which means my art is…Lacking! :smile:
However Lastly, I hope that this forum will be able to help me make the big jump from Independent Joe Schmoe to big time developer!


I found ROBLOX through a banner ad on a website called XgenStudios. I started developing after a few months of playing games, once I realized that those games were made by players. It took a while for my games to take off, but they did, and I never imagined that I could become so popular and so successful off ROBLOX. But, it makes sense since ROBLOX’s motto is “Powering Imagination”. I currently have 57 million profile visits, and my most popular game has 50 million visits. I made 3 successful games, and managed to get one of them on front page, and the #1 spot on mobile and tablet for a while. I classify myself as a game maker, which means I’m a builder, and a programmer, not very good at programming though. My widespread success has allowed me to DevEx, and I just want to give a big thanks to ROBLOX, and the community here at ROBLOX, because I’ve made a lot of good friends on this platform and my life wouldn’t be the same without it.


Welcome! I look forward to using the forums together!

  1. How did i find Roblox?
  • Mostly through ads back when I was young
  1. How did you get started with development?
  • It was always a passion of mine, and roblox was a perfect beginner area to start, and now that I’m working on much more advanced stuff, I still consider it a lot of fun!
  1. Current goals/achievements?
  • My goal is to become a programmer, or IT tech someday, currently working on my A+ in college atm.
  1. My role?
  • My role for here is programmer, but I can do much more than programming as well, I used to be a pretty good GFX designer, and I still believe I’m a good builder.
  1. Anything else to include?
  • I mostly joined the devforums because it was a small goal I had back in 012-017 till now. I wouldve probably gotten it a lot earlier if I wasn’t lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

If you guys are wondering I am 19 years old, and am willing to help anyone in need!


This man pays my paychecks. Deserves a pretty warm welcome here. Congrats on being accepted into the basic user program Pyro.

lol? - but welcome!

Already gave an informal welcome, but congratulations on being accepted into the basic user program and I can't wait to see your contributions to the forum!

To everyone a warm welcome, and congratulations on becoming basic users in the Roblox Developer Forum. It’s always exciting to have new faces around here,


Hi, my name is Quinn and I’m 19 years old. I’m mostly a builder and GFX designer on Roblox but know a thing or two about Gui’s, scripting/coding, and so on.

I remember first finding out about Roblox in 2009 when I saw this really cool Titanic game on YouTube and really wanted to play it. I was kinda scared to play it at first, so seeing there were other games on Roblox, I decided to try those out instead and instantly became addicted.

Starting out with development on Roblox came easy to me. The very first game I ever made was called “Desert War”, where I had free model guns lying around a suburb-like map. That game is also how I met my very first friend online, and we’re still friends to this day.

My goal on Roblox is to expand on a catagory that has been touched on a few times but isn’t really popular. I enjoy playing singleplayer games a lot more than multiplayer games, so I hope to expand the singleplayer experience on here and maybe even get more developers interested in it. Currently I’m working on a game called Endling – a first person survival horror puzzle game that’s heavily inspired by the Penumbra and Amnesia game series by Frictional Games, which will be a free to play singleplayer game.

I honestly wasn’t ever expecting to make it onto the developer forum. I applied once several months ago and was denied, but suddenly today it’s like Roblox changed its mind and invited me onto here. I’m really happy to be part of the community. I prefer to work alone usually but sometimes I don’t mind joining in on projects that interest me.

Hope to see great things in the upcoming future!



Hello I am Voltoxus,

I joined roblox on this account in 2010 I believe I had an account prior but I do not remember. I got started with development on roblox when war groups were popular and I would script and build for them. This was a long time ago and I switched my focus to programming. My Current goal is to finish a game that I am working on with Veov_Ekdosi. And my role in the developer community is Programmer, I mostly program in Lua and Java but I can also program in a couple other languages, such as C#, Python, JS.

I’ve been trying to get into the developer forums for a while now and I am glad I finally got in.


Hello everyone! I’m Quantum_Duck,

I’d like to first off thank ROBLOX for allowing me to join the dev forum community and answer/moderate/ and help others as I explore through the forum. By joining the dev forum I didn’t only come for the role itself but for the supportive abilities it contains that may help others within the dev forum and inform them of many topics ranging from Development help to ROBLOX’s future. I’ll be constantly online and will take this profound role with me as I search throughout the forums.

I’d also like to wave around a gentle welcome to the developers, interns, and other ROBLOX staff members. I’ll soon become more involved within the ROBLOX community as I grow in development as well as get deeper into connections within ROBLOX.

That was my brief yet detailed introduction towards the group, I do understand this message may not be seen by all much less most of the members within the community but I didn’t write this introduction for it to be seen, rather as a landmark for my goals to come.




When I wrote that, I guess I didn’t realize how it may be misinterpreted. I’m not saying I’m better than anyone here, just that I can’t work with people who can’t use studio properly.

Thanks for the welcome!


Hello everyone!

Im Ejo2012 and i got accepted into the devforum today. Im looking forward to progress in this amazing community! :slight_smile: .

