Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello, I’m new here
I found Roblox a long while back starting this account in 6th grade after school in a computer class.
I started with using blender to create 3D renders of different types of items that I thought would be nice to see as a part of Roblox one day.
I am an aspiring UGC creator so my current goal is to grow my list of created items and one day make it into the program.
My role would be a Modeler


Hello, I am FiestaPig, Fiesta for short? Glad to be accepted into DevForum.

About myself:
I couldn’t really remember how I founded Roblox, probably from Youtube, but I had lots of fun memories of playing Roblox since 2013.

I make a game that wasn’t really good, but it was fun building back then with my old friends as the time joining and it was a wonderful experience. It was easy to build when Roblox provided a tool that had blocks and cars to place in my world. It was a thrilling experience.

Goals for me are to understand and implement codes so I can one day make a game that is functional and with purpose. I do GFX using blender but I would say it was fun, but for experience. Made a total of 6 GFX I assume and it was a lot of time and effort I put in, but it wasn’t my choice.

I would say that I’m a Programmer. Started learning early this year.

A game that I’m working on, it’s really fun and I am looking forward to keep working on this game until it is complete.

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I’m VortMesa and I originally became a commisioner but now I am the Co-Founder of Stone-Haven County Asylum, a application-based group with 8000 members as of now!
I found roblox first in 2013 over some people I was surrounded with and officially joined in 2015 on a very old account I am yet to recover.
My development mainly started with building and I gradually started to make assets for some small games in exchange for robux.
My Goals? To learn. I want to learn Lua by experimenting and learning off other threads and how to make mini projects soon!
I currently label myself as community and production manager in SHCA but I used to be a developer in it’s early days! (Credits to imminium)

Thanks for making me applicable for the DevForum as it will greatly help me improve my skills with personal feedback.


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Hello, I started playing roblox in late 2014. At the time I was on mobile, and I always wanted to make games, learn how to code, and build. Somewhere in the middle of 2018 I got hacked and made a new account. (The current account I am using is an alternate account find me @hydronutant). Then I found the dev forum which I was not old enough to use at the time. Now I am. I have been working and yeah! The current goals I would like to achieve is being able to get more higher quality builds, and scripts. My role in the development community is, as you may know building, and scripting. At the current moment I’m not great at scripting but I am okay. If you would like to help me learn reach out to me! I’m very happy to join the developer forum and community!

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Hi, I am iuc. My current account has existed since early 2015, but I started playing on an account a few years prior which no longer exists.

I started development making free model places to play with my friends. I haven’t been consistently developing since then, but have been coming back to try new projects, steadily advancing my skills. I have only made a few small proof-of-concepts, and I’m currently thinking about a longer term project but am not sure yet.

I’m a programmer, hope we can get along.

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Hello. I’m obviously new here and I am glad to be accepted into the Roblox community! I discovered Roblox when I was about 4 and played classics as a guest for a bit before I made other accounts so I’ve known it well for over 8 years now.

I started all kinds of projects for fun on Roblox when I was young before actually getting serious about it.

I’d say I’m good in building and decent in scripting(Learning more in scripting), and would like to learn more programming languages in the future possibly for my carreer, but I learn more everyday and will continue to.

I’m currently bilingual and I travel.

My Discord is sebaa#9600 so I’m open to new suggestions, requests etc or anything within that matter.

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  1. How did you find Roblox?
    This was back in 2014, I genuinely cannot remember. I think I saw some other children play a blocky game so I searched “free blocky game” and found Roblox. Atleast that’s what I think.
  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Badges. Apparently badge walks made a lot of bank so I started there but my skills have taken me farther than I can imagine.
  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I want to make a game that is original and actually has a daily amount of people joining it, like 1000 or something.
  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
  5. Anything else you woulld like to include
    I’m Obtuse, and I have something to offer. I don’t know what yet.

Yay! I am finally a member! It’s an honor to be accepted into the forum! Nice to meet you guys!

Time to introduce myself now I guess.

Hi, my name is PokemonGamer_HD101, I’ve been playing Roblox since 2016 or so I guess (Though it started out with me playing Roblox on my old account which I haven’t been using so lately back in 2014)

  1. I found about Roblox when I was searching something up as a child probably when I was Primary school back in the day, then this ad called “ROBLOX” appeared, clicked on it and boom created an account in 2014 (Though it had safechat at the time)
  2. I started doing random stuff in Roblox Studio, though I don’t remember I guess.
  3. My current goal I guess is to get a game that has 100+ visits, at least, my current achievement was getting the Golden Crown of O’s this year.
  4. I’m sort of a, Sound FX designer in some sort of way, but I don’t know.
  5. I am currently learning Japanese (Which is really hard!)

