This is my first post on Dev Forums!
Hello! Hi! Howdy! Hey! Aloha! Greetings! Sup! Nǐ hǎo! Hola! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! Ciao! Hallo! Hej! annyeong hashimnikka! Privet! 'ahlan! Olá! Namaste! Salam alaikum! Hujambo! Dia dhuit! Howzit! G’day! My name is HDMI_123456789, but you can call me and refer to me as HDMI. I joined the Developer Forums on 10/12/21. Currently I play a variety of different games, some including, but not limited to: Jailbreak, Farming and Friends, Aimblox, etc. I hope you enjoy the introduction that I have for you down below.
I found Roblox back in 2017 when my best friend introduced me to the game. I found it very intriguing, so I gave it a try in 2019, and I was hooked.
Sometime in the 4th quarter of 2020, I suddenly wanted to become a developer. The thought was random and I told myself I would give it a try, because why not.
As a developer, I have many goals; some are foolish, while others are not. Some of my goals are very miniscule and some are big important ones. A few of my goals include: Gaining experience with different genres of games (either individually or part of a dev team), being able to program, model, build, great GFX, animate, etc. all on my own, with help from players who are willing to teach me (I am always looking for teachers) and advise/guide me to become a great developer. Another goal which I have for myself is to make a name for myself - in a good way of course. I want to be known for my awesome development skills. I hope that while I am here, I can accomplish my goals.
I briefly mentioned this before answering the third question. Currently, I have no set/permanent role in the developer community. I would like to be everything. I would like to, and I will certainly try, to master all the roles. (If you are interested to teach me, DM me, I would appreciate it) GFX artist, Builder, Modeler, Animator, Programmer, UI Designer, Clothing designer, etc.
There are a few ways you can get in touch with me for whatever reason. It could be that you want to collaborate with me for a game, you might want me to join your dev team, you might want to ask me for help for something, you might just want to chat, I am ok with all of those reasons. You can DM me via Discord at CLife007#2525 or you can Roblox message me if you don’t feel comfortable DMing me. If I don’t answer your message within 72 hours, you can try again.
It is an honor to be accepted as a member of Dev Forms and to be a part of this wonderful developer community. Thank you for your time and support. Have a great rest of your day!