Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello, I’m Caden. I created my first account on Roblox in 2016 (which got banned in 2020, rip :sob:) The first game I ever made was a cafe game called “Ace’s Fast Food”, which was really fun to make. After I made Ace’s. On my new account, I’m currently making two games, Project: New Eden, which is a Far Cry: New Dawn fangame, and firelight, a stealth horror game. I’m also planning to make a plugin that enhances graphics and performance.

Hi I’m TheEmaraldGuy123,

I played roblox since 2015, I saw youtubers play it and started playing on my own. In 2020 March I wanted to start learning scripting, and so I did using the roblox developer website. I really like programming and I am looking forward to posting on this devforum :slight_smile:

Hey everyone! Just got my promotion to member. So, let’s start, shall we?

  1. How did you find Roblox?

My brother showed it to me one day, but i’m not sure how he found it.

  1. How did you get started with developing on the Roblox platform?

Well, after i played almost every game i could find, i thought it would be cool if i could make one of those. Sure enough, it was possible. I downloaded studio and just started doing random things with it, trying to figure it all out.

  1. Current goals/achievements on the platform

I really want to learn Lua, as i only know a little little bit. My second goal is to get pretty good at UI design. My last goal is to get really good at building realistically.

  1. What is your role in the developer community?


  1. Anything else you would like to include

My portfolio should be coming soon, maybe tomorrow or something. Also, i do commissions for buildings and models.

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello! I’m Robert_stevey, recently I got promoted from a reader to a member!

  1. I Joined Roblox maybe around 2015 or 2014 and played as a guest for a few months

  2. Well I started developing when I was curious on how Roblox games are made and how they programmed it to work

  3. My current goals on the platforms is trying to get better at Lua and learning more about it

  4. My role in the developer community is a programmer (A very bad one)

  5. I am currently trying to make an Fps framework and I keep getting problems, so expect a topic I will create on the Scripting Support

Anyways Thanks for reading :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello I am a programmer in Roblox I also do some C++ in my free time

I found Roblox mostly from YouTube videos of people playing it
I got started with development mostly by just messing around with studio and later followed some Roblox devhub tutorial to learn to script
I am currently making a FPS with my brother
My name on discord is DaKrazyK if you see me there :smiley:

Hey, I’m MeamzForBeanz, and i’ve been sharpening my LUA programming for almost 2 years now!
I first became interested in Roblox Development when “Script Builders” were a popular place for aspiring developers to visit. I became inspired by the talent of the users there and started experimenting with Roblox studio. 2 years later I’m an intermediate programmer and currently working on a few games!
I’m excited to finally be able to share my thoughts on topics and receive feedback from this wonderful community.

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Hello everyone, I’m CICH0L! I’m an artist, builder and GFX designer who only started playing and creating in Roblox recently :grinning:

I was invited to play on Roblox by my friends and my significant other. Soon I was filled with aspirations of making games, clothing, building a homestore, making gfx… Basically everything under the sun :joy:

I’m currently working on expanding the inventory of my clothing brand, DARKWAVE gothic, as well as building its homestore! I also have plans for a game in the making, though it’s a big undertaking that I’m unsure how to go about lol

All in all, I’m excited to be a part of this forum! :tada:

Hi, I’m a game developer and I’ve been in this DevForum for a while. My current goal is to make a sucessful game.

Hi! Im Duel! I’m an average Robloxian cruising the forum, looking for people in need. I’m a new digital artist, and I love to sword fight (on the heights) :crossed_swords: :video_game:

I’m so happy to now be apart of the Developer Forum! Hello and Welcome all new forum members!

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Hello, I’ve just been promoted to member and I’m honestly insanely happy, because I’ve had multiple questions regarding some scripts, begging to be answered for quite some time now. Anyways, how did I find Roblox? I found Roblox when I was only 10. Roblox was introduced to me by my sister. Roblox is probably the first real PC game I ever picked up. Anyways, It was an instant hit for me. I would always love spending time playing an obby, or a game like Survive the disasters. I wasn’t really into computers then however, and never really checked out Roblox studio. Moreover, I got started with development in Roblox after learning programming in the popular language C++. I recall searching around on my computer in file explorer, when I remembered Roblox studio existed. I checked it out after learning it had to do with coding. I quickly left it alone after a few hours however, since I wasn’t used to the Lua style of programming, or how Roblox and its engine worked. However, I started watching a bunch of tutorials on Youtube, and began learning the basics, by just trying to decipher what the Youtubers were doing in their video. Sooner or later, I learnt the basics of building in Roblox, navigating, properties, and other fundamentals in Roblox. However, I realized that I didn’t enjoy building nearly as much as I did doing scripting. So, I learnt things like differences between a LocalScript and a regular script, and even experimented with ModuleScripts. Sooner or later I could code some pretty basic things in Lua on Roblox, and learnt how to use RemoteEvents and functions, essentially meaning I had enough knowledge to make some simple scripts that took into consideration things like Exploits, Server and Client and many other things. My current goals on the platform are probably to complete a game I was working on, with an FPS and tower defense style. In terms of achievements on the platform, I really haven’t done much that is beneficial to the community. I guess I managed to become member on the Devforum, does that count? My role in the community, as you may have noticed is Programmer. I suck at building, and I’m only half decent with lighting. I mostly rely on using FIB to make my games look good enough, and I never finished any of them either. Last of all, I would like to say thank you to the Roblox team and community, as Roblox was pretty much my childhood summarized, and last but not least, thank you Roblox for helping me through the pandemic.