Also, lets answer the questions in this post:

Q: How did you find roblox?

A: It was actually a teacher who reccomended me roblox. I tryed to download the app and start, but i wasnt that old at the time and the app was quite new, so i gave up. but 2013, i got to know THEbloxermanRBX. We were from the same school, and he showed me roblox and how to make an account. All thanks to him for that :smiley:

Q: How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

A: When i first foundt out how to open roblox studio, i started directly by placing free models. When i first started, i had an idea of making games like they do on appstore. Making 1 lite version and one full version. At the time, i thougt my game was amazing and i thougt i would get rich after a week. When i realized the game was a junk and barely nothing worked, then i gave up. I made many trys to make a game, but all was only built on free models. It was 2016 (i think) when i started to realize how to make things without free models. I started to get good in the beggining of 2017 and have worked up my skills since that.

Q: Current goals/achievements on the platform

A: I want to make other people happy and also go further with my developments!

Q: What is your role in the developer community?

A: Im a programmer and a builder, even tho my skills in building is not as good as my scripting skills :joy:

Q: Anything else you want to include?

A: If you need help, i will always be here and try to do my best!

Enjoy reading this! :+1: :smile:


I had enough Robux left from exchanging my Tix to buy one shirt. I made a baseplate with a script and some terrain water to test the R15 animation packs the night they came out. People spontaneously appeared. The next day my brother made a map to replace the baseplate. Now I am here.

I originally joined Roblox in 2008 when I was 9 years old. I was brought to Roblox by friends in my neighborhood. At that point I was just playing games and inserting free models.

In 2013 I gained interest in programming and learned Lua as well as some other languages. Those friends who showed me to Roblox were still active and had gotten into building and group related activity. I learned Lua by using the wikipedia, making parallels to Java Greenfoot book I was learning from at the same time, and scripting what my friends built. I have since been scripting in conjunction with builders.

One of my earliest and current projects is a tower defense game featuring tile based variable pathfinding. A great deal of lag has come from recent developments.


Hello fellow developers and robloxians, :wave:

I’m Scriptily, 15 years old Roblox Developer (Scripter, UI Designer, R6 Animator, and Icon Designer), I also develop in many different platforms such as: Visual Studio, and sometimes in Unity.

I’m honestly proud to be a part of this, And I’ll keep developing and enhancing the user’s experience.

I’ll answer some common questions you might think of…

Q: How/where did you hear about Roblox?
A: Back in 2010, I was playing one of my favorite games (back then) called Ace Of Spades, While I was searching for servers on their website, I stumbled upon this eye-catching advertisement, I was curious what that advertisement was for, I clicked on it, and it took me to this interesting website, The Roblox Trailer started playing, And while I was watching it, I was impressed by how cool and fun the game is, Then I decided it was a good idea to register an account, I made my first account, unfortunately, I can’t access it now (even though it’s not terminated), But I’m guessing because I set the password as the username. The very first game I played was a Team Deathmatch game (I don’t remember the name), But it was really fun, It was frustrating to control the player as I didn’t have a proper mouse back then, I was using the laptop’s mouse pad, And it was difficult to rotate the camera, I played several games then I quit it as it was too difficult to control, But after few years I came back to find it even better than it was before.

Q: How did you become a Developer?
A: Many developers have motivated and inspired me to become a Developer, I’ll list some developers: @ScriptOn @AlreadyPro @Maximum_ADHD @litozinnamon and many other famous developers. They’ve impressed me with their creations and their games, And because I’m productive and creative, And since Roblox was my childhood game, I decided to become a Roblox Developer to enhance the Player’s Experience.

Q: How did you learn to code?
A: I wasn’t planning to be a scripter (nor a Roblox Developer) at first, but with the amazing talented developers that inspired me, I became a scripter, I didn’t really look up for scripting tutorials, I always loved to open other people’s scripts and read it, And as time goes by, I started learning what “function” do, and when to use it, etc.
And now I became a professional scripter. Yes, I might open the Roblox wiki from a time to time to learn new stuff that I didn’t know about.

Q: Will you keep developing for Roblox?
A: Short and simple answer: Yes.

Thank you for spending your time and reading my first reply/post, I really hope you have a great rest of your day.

My social medias and my Roblox profile are in my bio


Imagine how elated I was when the invite email came in. Especially thinking about how many people get rejected per basis.

Anyway, yeah. Hello, I’m C_hels. When I started out in 2013 (I was 12 back then), I drifted around games as a typical Roblox player you see out there, until I stumbled upon building games. That’s when my story began, with me constantly practising my skills with the tools (purposely going to skip the question of how I found Roblox. It was embarassing). Looking back, woah, I spent so many years building?

I now stand strong as a seasoned builder (and I still don’t know about scripting after 4 years. Sigh), known for contributing to several well-known games such as Phantom Forces, an achievement that I am proud of. I’m also a high-ranker/contributor for several well-known groups.

That’s all. Come say hi if you ever meet me on Roblox/Discord! I don’t bite… mostly.

And please don’t ask how I found Roblox, ever. Please.