Neat, guess I’m a member of the devforum now!

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Thanks Roblox for promoting me on the forum. Hey everyone I am Gaming! When I first found out about Roblox it was recommended by some friends, I decided to join and start to play. I started to develop on the Roblox platform when I started to know how to build/script in Studio.

My current goals are to make fun games for people to enjoy.

My role in the dev community is a Builder.

That’s all!

Thank Roblox for promoting me to this DevForum member!
Have a nice day :smiley:


Hi! Im westyboy08, Or QWERTY As my nickname, I like developing stuff! Especially programming!


Hello :wave:! i am WinterSwipe also known as Winter.

How i find Roblox ?

i found roblox from my friend since 2017.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I started in 2018, at the time i’ve always uses free models not knowing the possible virus. I Started as a builder.

Current goals/achievements on the platform

My currently goal is to learn scripting but this goal was never achieved ever since i started developing so i moved to building. Right now i still struggle with scripting.

What is your role in the developer community?

My role in the community is Builder and Programmer.

Anything else you would like to include

i made my first group here.


Hi! I’m bootskibird and welcome to my introduction post!

I first found Roblox in late 2015 when my friends introduced me to it! I played a bunch of fun games and found myself making my own games too! At first, I had no idea how to build and I taught myself through tutorials and experience.

Some of my achievements:

  • Grew my clothing group to over 1k members
  • Over 60k clothes sold in total
  • Over 100k place visits in total

Although I have many achievements, I still have some goals. I would like to grow my group even more, gain even more sales, and possibly make a game that is enjoyed by many people. I would also love to learn coding and scripting.

My role in the developer community is a clothing designer, builder, and beginner GFX artist.

Thanks for reading my introduction and have a great day!



I found ROBLOX back in 2012 randomly surfing the web for games, I knew a few people playing at the time however never really played as a group. The first game I came across was the original base wars on a guest account. I continued to play random games now and then not really committing until my friend and I wanted to join a star wars group. After that, I hopped over to NUSA and became fascinated with ronations where I continue to devote my time to today.

I first discovered ROBLOX Studio when I came across Stargate Command owned by @Ancientblue where I got the support of developers at the time to dive into building. My first task was to create props and whatnot and then progressed onto unioning (which at the time was new). Ever since I’ve stuck with a few developers throughout my time on ROBLOX going away doing freelance from time to time doing my own thing.

I’m currently a developer for OurStandingFounder’s USA which is an incredible community with amazing developers that create some spectacular pieces of work for the Washington DC game.


A year and a half late but I haven’t seen this before.

Hello there, I am :cloud_with_lightning: TESLAC0IL :cloud_with_lightning: and as one might guess, I am interested in the works of Nikola Tesla and many different things having to due with high voltage.

My former friend.

I opened studio and expected I would do something.

Release an experience that wins a bloxy. (I am doing pretty well for a solo dev with… difficult goals)

Programmer, Builder (if I take the time to be one), and I am learning to compose.


Hello! I’m ramdoma/RamdomryRadical, and here’s my small introduction:

I found ROBLOX through a friend in 2016, and had a blast playing all of the awesome games back then.

I started ROBLOX Development in the middle of 2019, just making a few buildings and having fun!

My current goal is to become a good programmer I suppose.

I am a programmer!

Not really, I look forward to talking to you all on the forum!


Hey am new here :grinning:
I started my development from making simple games to getting commissions. My goals is maybe making a successful game and doing commissions actively. Im actually a builder in the community. I’d say, “Hello to the community!”

Thanks :smiley:

here are my recent builds:


Hello! I am checksover2/checks.
I found Roblox in 2018, I didn’t play much but over time I started to play more.
I started Roblox Development in 2020. I made some really simple sword fighting games.
My current goal is to become a better developer and become a better programmer.
My current role in the developer community is a builder.
Anyway, I am glad that I joined the Devforum and look to continue developing on Roblox!


I am CDev. I have been playing Roblox since 2016. One day in that a friend of mine showed me this game. I got started with development on this platform in 2018. I don’t remember exactly how I got into developing on Roblox. My current project is a Roblox grand strategy game project. My role in the developer community is a Programmer. That is all I have to say. Glad to be in the DevForums!

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