Hello! My name is Hyrtron, I’m a builder & scripter. I started Roblox on May 8, 2017 on my first account while I was looking for games to play on my phone. After awhile of playing Roblox games I became curious, how are these games made? I went to my grandparents house to download Roblox studio and I slowly starting becoming familiar with Studio. My current goals are to become an experienced scripter and make games that people will enjoy. I have always wanted to make games but have only known how to build, so I started learning how to script. I put most of my effort into improving as a scripter in the developer community but I can also build. I look forward to meeting anybody that I come across in the future and anybody who would like to potentially collaborate with me to make games!

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Hey, my name is Professor_Skittles (obviously) and I joined roblox in 2016, but played as a guest a bit before that. I found it from youtubers if I remember correctly. I got started with development by building terrible roblox ninja warrior courses, but only started to actually learn useful skills by building JToH towers. I want to just make some robux and have fun doing some building commissions, because I can’t really script and have tried many times. I usually build but sometimes I make models in blender.

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Howdy there! I’m honored and appreciated to be apart of the forum as it can provide you with many useful and exciting things like early notice to events and feedback to [yours and others] codes, builds, designs, etc.

  1. To make a long story short, I was told about Roblox and decided to try it. It’s been a great platform since I’ve been able to learn to create games and play with family & friends!

  2. One day I got curious when I saw the Roblox Studio application on my desktop. I decided to see what was going on in there and when I got in, I got really absorbed into it and thought how cool it was to be able to create a game on Roblox. Knowing how exciting this was to me, I decided to learn to build and script.

  3. I’m currently trying to finish a simulator game on Roblox and make it my best one yet.

  4. My role in the developer community is a programmer. I personally think this is one of the best ones because they make the game really look alive.

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Hi, my name is Arelle and I’m a relatively new member of DevForum. I found Roblox a few years ago, and since made a new account as my old one was outdated and resembled my 10 year old self.

Since then, I launched a Roblox game & group called Fresh Dentist. That led me here as I wanted to be able to advertise for open roles as developers, scripters, etc.

That’s all from me, I’m not really sure what else to say! Anyways, I can’t wait to get started here!


Hi, I’m Angel!
I first found Roblox as a kiddo back in the Olden Days™, but didn’t understand it and didn’t touch it afterwards. I was brought back in by my friends who wanted to introduce me to a roleplay game, and after lots of trial and error, finally got it to work.

I got into development by starting to make clothes, then was fully and properly introduced by @froidmilky to building in Studio. My first creations were an egg (wow, I know) and a recreation of the larval stage of a brown colored arthropod cake.
Behold him, my pride and joy:

I currently want to get better at building! I often rely on items from the Developer Library, though I have a good antivirus. I’m learning all the cool ins and outs of Studio on my own time.

I’m a builder and artist, currently being the sole developer and the creator of Care Bears Paper Roleplay.
I also develop for Landmark RP and MTMTE RP.


Finally joined after 4 years of building on the platform!!

Helo everyone, in Roblox I am known as HDtheprogamer, I prefer H_D since HDtheprogamer is a name I made when I was young

So how did I end up at Roblox and working as a small developer, it all began in 2015 when my friend introduced me to Roblox, it was fun to play zombie rush and other old games back in the day. Until recently about in 2018 or earlier, I introduced myself to Roblox studio then it was hard to understand anything, I just took everything in the toolbox XD. Until 2018, that is when I started to learn to script. My goals right now are to be a good script and be as famous as Vcaffy or other developers and earn myself a void star or valkyrie. My role in the developer community is builder/scripter. If I improved anything I would edit this message!

Thank you for reading this lol

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Hi! I am a programmer, although I am learning how to model with blender better, so I guess you can just call me a dev. I found Roblox when me and my sister were watching a YouTube video with someone playing Roblox, I joined the same day I watched that YouTube video I think. I remember me and my sister asking our parents to get Roblox. I don’t really want to say the name of the YouTube channel though. I started using Roblox Studio in 2017 I think. I don’t really remember how I found it because I was pretty young. I probably just heard about it so I wanted to try it. I used so much free models when I started but not until recent years, I actually started to learn how to code. Some of my platform goals I guess is that I got accepted lol. I really wanted to become a member for a long time xD

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I’m potterkitty07
I found Roblox through my cousins, so a big thanks to them!
I wanted to make a game with Roblox Studio, so what I did was search up tutorials, and now I am currently using Roblox’s Developer Hub, and searching things up on their API Reference.
My goal is to make a successful game, which I believe is having people active in your game 24/7. An achievement of mine is the Homestead badge (that badge isn’t very good but I’m getting there!)
I don’t have a role yet. I’m still trying to figure that one out!
I recently joined as a member about 5 minutes ago so I’m super hyped. :grin:


Hi im panda im new to the devforum
I found roblox when i was playing with my friend
I always wanted to Make games
My goal is having 10K visit
Thx roblox for letting me join :smile: