Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello everyone!

I am @amobamocamo and I just joined the DevForum. I have been playing Roblox since 2016 and decided to get into the developer side of Roblox near the end of 2019. That’s it for me, bye and have a nice day.

Well well well… after waiting many months on seeking to become a DevFourm member I can now say that I am! Since 2016, I have been building various objects relating to the railway. I currently build and provide assets for 2 up and comming railway games. Destination Benford and Trainlines.

Many thanks for the promotion to a member!

Roblox: SimulationNetwork (Luke)

Examples of my work can be found on Twitter.
Twitter: SimNetworkYT

Hello Hello! DevForum Users, before I’d like to introduce myself to the entire community of the ROBLOX Developers, Thanks for accepting me to the Forum! It really means alot to me, okay let’s start now.

Hello! I am GR33N_Underscore, just your casual ROBLOX Player here, I Started ROBLOX Since 2017 - 2018 My old account from 2017 has been compromised and I’ve found roblox thru a YouTube Video so I signed up for ROBLOX.

And I started with development on the ROBLOX Platform because I was inspired by a ROBLOX Developer.

My Current Goals/Achievements on the platform is to become successful, and make a very popular game.

My Roles in the Developer Community is GFX, Builder :hammer_and_wrench: And Animator.

It’s been a honor to the community, I thank you so much for letting me into the DevForum.

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I’ve been on the forums for quite sometime now though I havent been active in making any threads or replies, I have read a lot of threads created by other users on the platform!

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Hey there! My name is Happyman, I am a new developer on Roblox, and is very grateful for being accepted into this great community. Somethings about me are that I started in 2016 just by looking around on the app store, and is a builder, scripter, I enjoy talking and chilling with others, and I am deaf which means I can’t hear but because of the new technology I am able to hear with a object called the cochlear implant. Other then that I am a very kind and supportive person that has a goal of become a great scripter! :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m new here, I’ve been trying to get in the dev-forum for months and I finally got in so yeah! :smiley:

I’ve been on Roblox since around the middle of 2015 and I’ve seen the community and everything grow in expediential numbers! I’ve been building for around 4-5 years in Roblox studio but I just recently started programming and I love it! I got started as a Roblox developer because my friend told me about Roblox studio back in 2016 and I’ve been hooked on the idea of creating a game, and letting dozens of random people play it ever since! I’m also a Youtuber with 2.8k Subscribers and I post mainly Roblox content! I would consider myself a Scripter/Programmer!

Hi, I’m am new to the dev fourm. name is carlos34666 but i go by carlos sometimes. Got accepted after waiting for like months. Joined around 2014 and love making games on Roblox. been making games for at least a year

Hello everyone, my name is docega075 and I have just become a member on this forum, I am a good builder, I script a little bit but not a lot, and I am here to know the community

Hello i’m a builder and how i found roblox was actually from my friend,and after like 2 months of playing i found studio and ever since then I love it!I look forward to meeting new people and growing.


Hi, I’m Gulibear1232. I joined Roblox in April of 2016. I had seen the game from an ad on a website and I thought, hm this game looks interesting. I should give it a go. Well, here I am still playing in 2021. I got started developing in 2020 with inspiration from SamsonXVI’s camping game. I tried to build my own camping game following a tutorial with a friend which didn’t turn out too well; it currently does not work and it looks terrible. Maybe as a future project, I could work on it again. My current goals as of now on the platform are to become a better builder and work on my scripting knowledge. I am a builder and a composer. I can make in-game music and build some models. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great day!

  • How did you find Roblox?
    Playing with my son.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    My son ask me to make a OBBY with his name in the title, so I did.
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I published 2 games on the platform so far, nothing fancy. My goals is to learn how to script and build.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

Hopefully, one day I can call myself a programmer and builder.

  • Anything else you would like to include
    I would like to thanks all the developers that post helpful content. I think it is amazing that you guys and girls take the time to help beginners like me.


Hey there everyone, I’m Mac a beginner programmer I’ve played all sorts of games on Roblox since I was a small child and have recently gotten into developing a simple fighting game.
The dev forum has been a great learning tool on my journey through developing and I’m glad I can finally use it to it’s fullest potential. :smiley:


I found Roblox through friends playing it in the early 2010’s. It was something new to me and I really thought playing other people’s creations was amazing. In fact, Roblox was the first video game I’ve ever played!

I started with Roblox development around a year and a half ago, although I never really advanced my opportunities. I was always inspired by other people’s creations and wanted to create something just as good myself.

My goals on the platform are to try to be noticed within the community. I’d like to help others succeed with their ideas as much as I can, as well as have others help me.

