Introduction thread for new forum members

I didn’t see this when I joined, whoops.

I found Roblox back in 2016 when I was just browsing online. At first I had a bad reputation with it because I just saw so many ads of it on every page I went. Then I finally lost it and clicked the ad, and played as a guest. I can’t remember much after that but I do remember joining Roblox Waterpark with an actual account and buying the bloxy cola there with my tix. That was the only time I ever spent tix.

I got started with development when I met a bunch of friends. The oldest thing I actually remember developing on is a hangout game me and my friends played on. We messed around with admin there a lot, and I also had a massive liking for core games back then, but only knew about PBCC, so I had sometimes just threw in free model reactors that you could blow up and stuff. Oh, the good times.

My current goals and achievements is to get a good player base/audience, actually model well, and to work more on my current game and refine it so it gets much better over time.
The reason I want a better player base and audience is not just because of the premium payouts, but because of the community I can build up and enjoy. I could probably do this if I can get my friend to advertise his group allies in his game, which gets a good amount of concurrent players.

My role in the developer community is Programmer, since I know a lot of stuff about Luau, such as coroutines and OOP. However I am gradually getting better at UI designing, but I doubt I’d get far with it.

I just want to note that I am slightly being put off of developing on roblox, because the only games I want to develop are sci-fi/core games, but thanks to a few core games, the core game community has degraded and become more toxic. I really hope it doesn’t get worse, and that I can make my game without any sort of backlash that I don’t deserve.
This took a while to write. Thanks for reading, and everyone else above and below this post, Welcome to the DevForum!

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hey guys!

i’ve been playing roblox since 2008! yeah 2008. i used to build a lot when i was more active, but over the years i stopped being creative, and eventually, i stopped playing roblox as a whole for a while. now im wanting to get back into it. i do alot of 3D modeling and I’d like to try for the UGC!

  • Pierre :slight_smile:

Yes, i’m finally here. I’m so happy right now

I am new to the forum and took some time to become a member, great to be in.

I found Roblox sometime in late 2014 from watching a friend play, in 2015 I made my first account then switch over to my current one in 2016. I found myself interested in game development a few years ago and started learning the basics of building and scripting.

I don’t have really any achievements, the closest things are trial moderator one some games and owning a rather small but nice group (around 40 members). My current goals are to become better at development, I would one day like to lead a team or manage a game. Currently, I am trying to better my GFX skills to a rate where I can earn some Robux.

I consider myself primarily a GFX artist and builder and I just really hope to get better! Thanks for reading to the end!

I’m bird and I enjoy creating games and clothing. I don’t exactly remember how I found roblox. I do remember how I got into game creation. I just randomly decided to open studio and mess around. My current goal to achieve would be expanding my Roblox Group.

1. How did you find Roblox? - I found roblox in 2013, it was when I entered the browser and found the advertisement for the roblox game, I entered it, I created an account and that’s what I’m on roblox until today
2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform? - I started with learning at Learn Roblox Studio and learned to write scripts well in Roblox Studio and learned to watch some YouTubers who explain how to write scripts well
3. Current goals/achievements on the platform - To pursue a goal and learn new things
4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc) - My role in the developer community is Programmer to learn new things and be a better developer
5. Anything else you would like to include - I will be happy to contribute to the developer forums by being an active members on it.

Hey everyone! I’ve just leveled up to being able to talk. I’ve been reading a lot of threads here on the forums for quite some time, and am glad i can finally post some. I’m currently working on a open world space game titled Gravisphere. I look forward to sharing some ideas and questions with all of you, as well as answering some. Should be a lot of fun!

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1I find roblox by a friend
2I started making scripts but i preffer building
3My goals to achive is making a low poly game

Hi Everyone!

I am super excited to be here!

I found Roblox through my daughters a few years ago. They’re completely in love, and I cannot blame them! There are three reasons why I started my development journey? My children, my past and my hopes for the future.

I remember the first Roblox game my daughter’s created. They worked extremely hard, and I was so very proud of them! That took me back to when I was child. I remember the first time I played a console system. It was after a long risky surgery. The hospital had a game console in the day room, and I can’t remember which one, but they also had an Asteroids arcade game. I would go to the day room everyday to play, even for a little, although I was in pain. and there were times I couldn’t go, but when I did, it made me feel a whole lot better. It is a memory, a feeling, that will always stay with me for the rest of my life. Now as an older adult, I am excited about the possibilities. I didn’t think I could even do something like develop a game! Now, I’m dreaming of making my this my reality, fulltime!

Although, I hold a degree in computer programming, I haven’t been industry in many years, and I haven’t worked on any projects for a long time. I am a bit rusty. I am almost up to speed and following the tutorials at Learn Roblox. I hope to develop some cool interactions and looking forward to working on a full blown game, as a developer.