I am mainly a programmer and UI designer in Roblox studio, but I’m trying to learn building/3D modeling as well.

Thank you for having me!

Hello, ShrekThePanda (STP)
*I am 18 years old, I started developing around 5 years ago.
I am an animator, modeller, builder and I am learning to script.

*I developed an interest in developing (at first) due to lack of games I liked being made.
Then my interest progressed until I found developing more enticing than playing the actual games.

*My current goal on the platform is to finish my recent project (anime related game). Which is progressing well, with a server of 700+ members. I aim to grow the server and develop the game to be front page worthy.

*Kung Fu Panda and Shrek my favourite movies (hence the name).
It is great to be fully part of this community (finally).

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Hello everyone!

  1. I found Roblox through a clickable YouTube advertisement in 2011 because it said free hehe. Best ad click I’ve ever made

  2. I started developing about 1-2 years ago but recently came back after finally learning how to make a working tool with animations. I started off by learning the basics of coding then searching up tutorials on YouTube to make small but cool things like skill attacks.

  3. So far I’ve only made my own sword hehe. I like it a lot.

  4. I’m not sure what my role really is yet since I’m still figuring out which one fits me best but so far I think I am best with programming and UI design.

  5. Heres a picture of the sword I made


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  1. I remember exactly how I found Roblox watching at the time my favorite YouTube creator, I remember exactly that he was playing Lumber Tycoon 2 and I fell In love with that game. At the time I did not know it was on Roblox but when I found out about Roblox and all features included I became absolutely attracted to it.

  2. I started with my development as a curiosity thing, just out of pure curiosity I clicked on the Create tab and started my journey researching parts of it. My first game was a free model Homestore with a lot of changes to it and more clothing inside. I did not think much of this game until I started earning R$ unexpectedly. I got across the Trade tab and that’s when I learned that my game was making some minor money. From that point on I have started playing and developing city roleplay games such as New Haven County and others.

  3. Some of my smaller achievements would be that I gained a lot of old items through Roblox events and now I keep them as a good memory. I have had a successful ro-state project that was averaging around 25 players daily, for a ro-state project this at the time was considered decent. The ro-state project was later abandoned and got leaked sometime after I left it.

  4. Within the development community, I specialize in User Interface and Building mainly, but I do little scripting on the side also. Outside of Roblox, I specialize in Graphic Design and Team Management.

  5. In 2019 I discovered DevForum and simply wanted to be its member just to get a DevForum role in one Discord server by the name Hidden Developers and I did not think much of it. During 2020 and now in 2021 I have started actively developing some of my new projects and that has caused me to accidentally become a member of DevForum reading through many topics.

Thanks to anyone who took their time to read this, have a fantastic day!


Hey, I’m Ash. I’ve been on Roblox for probably 5 years, had a couple accounts. I found Roblox because I was probably bored I can’t remember. I started developing games because, again I was probably bored. I started mostly building with free models, then started messing with scripts inside them. then started to script my own stuff. I joined the devforum in October 2019 but haven’t been active until recently. I don’t have many goals except to make fun projects, and mess around with my friends. I am a programmer and builder, I’m not really good with other stuff.

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Hello! My name is Studio! Thanks for having me on the developer forum! I joined Roblox in 2016, I made this account in 2019. I got into making games late 2018, making my first game, an obby. My current goals on this platform is to make my current games the best they can be. I do many things when I develop games, I make models, design ui, and program things in Roblox. I really enjoy making my own games even if some of them aren’t very big. I cannot wait to get to meet new people and learn more about how to make games on Roblox, while having fun along the way! Thanks for having me! :smiley:

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so i’m nic and i’ve been playing roblox since 2016. i used to tinker around in roblox studio in 2017 but i stopped, until a week ago where my pea brain realised that roblox studio exists so i just made stuff and then i quickly got hooked. i found roblox through my friends suggesting it, so i tried it out on my dad’s old pc and it was i think late 2015-early 2016 so yeah. i currently dont have any goals at the moment, i’m just messing around with scripts and building stuff rn. my role in the developer community is builder and programmer. im currently learning on how to do other stuff as i plan to be a jack of all trades (assuming thats how to use that expression). so yeah! that’s all.

Adorations! My username is xHyattian_Jay. I got to know about roblox from my friend. I was not a dev at starting but I wanted to be so once I opened a baseplate and started learning from youtube lectures. And now I got better in developing. Roblox is awesome game ever I cant stop playing it ever in my whole life. Thank you roblox for ranking me a devforum member .