One thing that I quickly learnt about roles: there are many different roles each fulfilling and exciting! I decided on Programmer because I wanted to get back to doing what I love, and I cannot wait to learn, grow, share, and repeat in the Community.

I am so looking forward to meeting you all and I am proud to be apart of this digital family.

Thank a million for this opportunity!

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Welcome - Cannot wait to see your games!

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I have been developing on Roblox for about two years now, and I started making my own game a few months ago. My favorite things to make on Roblox are modern buildings, music creation systems, and cool plants (Using Blender).

I have taken an audio apprenticeship, where we record bands and mix the audio. That apprenticeship gave me an opportunity to do audio for a film, which was really cool.

here are some pictures I took of my buildings, and a link to my game:
Dangerous DJs

Some DJ booths:

Cool buildings:

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  1. I personally found Roblox through an advertisement I saw on google back in 2016. As I was searching for a game to play on my old laptop, I noticed a link to Roblox and clicked it. I’ve been on the platform on and off ever since.
  2. My first few years on Roblox were spent in the army roleplaying community. I eventually gained the desire to create my own army group. To do so, I slowly learned about this whole other community on Roblox, the developer community.
  3. I am currently developing a new type of lifting simulator game with a team of 5 other developers. With that being said, my most important, current goal is to create a game that hits over 1 million visits. The army roleplaying game I made hit 100,000 visits, it’s time to step it up.
  4. Game Designer
  5. Anyone looking to make their own game doesn’t have to do everything themself. There is no shame in commissioning or teaming up with different developers to make your game the best it can be!

I found it by a old friend during the summer, I started building first then went to clothing and expanded my knowledge on making them. My current goals is to be the best clothing designer! My role is a Clothing Designer since I make military uniforms and tons of other stuff.


Hey everyone! I just got promoted to member because lately I have been messing around on roblox studio so I have been visiting the roblox developer forum a lot, It’s been a huge help! I’m glad I’m finally in.

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  1. How did you find Roblox?
    I found Roblox on the app store. It was good =)

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    By downloading Studio and giving it try.

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to release a good secure game…

4.What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
My primary focus is programming / building

5.Anything else you would like to include
I am new to programming as a whole. I have been learning for about 2 weeks now (OnStudio) and i am really enjoying it.

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Hi, I’m new
1: I found Roblox because my friend was talking about this game and now I play it
2: I get started with dev on the Roblox platform because I like computers and programming(I’m a very bad dev)
3: My current goal is to get better at developing and making a game(I’m learning Lua)
4: My role is a programmer (but not too good programming)
5: I am shy

okay its “Because” and welcome dude!

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Hi, I’m KRXSHJEK. I’ve finally been accepted as a member of The Roblox DevForum.

Back then when I was 8-9 years old (2016) as a Call Of Duty fan, while in Summer Break, then my cousin asked me about Roblox. He kept bugging me about it, so I told him that I’ll play. My favorite games back then were, MeepCity, Work At a Pizza Place, and Design It!

I got started with development in 2019. With the encouragement of my cousin (not the one who kept bugging me) making a game called “ZOMBIE SURVIVEL!!!” (Come to think of it, it was just all free models, haha).

My goal is to make a game as unique as possible and complete it. I’ve already been starting to make those, but then there are just errors, the game lags a lot due to a lot of stuff, and just doesn’t seem fun.

Now as for my role. I really don’t know, I’m really a wild card when it comes to developing.
But I consider myself a builder because I really see myself build often.

Alright, cya!

  1. ¿Cómo encontraste a Roblox?
    RTA/= cuando estaba utilizando la computadora me apareció el juego como recomendación y lo empecé a jugar (hace 2 años)
  2. ¿Cómo empezaste con el desarrollo en la plataforma Roblox?
    RTA/= empecé creando un juego hace un año el cual abandone, pero este año me motive para crear mi juego
  3. Objetivos / logros actuales en la plataforma
    RTA/= mi objetivo es poder crear un juego ya sea en grupo o por mi cuenta
  4. ¿Cuál es su papel en la comunidad de desarrolladores? (por ejemplo, GFX, diseñador de interfaz de usuario, programador, constructor, etc.)
    RTA/= diría que constructora, me considero una persona creativa, aunque estoy intentando aprender lo que es los scripts y demás

Hello! Before I introduce myself, I’d like to say thank you very for accepting me into the Developer Forum.

My username is Ayisuyl, or as others will know me, WiseGuy. Graphics has always been a passion of mine on ROBLOX, and I have made things from group logos to game icons to channel art, etc… I started professionally around late 2020. I’ve made all sorts of games too but never really got the right idea to continue. As well as developing, I enjoy making videos about ROBLOX to educate and entertain.

From when I first started playing in 2015, to my first account in 2017, and when I started developing professionally around 8 months ago.

I hope to be a great addition to this forum. Thanks again!

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